New Mass Effect game play
New Mass Effect game play
Peebee isn't that ugly. Shit I'll fuck her.
Sup Forumsirgins would fuck anything that moves
>that reply/poster count
nice samefagging retard
>Shit animations still and to much banter between the squad when just walking around
I find the new fem"shep" cute. CUTE I tell you.
>krogan and ryder are pushed into the opposite directions
seriously, what the fuck are with these animations.
Why do companies lie? It's clearly finished product.
>peebee is her real name
I thought you niggers were joking.
Peebee is cute
Wtf, femshep never shuts up and cracks too many jokes
Technically, it's just a nickname. Doesn't make it any less retarded.
In all seriousness though the party members look so boring.
I thought Bioware would have to work hard to out bland Jacob.
Bioware continue to surprise me with their incompetence.
That's PooPee.
>Asari turns around
>angle changes
>animation restarts from the beginning and she turns around again
Wtf. This shrekfaced bitch actually glomps that guy? What utter faggotry.
You know, the worst part about all this aren't the shitty animations. It's the eyes. The fucking eyes.
It's all just so cliched and juvenile.
Jesus christ it's almost like this main character keeps getting uglier.
LOL, the door clips through the frame, look behind the characters, HAHAHAHAHA
dem curves on female ryder
Jesus fuck the human looks like a fucking retard.
A laser 10 feet in front of the player goes behind smoke thats a mile away.
Someone webm the part near the start where she jumps down and spazes off a rock
>LOL, the door clips through the frame, look behind the characters, HAHAHAHAHA
>It actually does
What the fuck is going on.
>Design a horrible, horrible looking mess of a character
>showcase them in everything you do
>use them alone to generate hype, even moreso than the main character
WHY?! Are they mad?
>crash landing
>character actually says "any landing you can walk away from"
>"Sam" sounds like a flamboyantly gay man trying extremely hard to speak neutrally
>Hey an obstruction. Maybe there's a console. Let's shoot this rock. Oh look a console.
i'm out
I would romance PeeBee right in her asshole
>not wanting to give me a big kiss
Oh fuck tha'ts bad
Gotta get a webm of that
uncanny valley
>all they had to do was put a plain, grey block of geometry above the door to hide the clipping
>they couldn't even manage that
>Character designs are getting uglier
>I've seen animations like the MC punching someone look laughably bad
>Characters won't shut the fuck up
>Keep telling the audience what to do instead of just allowing us to figure it out for ourselves
I've seen Final Fantasy subseries that looked better and didn't spout exposition out the ass that were better than this.
No, seriously, this is making Final Fantasy XIII-2 look like Mass Effect 2 by comparison.
The graphics look like everything is made of polystyrene
The lighting is only nice thing
Does anyone know if having saves from the previous trilogy matters with this one?
I honestly think she looks pretty cute desu sometimes. Most of the time she looks retarded though.
They shilling propaganda, user. Virtue signalling is more important than anything to these retarded faggots.
>there's actually someone in the comments saying how we are spoiled brats for complaining about the faces and the animations in an AAA game
Fuck this industry
>she's boss eyed now too
fucking perfect
>Does anyone know if having saves from the previous trilogy matters with this one?
Are you fucking kidding? 1-3 don't fucking exist after ME3.
>Does anyone know if having saves from the previous trilogy matters with this one?
dont count on it
>Guy takes out grenade launcher
>Misses 7 out of 8 shots
>Enemy rushes literally infront of his face
>Has to zoom in with his scope to hit it
>Game has new jet pack mechanic and the player makes n attempt to show it off at all
>Need two skils... better get the drone so I can fire and forget it. Dont want too much to think about
Wow this was a shit show.
>3 quirky women, a drag queen AI and a silent Krogan og on a scavenger hunt and press X a lot
wow great gameplay demo
So this... is the power of underpaid poo-in-loos and college graduates.... damn...
at what point does a game stop being AAA and start being just AA again?
>"I'm playing on Normal difficulty for narration"
>Still finds the game hard
Where do they even get these people
I would put my Pee in her Bee
WTF, fucking Bioware, my god
At devolver digital
Looks just as boring as ME3, I'll pass.
How can anyone play as the female ryder in this game? It's not even possible. Thankfully the guy actually looks alright despite being a manlet.
