>CEMUfags have already played more Zelda than those who have preordered the Switch
>CEMUfags have already played more Zelda than those who have preordered the Switch
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>buyfags in charge of not being cucked to death
I don't believe it works before someone spoonfeeds me some video proof.
It doesn't work at all. The only ones who have played Zelda are the ones with a hacked Wii U using the brazilian method.
So once again it's just salty PC neckbeards falseflagging
op didnt lie he just left out some important parts but what he said was technically true haha goteem gotteeeem
how can you play it on an emulator, without feeling bad??? I mean, the developers at Nintendo spent so much love, time and money in this game. Just because of people like you the videogame industry loses millions of dollars. But why do i even complain? People like you should go to jail, you basically are stealing from Nintendo. I just don't undestand how you still enjoy the game by stealing it.
Just because you can't effort it doesn't give you the right to steal it.
For example:
Just because i can't afford a car, doesn't mean i have the right to steal a car.
Videogames are a luxory, that's not a secret.
I'm a cemufag myself but that's not true you fucking warmonger
right in the feels....
>I just don't undestand how you still enjoy the game by stealing it
If you don't enjoy something just because you didn't pay money for it you're deluding yourself into enjoying it when you do because of your post purchase rationalization.
If you hate Nintendo, you actually feel great emulating.
I have it preordered, but I wouldn't feel bad at all if I didn't have a wii u already. These multi-million dollar corporations like nintendo don't deserve any sympathy from me, only Americans are brainwashed enough to actually care that a large company can't fuck them over as much as they could. They won't starve to death just because a few anons emulate their game, and if they do starve because of it, they deserve it.
>tfw have the money to buy a Switch and Zelda but going to emulate it instead
Who /devilish/ here?
Why would I feel bad for hurting Nintendo? Nintendo is the cancer killing gaming. They need to be hurt and forced to go third party as they should. I will NEVER EVER buy a Nintendo game as long as they stay exclusive to their console.
Pirating is not stealing, it's copying. Stealing would be going into a factory and taking one of the BOTW discs.
Jokes on you I feel BETTER knowing I'm hurting nintendo
You give me an alternative then that's >$50 that allows me to play this one singular game then. I don't want to spend $260 on something I may not even be all that interested in.
Where is the ISO/we filetype the game is for BotW?
I'd love to not spend $400 this week if I can just emulate.
Also never used CEMU before, is that WiiU's version of Dolphin?
Maybe in a couple of months.
It's pretty good that the game even boots.
Is it running in 4K yet?
we can start it, but you won't come past the save selection (when it actually starts the game)
We have to wait for the cemu devs to do something
>he hasn't tried 1.6.2
Top bait
>tfw the last original nintendo game I bought was a SNES one
>tfw emulated 64
>pirated GC using XENO
>pirated DS using R4 flashcards
>pirated wii using xeno then patched IOS
>got a wiiU only when loadiine became available
>now pirating on 3DS using CFW
I'll get a switch when piracy becomes a thing.
I'm playing it on a emulator because Nintendo tried to jew me for the last time
>60$ game
>20$ season pass + amibo jewery to get the complete experience
I hope they rot in hell
You clearly don't hate their games
>buys something
>enjoy it
>some fag says, "lol no you r ackchully deluding urself"
And this is a factual reminder that it is still stealing because you are not paying for labor. People spent time and energy to make this so you owe them money.
Wii (you)
>amibo jewery to get the complete experience
Nice try fag
It's been confirmed all Amiibos do is unlock items early and give you skins
you mean had a lot of fun looking at the menu options?
also a Cemu dev admitted he'll only look at it when it releases, sounds like you'll need to keep the patreon money flowing, goy
>People are actually taking the "PLAYABLE 60FPS ON CEMU DAY 1 BTFO SWITCHFAGS" shitposters seriously
Anybody who actually follows the emulator knew there was no chance of that happening day 1. I mean the fact that it straight up launches at all without any specific work done for the game is pretty neat. It'll probably be playable in a few months
>>also a Cemu dev admitted he'll only look at it when it releases
that's diplomatic talk to avoid saying he pirated it and is looking into it already
I know that you weren't one of the 8 people that bought codename S.T.E.A.M. but that game had characters locked behind amiibo shit
that's just to name a game, I could probably list some more
who cares
so have any of you emulatorfags actually gotten past the 5fps menu because every screenshot you guys post is of the fucking menu so i'm beginning to doubt
>also a Cemu dev admitted he'll only look at it when it releases
Yeah because surely the dev of an emulator is going to publicly admit to piracy
But the fags at GameExplain already used all the Amiibos compatible
how u play on pc help pls???
Oh you're talking about Zelda. I was just assuming that you were defending amiibo's in general.
Nintendo should still die for that jewish shit
Use your head man. If he admitted that he had a copy of BotW before launch then there's no way he could avoid a legal suit. That's the last thing CEMU needs right now...
>hurrr it only unlocks items early and gives you skins
Fuck off. If I pay for the season pass which already is a shitty thing that shouldnt exist in the first place by locking out content I atleast expect to get EVERYTHING.
I bought and supported Nintendo all the way up to the WiiU but I can't stand their jewery anymore.
>Inb4 well other companies pull this shit too!
I don't care I don't buy that trash either.
