How do you eat and get comfy when playing video games?

How do you eat and get comfy when playing video games?

>eating while playing games
>getting your controller all greasy
>any year

buy a new controller. Don't be such a cheap bitch. Lifes to short.

3ds in bed while snacking on pistachios
Super comfy


>I only play HARDCORE PC gayms like LEAGUE, CSGO, and OVERWATCH

Try again, peasant.

I want to get comfy with this qt

Wanna get comfy together?

I have such a bizarre relationship with soda

>Growing up I wasn't allowed to have soda at my mom's house while my mom and stepdad guzzled pepsi by the gallon
>Dad let me have a glass a weekend at his house so I made sure to make it count and only have it while I was playing games
>No fast food whatsoever was allowed at either house
>Grew up relatively thin because of this
>Meanwhile whenever I would go to my friend's house he would LITERALLY CHUG can after can after fucking can
>Would save his allowance to buy 24-pack cases of mountain dew in both green and red for when I came over
>I could stomach maybe two cans in one night while he's be cracking open can after can
>When we hit our mid-20's and all of his fucking fell out he decided he should maybe stop
>Now he's one of those HURRRR I ONLY DRINK WATER YOU FAT SACK OF SHIT people and if I so much as crack a single can within his vicinity he goes all "OMG YOU'RE GONNA GET SO FUCKING FAT" mode

He's the kind of person who gets like four whoppers on whopper wednesday and thinks it's okay because he goes to the gym three times a week, he'll be dead by his 40's.

>fucking teeth*
Sorry I should have proofread my rambling nonsense

Sandwich/pizza/chips and a coke. I always eat with my right hand because it's my mouse hand and I'd rather get my mouse greasy than my keyboard.

I usually eat two 40 mg ritalin, drink a couple litre beer and smoke like a chimney

my room smells like a hamster cage

potatoes and onions
tangerine juice
essentially that's all I eat anyway.
it can all be eaten with a fork, especially if it is cut up beforehand, and convenient to snack on while playing vidya

What a way to disrespect and ruin your own body and health. Absolutely disgusting.

Water masterrace

i use stimulants to go around hunger when playing

These are pretty great. Best eaten without butter.

Beef jerky, too bad it's not sold in this bumfuck hick town.

Lay on my couch, make something to eat (usually cheese ravioli + sauce or bagel bites if I'm lazy), throw a blanket over myself and have a good time.

I would think that would be exactly where it would be sold

GF feeds me when i play vidya.


Jesus dude

No fuck off you gay degenerate

It's not gay if I'm a girl

> hick town
> No beef jerky

Nigga what?

I generally play before I go to the gym soon I have a protein shake and relax in a recliner.
If it's later in the evening I eat some carrots or bell peppers for that refreshing crunch and drink either water or a beer, depending on the day.
Nothings better than a light beer after a workout btw

My kinda girl. Let's grab some Oden and practice with Samidare. Just say the three magic words.

I-I dunno the words

This is the ultimate comfy.

It's El Psy Kongroo. I can't keep reminding you. One day the Organization will come for me, I wont be here forever.

>did I mention I work out!

t. john titor

If he hits the gym 3 times a week he's fine. You're the asshole not making your body better.

your friend is right and you're the one bitching about something as petty as soda. maybe you should drink more water?

It'll be even shorter if you treat it as one continous meal and can't take a break from eating to play a goddamn game you fat piece of human garbage fuck you

Except I also go to the gym and I might have MAYBE one or two cans of soda on the weekend and he's being a hysterical baby.

>Lives on copious amounts of fast food, eats like absolute shit, refuses to eat fruits or vegetables
>Thinking just water and gym are going to keep his arteries from clogging

You're fucking hilarious

It's not that common of a snack in Finland. Also fucking expensive, like 70€/kg. (74$/lb)

No kriek either, and for some reason they took Radler off the shelves too so fuck me. I also made the mistake of buying cherry Pepsi Max on a vacation, and now I'll never have more of it.

I dunno if that's really a bizarre relationship with soda? Seems pretty normal considering the circumstances user.