Nintendo won

Nintendo won

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PC won though.

>multiplat indies

No games



>Jackbox Party Pack 3

>Games that every system has, many of them being old

It's fucking nothing...
Well at least it has more games than the PS4 at launch.



Thought I saw skull girls on there for a second.

>b-but it's better than Sony! xDDDD

At least it has games at launch. But continue being a salty bitch by all means.

But PC has every game out there except for like.. three.

Hmm... nope. PC still has the best game.

>all those 6 year old indie multiplats.

Nintenbro!! WE DID IT!!!

WarGroove looks cool.

>there is literally no reason for PC right now because Nintendo has all indies

Who Switch + PS4?

>muh emulators
Not an argument

>Pcucks mad they have literally nothing but Nintendo emulators and AAA multiplat garbage


Okay. Even without emulators the PC library is incredibly massive. So you miss out on Zelda and Mario. Big deal.

All those games are on PC you retard.

>indie games counting

>B-But Sony!

Like clockwork.

Where the fuck is my MonHun and why should I care about this console without it?

fucking kek didn't they parade that one around at Sony's E3 conference a few years ago

>more than a year old

user, I.....

>Implying Toby wont put his game on nintendo systems if asked


>incredibly massive
Only because of all the early access shovelware garbage in Steam. These are legit indie games.

>A bunch of theoretical eventually games
Wow It's like I'm really playing a Sony console, thanks Nutendo!

Filename related

Exactly. All your games are on another system AND that system has nintend exclusives.

You've got nothing but MMOs now. Lmaooooo

>Bragging your super maxxed out $2000 gaming rig with super cool flashy LEDs and water cooling can play 8 but indie games

Fucking looool

Just play then on a Nintendo tablet you fucking loser

That's factually wrong though. The Switch has one of the weakest launch line ups in video game history.

Nintendo may be shitty now but at least their online store has quality control.

Tumblrtale never

Yeah, but all the good indie games there have been available on PC for a while now.

I think what that user is saying is that now nintendo can dip its hands into The PC's gaming library and probably put any game they want from it onto the switch if they so wanted.


>Dat data

>tfw it will be 10 years before a working Switch emulator
>literally have to wait a decade before I can play Stardew Valley or Terraria

Why fucking live

>Only because of all the early access shovelware garbage in Steam

Even excluding those the library is still fuckhuge, dude. Take emulators and indie games away and there's still thousands of games to play.

But user.

Only physical games count
I heard binding of isaac was getting a physical edition so it counts

Actually several of those are being released on Switch before any other console.


PCucks exposed.

>all those indie shit will be $50 each
>when you could get them on other platforms or even mobile for less than $10

Kill yourself, Cory.

>forgets the E-shop is a thing

Is this truly the best Indies have to offer? Is this what pcfags have been bragging about all these years?


Shut up cuck, Cory is based

I'm not even think the switch is a good idea and still don't have a severe case of false memory syndrome.
Ps4 launch titles were horrible.

Every indie game is significantly more expensive on Nintendo than on mobile, PC, and sometimes even the other two consoles.

Try again.

Fast RMX and Snipperclips, which are sorta like triple A indie games, are only 20 bucks each. Price ranges are a thing on the Switch.

Won the indie race.

Why not just buy a Switch?

Or, you know, buy those games on PC.


exactly and i'm not buying a new console to play old fucking indie games.. what a joke.

>pc gets half of their games taken
>by a fucking handheld


>Portable AND local multiplayer

Fuck yes, I'm pretty glad this whole Switch thing is working out really well.

>Tim Kaine
>Reading Comprehension

Master Blaster zero has me hyped

The majority of these are Switch exclusive or Switch console exclusive, actually.

The fuck kind of rock do you live under, Its getting a fucking movie for crying out loud.
... a piece of shit movie, but i think that's expected of video game movies.

>Runner 3 Switch exclusive


you seem not to realize that you can't take away a game from PC
there's no generations
as long as it ran at one point, it'll pretty much always run
as oposed to literally 90% of consoles
fucking retard

>implying anyone is gonna buy that shit

Look at the Wii u, everyone always lists the same 9 nintendo games.

Looking forward to see most if not all of those on Steam/PSN/XBL in less than a year

This was made for shitposting

Anyways started valley multiplayer will be fun. Blaster master looks amazing. And Runner3 looks better than the first 2.

if commander video isn't in the next smash as the indie rep i will be fuming

Portable versions, so yes. I will.

>indie rep
Loving every laugh.

If that's happening at all, it'd be a tough fight between Shovel Knight or Yooka-Laylee.

PC doesn't have nintendo exclusives you retard
you downloaded a bootleg of the game great job poorfag but that's not the real deal, stop fooling yourself with you shitty emulator machine

>Nintendo has better indie games than the Playst-

Yeah, that's what I thought.

>Runner 3
>Switch exclusive
Damn they must really want to push Commander Video from trophy to character for the next Smash game, can't say I blame them, but I'm not buying a piece of shit hardware to play one indie game no matter how much I love that fucker.

Hopefully it'll just be a timed exclusive like the original Bit.Trip games.

>the indie rep
>indie cameo
Its going to be fucking Shovel Knight

>That 15 seconds of walking around a empty shoreline

So this is the ultimate final power of Kaz Hirai

shovel knight deserves that spot tbqh

It's most likely timed exclusive like the new Shovel Knight DLC

>Only two good games
>Nintentards won!11!!

Fuck off manchild, maybe you can jerk off to shitty games like "World of Goo", but I got my fair share of games that could be made in flash when I was 13 and browsed newgrounds.

>stop enjoying things
t. Jaded Asshat.

>Portable versions
I can't wait to catch you people playing Zelda outside so I can slam your $300 manchild toy on the concrete as you screech autistically.

I wouldn't be surprised, but multiple games were labelled as timed exclusives. Runner 3 was just exclusive. Maybe it's just that they haven't started work on any other system yet.

Reminder to all sonyggers.

If you sell/return/destroy your ps4 and pre-order a swtich, you will become honorary white.


are you fucking 12? kek



How many people did Kaz receive fellatio from to publish this?

What the fuck Sony?

Just like the Vita.

If someone did that to me in public and broke my tablet/phone/game console, I would make him fucking eat it. Hope your face likes broken glass.

Why would anyone want to be white?

Its interesting due to The incentive of owning the game on TV and portable is nice but can Nintendo compete with steam sales?

Eshop shit does not go on sale very often so indies will stay full price for a good while.

>the Vita.

the what?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they kept it as Nintendo exclusive since Sakurai saw fit to make Commander Video the only indie representation in Smash in the form of a trophy.

If I were them I'd be trying to get him playable in the next one too, that'd be huge for business

You'll have to catch me first, faggot.

It's not 2050, so too early to be throwing that shit around ahmed.

Who here hyped for /worldofgoo/ ?

>all those ports and old games
>fucking WORLD OF GOO
>Jackbox Party Pack 3
nigger are you even trying?

Great argument cracka now back to your cuckshed


>wait 10 years to emulate these games on PC when they are already natively on PC