>Praised this game for years
>Now that BoTW is confirmed shit, people will cry "muh Zelda cycle!" any time I do so now
Feels bad, man.
Praised this game for years
Except Breath of the Wild is confirmed to be game of the decade.
That's not Terraria though
I feel you OP, I've always loved SS
I rag on MM and TP. I'm fine with SS, more or less.
>4 dungeons
That's not game of the decade material.
They took the laziest way out.
MM also had 4 dungeons.
>falling for obvious bait
And it was widely shit on for it.
weird way to say metal gear rising
>mfw I have literally loved every Zelda game even though I have problems with each of them but I don't scream MUH CYCLE like an autist
The only Zelda I genuinely dislike is the first one, but that's only because it just looks so fucking ugly to me and I have to play the SNES remake in order to stomach it.
OOT is the only one I really can't come up with any complaints about.
MM is fucking tedious and the Great Bay Temple is 100x worse than Water Temple ever was.
I never beat WW legit until the Wii U version because the triforce quest pissed me off so much I always Action Replay'd through it.
The tears in TP suck but the rest of the game is fine.
The only things I hated about SS is how much the game eats batteries, how fucking obnoxious Fi is, and how some of the items shit their pants if you don't perfectly calibrate every two seconds.There's also Sky Temple or whatever suddenly ratcheting up the difficulty to 11/10 after the rest of the game was pretty easy.
But that's exactly what the zelda cycle is. You're part of the vocal minority right now.
>Baby's first action game
Yeah no.
How could you stand Fi and the constant popups of items? Those made the game unplayable to me, quit after the second dungeon because it's not fun having Fi play the game for me with her constant hints you can't skip. Why even include dungeons and puzzles at all then? I love Zelda but this is my only 0/10 game aside from Fallout 4.
But SS is fucking garbage and it has ben garbage since they made it
>inb4 muh zelda cycle
the retarded amounts of hand holding are insane, they kept me from playing trough the thing.
how can a 7/10 be game of the decade TOP JEJ
>0/10 game
I don't think you know what a 0/10 means.
You're in luck user, this game broke the Zelda cycle forever.
You'll always just be a contrarian hipster with poor enough tastes to stomach motion controls for liking it
SS is absolute shit and will go down as the worst Zelda no matter how many "Zelda Cycles" go by. Controls that added nothing exciting. Way too easy difficulty. Lots of empty walking around. The game non stops with telling you what to do when it isn't hard to figure out anyways.
The goofy characters are probably the only thing I can see people liking about the game because everything else felt worse than other Zelda games.
I do, a game that can't be called one, which fits here because SS plays itself so much it's like watching an interactive youtube video. Fallout 4 isn't one because it's so broken it can be regarded as random assets in a room that barely function. Even No man's sky managed to be a game, albeit a shitty one.
Fuck you.
Me too. It has some of the best dungeons and the best version of zelda
So is it pretty much confirmed that SS has better dungeons than BotW? The dungeons were the best thing about SS, and the overworld was the worst part of it, so it wouldn't surprise me if BotW is the exact opposite of that.
The sand ship was great. I also liked the fact that several boss battles had sword fighting in them.
However, you are absolutely right. I'd even add the empty overworld (or hub-world) as a huge minus.
>Metal Gear Faggot
>game of anything
Ancient Cistern > Sand Ship
>remake of first Zelda
>Be retarded for years
>It gets ridiculed
Wew, what a shock. I guess you actually do fail at everything if you don't always get a tutorial of cutscene showing you what to do :^)
>Now that BoTW is confirmed shit
Where's the criticism. I've literally seen none.
Individually, yes, but Sand Ship had so much going for it, with the chase and everything else. It left a much grander impression, even if Cis is objectively superior.
Isn't every Zelda confirmed to be shit until the next one is out?
Yes, but the First Zelda is always good and SS is always bad. Exceptions in both ways.
>Muh revisionism meme
Why do you faggots get off on trying to pretend like some of Sup Forums's favorite games were never liked here?
It's always been more complicated than kneejerk spergs on Sup Forums will allow.