So? Is life some sort of competition who gets to play Zelda first?
if playing a loadscreen counts then sure
Nope. The game freezes if you try to start a new game or a save. Although the touch function still works for some reason. So its only a menu simulator for now. But the main menu runs at 60 fps so there is that.
>muscle girls
Something you guys dont seem to understand is that a pirate copy is NOT A LOST SOLD COPY. Some people won't pay for the game even if they have the money. Some people won't buy until they are able to try it and see for themselves if it's worth it. SOME PEOPLE DON'T HAVE A WII U. Piracy doesn't make games sell less. It makes the word spread. I myself review and recommend games to the whole internet without having payed for them and a lot of friends have bought games i pirated just because my recommendation. See where you fail yet ?
>I bought and supported Nintendo all the way up to the WiiU but I can't stand their jewery anymore.
You're living in a fantasy world, matey.
good bait
but they don't DESERVE to play it if they won't buy it. it's not just pure business it's also about MORALS.
>expecting morality
>in this world
Just stop, you're a lost cause.
people don't see piracy as a deeply immoral issue
it's like jaywalking, it's illegal but people don't care
>I'm ok with Nintendos new maximum jew practices fucking me in the ass because other companies have been fucking their fans in the ass for years
I'm glad I'm not as blind and ignorant as you are.
OwO whats this
whatever you say falseflagger
Wrong thread?
If Nintendo would quick their exclusivity bullshit and start porting their games to the PC market, aside from making a ton more money, I would buy it. As it stands, I'm not going to buy a brand new system just to play one game that I may or may not enjoy, so I'm going to emulate it. They weren't getting a sale from me to begin with and as a result they aren't losing any money from me emulating it.
Is there a site from where you copy those stupid quotes?
You arent being moral at all, you just want to fuck over people.
Just got this in my mailbox. How mad are you guys?
People can already pirate it so I don't know why anyone would be upset.
>buying something you can get RIGHT NOW for free
kek you can't even play the legit version right now
>I piracted it on WiiU
>you bought it
lmao, are you upset?
>wii u
If anything I pity you.
It's a completely different experience to play it with no guilt.
60 FPS and the audio working, right you fucking retard?
what kind of a fagget feels guilt because of piracy? you know nintendo is one of the richest gaming companies to ever exist right? lmao
they jew people on hardware prices, also see all accessories and controller prices for the switch.
if anything, pirating nintendo games feels extra good
Enjoy your inferior version user.
You, YOU evil prick!Don't you think they have families to feed? How would you feel if you were to spend lots of weeks on a project but ended up not getting paid in return, not because it was bad but because people found it more convenient to get it for free without any effort given?You are the reason i hate humans so much!
You can pirate a game you purchase and also emulate a game you purchase, you know.
How can one emulator make so many people mad?
Tgen why dont you go back to your planet then?
Stay mad
>worst-selling big 3 console
>best emulation support of them
Torrent where?
what anime?
the piratebeach
Is it farfetched to hope they have an undubbed mode (i.e. japanese audio with english subtitles) a bit after the CEMU version becomes runnable? I don't want some 30-year-old Sarah Miller voicing a teenage Zelda. And my Japanese isn't good enough to read it without English either.
Ore no newfag konna ni new wakekanai!
shut the fuck up gay weeb xD
No, you. Also just google it.
We're in an age in which people are against the idea of emulating?
Its an equivalent and superior way of archiving a game. It doesn't even guarantee the correct experience and is incredibly demanding in hardware.
In what justifiable way would you be against emulation?
"I hate nintendo but I'm gonna play their games"
Kys dumb faggot
>I hate how Nintendo's been implementing their current policies but they still make games I want to play.
How is this hard to understand?
You retards realize it won't fully and properly work on CEMU for at least several several months.
I don't know what all the shitposting is about
No one owes them shit. The consumer decides what they're willing to pay for a service. If a consumer decides they don't want to pay and would instead use the copy that their friend already acquired via whatever means, they are free to do so. This is no different from that. There is no loss of property and no unlawful transfer of funds.
It's okay if you want to play old games.But if you are going to emulate newly released games then it's morally wrong.
I am pretty convinced flags were put up to insure that if it didn't emulate on day 1, people had their TORtanic.
Even though emulation is anything but bad.
>money is good boogieman
I imagine a very edgy teenager is saying this
Oh shut the fuck up. There is nothing wrong about emulating current games.
There is no way to play PT or Scott Pilgrim now that they're off the servers. They're gone forever.
The Wii U is going out of production soon, which means copies of Wonderful 101 and Xenoblade Chronicles might as well stop being produced if they don't get ported to the Switch. Let's throw in Bayonetta 2 as an extra measure.
The concept of morality in a capitalistic system is so retarded anyways. You don't take into account third-party vendors that buy the game at a low price and sell it high.
You'll find some way to make somebody feel bad for getting the game the way they wanted to.
>Only video proof is a game that doesnt work on the emulator
Pirate fags BTFO
By that logic, it's morally wrong for me to borrow my friend's lawnmower to cut my grass instead of purchasing my own.
Yeah you're not stealing an actual game! You are just not paying for the experience that they are requesting money for... which means you most likely won't ever purchasing the game... which means you got the experience they request money for without paying... which is... not... stealing...
>you're a dumbass
It's not morally wrong to buy the game and emulating it.
Emulation is not illegal.