Why haven't you became a game developer Sup Forums ?

Why haven't you became a game developer Sup Forums ?

>implying im not

Because I don't want to.

Because I'm studying pharmacy. I don't understand computer science at all.

a job where I exclusively place Ubisoft towers and enemies around a map before somebody higher up scraps it and tells me to do it again for 70 hours a week then Sup Forums calls my game shit and neogaf praises me as a creative artist

>Sup Forums wants games to stop being shit
>doesnt want to do anything about it

Well if I can't program worth a shit, all I'll be making is shit games anyway. Besides coding looks boring to me anyway. I wouldn't mind trying art though after I get my pharmacy degree.

Coding is art with latency.

I'm a lazy, procrastinating piece of shit. I even have my my engine and ide minimized in the task bar right now but I haven't click on them for a week..

I develop shitty HTML5 games on my shitty country.

but I am one

I mean it'd be nice to maybe take a class on computer science to see what I could do, because just looking at it to me alone, it's like a foreign language.

The edits he made are so much better than the original it's not even funny.

Because I have no interest in video games.

Making something out of malice is far more satisfying than making shit for cash.
Also lazy as fuck.

Because I'm worried if I go to college to be one or whatever, then I'll end up getting the teachers/classes that talk about "ethics" in the industry and a bunch of SJW bullshit.
>Have an extensive knowledge of the video game industry and how it works
>Have a good amount of knowledge of what needs to be in a game to make it good
>Most of that would probably go to waste and I'd get stuck working on shit I can't stand

Because all I am is an ideas guy. I can make a game design document but not actually make the game.

I get the point that pic is making but Photoshop =/= 3D modeling

>Have an extensive knowledge of the video game industry and how it works
>Have a good amount of knowledge of what needs to be in a game to make it good
yeah no you know nothing about either of those.

Tried it and didn't enjoy it. For how little enjoyment I was going to get out of it and the pay it nets you in most cases, it wasn't worth the effort of pursuing any further. Unless you get lucky and your game really takes off, you're not really gonna make jack shit for money.

It was way easier for me to just land myself a generic programming job that pays a lot better. I'll take 40hrs a week with 70k salary over 60+ hours a week and meager income based entirely off of the sales of my product.

I don't know shit about making games, but that's not a really a problem these days.

I work at a game company so I hate videogames

I don't hate them just don't play them.

Because I've to restructure my thinking. I would like to understand how c++ works, but it's so damn hard with a shit mind. Can't remember a shit.

the industry won't improve because for every 1 employee that's fed up with the shit conditions there's 5 doe-eyed college grads that think they'll be making the next Dark Souls or Dota after 3 years of shooting nerf guns in cubicles.

I'm not a numale with pink hair, faggot beard and thick rimmed glasses that posts on neogaf about how drumpf and white people are ruining america.

Because Sup Forums as a developer would only create a pc exclusive VR jRPG series about thicc futa onee-sans fighting over who gets to sit on your face.

Nobody would hire me as a level designer

Because I lack the patience and time to learn that stuff.

Stop reminding me that my dream game will never get made

and the concept art will STILL look better than the game

you forgot the anal vore shit explosion

Super Thick Fighter 2 Tubbo.

photoshopping a picture is exactly the same as creating a new model

>He thinks they didn't make her attractive because they couldn't
I mean Bioware is pretty shitty overall, but that is not the reason.

Pretty sure that's reddit territory. Sup Forums will include traps at best

Because I can't art for shit and being a 1MA with a modicum of pride is hell since it takes 5+ years to release something you're satisfied with.

But I'm trying.

This. You can't be in the gaming industry without being a radical liberal, especially in the indie scene. If someone finds out that you post here your career is already dead.