SS has some very strong points, and some very weak points. Dungeon and enemy designs were strong, while bosses (other than Koloktos and Demise) were fairly weak. The art style is gorgeous and does a lot with the Wii's limited hardware, but the overworld design is barren and the pre-dungeon zones were ultra linear and handholdy.
The game's story is fun, but outside of cutscenes Fi is a constant annoyance.
It goes back and forth, but the end result is a game that balances between good and bad, and leaves me with a feeling of "Meh, I enjoyed it but all this shit keeps me from replaying it."
I didn't claim it was bad just that it doesn't deserve GOTY etc.
OP on suicide watch.
>4 dungeons
You're joking.
unless you consider 100 single to two room areas dungeons.
I love LTTP. I'm talking about BS Zelda, you fucking ape.
There's an SNES remake of the first Zelda you fucking idiot
Fi is annoying, but companions in the series usually are. Do you remember all the shit Navi got before SS released? Every fucking Zelda flash had "HEY! LISTEN!" and everyone hated it. Fi is overexaggerated just like Navi is/was, except Fi is actually useful from time to time
>praises the worst 3D Zelda for years
>expects to be treated like anything but a sub-human
Your logic is flawed, OP. But it's not surprising considering your tastes.
How did I never know this?
Deux Ex was the game of it's decade and had 0 dungeons what's your point?
Botw so far has an awesome overworld. Might get bored eventually thogh encounters are samey.
Fi is in no way overexaggerated. You could skip Navi, who wasn't that annoying, but Fi takes control away constantly and makes the puzzle solving useless. Unacceptable and for a lot of people a good reason to stop playing, it's frustrating, annoying and patronizing. Fi is an insult to gaming.
Huh, shows how much you guys have actually played the original Zelda.
It's more of a remix than a remaster or port.
This game was shit tho, it was shit then and it is shit now. The only, the ONLY saving grace of it is that it is a zelda game, with a large production value and polish behind it. Remember Dragon Age Cisquisition? That one was okay too, but it was still ass, and you know what saved it from being below mediocre? The production values. Production values of having a hundred+ dev team studio, years of refining bugs, tightening gameplay, making the interface vibrant and more.
Skyward Sword is only good cause they literally threw money at it because much was riding on its success. No one can deny that certain feeling that it is kinda assy as you are playing it, while waggling the control as enemy just stop doing ANYTHING to allow you to get your hits in. Even the bosses do this, they just stop moving and wait for you to hit them.
>SNES remake
Nice apples and oranges. You know damn well part of the zelda experience is dungeon crawling. This game loves to market itself as a return to the orignal zelda forumla.
Well guess what. That game had 9 dungeons, and a master quest right on it.
>Now that BoTW is confirmed shit
>a Sonyfag literally created a fictional persona of a Zelda fan who likes SS and laments being grouped in with bandwagoners as a vehicle for inserting ant-BoTW propaganda.
Wow. They are really stepping up the effort. Things must be getting desperate over there.
The reason why you praise it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that Skyward Sword is shit and that you're wrong for praising it.
>confirmed shit
From what I saw on the stream yesterday it was a Zelda game, no more, no less. The open world aspect didn't change that.
And for me I've played almost the exact same story many times in many Zelda games over the years so it just seems a bit stale gameplay-wise.
>console war shit
Go away you inbred faggot
>game is shit
>but making it was expensive and it's zelda so it's good
Why does Nintendo have everyone by the balls? If it's shit it's shit.
>defending Nintendo post-wii
I loved Nintendo up until that point, but they themselves drove me into Sony's arms. Where's my fucking GameCube 2?
>"everything I don't like has to be a from sonyfan"
Why are you zeldafags/nintendrones so predictable? Do you always have to being up a console war to every thread?
>overwatch poster
Casual detected. Opinion discarded
I praised it as well. I liked the motion combat. Found it more interesting to attack correctly rather than wait to attack.
It has 5 actual dungeon (people seem to ignore Hyrule Castle). 120 of the shrines.
You guys are so fucking transparent it's sad.
They're all optional right?
Because they fanboy the most for some reason. I'm an idort so I don't care about any company but of all the fanboys the ones praising Nintendo are the most insufferable. It's like Nintendo has some religious and untouchable status.
Cycle or not you have shit taste
>Why does Nintendo have everyone by the balls? If it's shit it's shit.
