Can you name a more hype moment in gaming?
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Didnt you just try this thread like an hour ago
breaking off the ship's mast and shooting it into the squid's head during the squid battle in zack & wiki
Most of Wonderful 101.
Like, it's not even a contest.
Any Vergil moment, any boss foght in NG, Bayonetta 2 opening, probably something from Digimon World
Can we play it on Cemu?
most other MGR bosses are more hype
Like I would know. I don't give a fuck.
A link to the first boss battle with the two headed cyborg dragon would have sufficed, showing him the finale is overkill
The Monsoon fight was more hype imo.
That doesn't answer his question at all. Why even respond?
KH2 final fight with Xemnas as a whole
that bit in bayo 2 where suddenly the fag you're fighting summons one of the giant angel bosses from bayo 1 to fight you, so you summon a demon to fight it
it is truly why videogames were invented
Yakuza 0's Kuze fights
Pretty much the only good parts of the game, sadly.
Best part
The part where Bayonetta shows off her ass
any boss fight in Automata
fight me
Nothing about that shit was hype. It was just fucking retarded.
Most of Asura's Wrath
The final mission in AW's part 4 is literally just a hyper version of 101's ending
if the game kept up the momentum past the 3rd or 4th chapter, it would've been great
the final boss was very anticlimatic compared to the battles before it
also some of the chapters end abruptly without a boss or cut scene to move the story along, I wonder if the game is unfinished
Buy the final mix edition goy
there is no final mix, what are you taalking about?
what did you call me?
a boy?!
How are any of the other bosses, with the exception of Armstrong and maybe Metal Gear Excelsus, more hype?
Fuck you nigger.
also goro embracing his madsona
Spot the angry nintoddler
Not him, but to denounce piratefags, obviously
Don't care, I played it on the wiiu.
Use google next time retard.
>I don't know.
>Not "Demon lord of the round table, I pray for your success."