She looks so fucking retarded holy shit
>Everytime someone posts a new Webm the animations get worse
What are the chances it flops?
Will definitely be playing as Male Ryder. But damn, Sara has some sexy ass hips.
I know right? Look at a last gen game female character from Final Fantasy XIII and compare the image above. Just LOOK at how poorly done the graphics look on the character design.
>Decide to go to a new galaxy
>picking out people to invite to your colonization efforts
>someone brings krogan, former bane of the galaxy who can no longer breed
>bringing species that can't fucking breed
>to help colonize
>unless for some inexplicable reason there's no genophage anymore and put the entire new galaxy in jeopardy
Why the fuck would anyone invite the krogan? When they made a list of threats of things that could obliterate the milky way why would the krogan not be close to the top of that list?
What's the story behind this game anyway? Like, at least ME/ME2 had the reapers story which kind of kept me playing the games. What does this have? Space niggers?
>The enemies are slow sponges that are a threat because of the cover in the way
>The person they're chasing that sounds like a wicked witch is called Calinda
>dat campy AI companion
>peebee is a kooky quirky sperg
This was officially made for women and gays
Is there no character customization or something
Absolute zero. It's already a huge success and you know it. I just want Bioware to fucking die already.
low tex. shit shaders on hair. shit shaders on eyes. bad animation. no makeup.
Don't have time to watch. Can I get a quick rundown?
This fucking face baffles me. It's almost incomprehensibly ugly. It's like some kind of fucking ugliness singularity. Nothing about it is really strange, and that's what's most amazing about it. It's not freakish, just profoundly ugly. It's too ugly to be attractive and yet not ugly enough to be humorous or interesting. This face could walk past me hand in hand with a guy who has buck teeth, a hook nose, bug-eyes, no chin, alopecia, and albinism and yet it's this face I'd be grimacing at in disgust. This is the kind of weapons-grade black-market-plutonium ugliness you can only get with a room full of fucking scientists set to the task of making the most disgusting female face ever to stain the Earth with its sheer repulsiveness. The fact that Bioware managed to create such a monstrosity, presumably without the aid of a mad genius aesthetician branded with the unholy mark of Satan and cursed to do his work in the mortal plane, is nothing short of astounding. It's hard to put my finger on any one feature as being the worst offender. Is it the raccoon eyes? The pug nose? The gormless dopey smile? The mound of fat at the base of her jaw? The weird skin texture that makes it look like she washes her face every morning with a hand-towel made of undercooked bacon? I've seen punchable faces before, and this is no punchable face. This is a face that I could not be persuaded to touch for any amount of time, for any amount of money. I am a worse person for having seen it. Jesus Christ.
Read this:
That's your run down.
Where/when should I be looking?
I hate that laser vision, search for clues, it makes no sense, I know it's in a lot of games now, but it's kind of bullshit
also dialogue is Sunday morning cartoon tier
This game is so fucking ugly, why are the system requirements so high?
what the FUCJ is up with those animations
>People are gonna pay good money for this
It boggles the mind
Bioware or Bethesda, who animates worse?
Probably Bethesda, but damn, Bioware is trying.
so Bioware and EA have a cop out when it turns out the optimization for the game is fucking garbage
Is the rifle just glued to her arm?
Looks good.
It's like ROTTB : Ugly games = bad dev = bad optimization.
So it's not just PB&J or Rundown-chan, but literally every asari is uggo now
Wait, can you create your own character? Or are you stuck with these?
fucking topkek
That's pretty much it.
Imagine if the reapers were in humanoid form and that's it.
inb4 this galaxy secretly has reapers too
Your BF is about to get F'd in the B
>that facial animation
>her right hand isn't even holding the gun
Remember to report for advertising
Oh good point. I don't know, I've not been paying this game much attention because I'm going to just pirate or wait until it's on sale sometime.
They aren't actually that unreasonable, the GPU requirements at least.
why is every Asari in MEA a fat face? and not so attractive as before?
big mistake EA
I sure hope you can at least edit them because it would be bad if the face of the game for the future is this abomination
>Former bane of the galaxy
>Literally the heroes of the Rachni war and the only race to be front and center during the reaper invasion no strings attached
I really dont understand this "gen"
Some of the games look amazing, most of them look worse than last gen and run worse too, on even better kit, how?