Because a polished and refined game isn't horrible by a simple and precise measurement of its ability to entertain. Rating a game from 1-10, Skyward sword would fall about at a 6 or 7. Functions as a game, has a narrative driven story, lots of gameplay elements that work (sortof), and exploration.
I may dislike SS, but I'm not a large enough faggot to call it worst game of all time, or that it is complete and abhorrent shit just cause it falters and missteps. If you want real, literal examples of completely shit games; go to steam, and check out their selection of $5 games and under. Once your eyes are open to the lowest of the lows, you can talk like a smart ass.
And MM sucks
Sonyfags should be happy that BOTW has cross-dressing now. It has RICH and DEEP characters and a COMPELLING story that comments on pressing social issues of our day.
Guess your shit treshold is highee. SS is pure shit to me, but the steamstuff you mention doesn't even exist anymore in my eyes. Made me stop playing pc games entirely, the platform is ruined. Greenlight killed pc gaming.
could you stop derailing the thread?
last (You)
I find that people that say this have no patience or were like 8-10 playing MM's mask at release. A lot of MM's unique appeal comes from critical thinking, about what is being implied, what you may have to do and when.
Children and dumbasses suck at critical thinking beyond just what is in front of them.
Or it's just a bad game
>treehouse ruins Nintendo with their triggered shit
>but Sony has the sjw's
I played for long sessions so I only had to deal with item pop ups once per day. Annoying as fuck but I'd soon get over it.
Fi doesn't really disrupt gameplay though. She mostly appeared during a conversation or cutscene so she can repeat the obvious thing you need to do next.
Just mash the A button, my dude. You don't have to read the dialogue if you think it hinders the game
Pirate here, 12 hours into BotW.
Fuck you and your cycle.
No its infact the only good 3d zelda
Then you must have some really low standards
Games are meant to be fun. If you're not having fun, it could be the game or it could be that you don't like to have fun.
I don't start playing a game waiting to be disappointed, seeking kernels to blow out of proportions. If games make you mad, it's time to put the controller done, and get a life.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Where in my post did I imply i liked twilight princess?
How easy is it to pirate the Wii U? Got one, maybe will do this so I can try botw
Could do these but the annoyances just kept adding up. My main gripe is just that it's so damn insulting, like they think you can't manage to even think for a second. The thought behind this design philosophy just lacks any integrity.
That's what I did though. If I don't like a videogame I stop playing. The whole it gets better stuff just doesn't fit for entertainment, if it's not entertaining you it's not your thing.
>Controls that added nothing exciting.
Sprinting is great. Especially against that big enemy with a shield. That's the tightest shit.
Attacking in the right direction > wait for enemy to fuck up then attack
>Lots of empty walking around
That's a problem in every 3D Zelda.
how do you hate the first game..
put shit on sdcard, load browser easy
And furthermore why is he referring to ALttP as a remake?
The stab instead of swipe can put off newbies. And while not as grid based as say star tropics, it's still only 4 directional movement.
My only two complaints about it, and it's because I have the luxury of looking back. You get used to it.
He said BS Zelda, not lttp. Read the thread.
I hate it too because it's just so boring. I beat it just for the cred. I find nothing entertaining about its exploration, level design, bosses, etc. Music gets annoying too.
I prefer Zelda 2
>TP that high
Fuck you and your opinion.
Skyward Sword is the worst Zelda and I have been saying it's the worse Zelda since it was released
The Zelda cycle is bullshit
hes not you dolt
thank you, nobody ever agrees with me when i call out skyward sword as being terrible
Patrician Zelda coming through.
nintendo made a remake but it was only available on satellaview
roms exist of it though
Still my favorite 2D zelda. Fuck all da haters. They still a victim of their own fancies, not ready to accept the reality. Maybe one day they'll wake up too.
Me too, I loved all the zelda games I have pleyed too, if there is any zelda game that I hate it is, zelda II because I couldn't git gud at it.
ALBW>ST>ALTTP>MM>OOT>The rest of the 2D games>WW>>PH>>>TP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SS
The Zelda cycle is just the defense Wind Waker fags use to hide that Wind Waker is overrated as fuck
Ah I see. I was not aware. Did it reuse assets from ALttP?