17 Minutes of Mass Effect Andromeda: Peebee's Loyalty Mission Gameplay (4K 60fps) - IGN First


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>The creepy facial animations in the first 10 seconds

Jesus Christ, what a trainwreck of a game.

Nice to see the combat is still just as stiff and uninteresting as the previous games.

>no seatbelts or anything of the sort
>orbital crash into rocky terrain
So that's how it's going to be is it?


Holy shit she's actually going to be the worst/most annoying squadmate.

They need to fix SAM's voice effects. I don't know if it's just the sound they're going for when talking to him via your suit, but he sounds like he's huffing copious amounts of glue in this video. They're muffling his voice WAY too hard.

>le quips and speech patterns from early 2000s

so quirky :) xD :P

>literally witcher senses mechanic
Fucking hell can this game get any worse

thanks for reaffirming my decision not to buy this piece of shit

Combat looks boring as fuck, jesus.

Guy playing it is awful as well, but that's par for the course with gaming bloggers.

>Someone literally named ger Peebee

Can we get squad members killed, or sell them into slavery?

nice graphics I guess

>hey theres [objective]
>we can get squadies "yeah lets do that!"
>look theres a node
so at the end of the day its come down to 'we CoD now' hand hold all the way mode, fantastic.

dropped off a cliff.

I am so glad I missed the boat on these games

ME1 and 2 are not irredeemable, they have their good parts

>Sweet, let's do that!
is that seriously the player character speaking?

do you realize how many people would fucking IGNITE if you could sell characters into slavery

this, i'm literally shaking at xis post

I would be fine killing all of the squadmates except the Krogan and Turian. I haven't seen much of them to decide if they're shit or not

>50% of the dialogue is literally explaining what you need to do
>the other 50 is uninspired bland shit
>the combat apparently has a lot of interesting shit going on, but the guy playing cannot make it seem fun
>half the mission is just walking and tedious "puzzles"
>I was promised exploring but got boring caves and walkabouts with a lot of waiting

The female model does have a nice ass tho. Scenery looks fucking beautiful as well.

Squad members blabbering in the player's ear constantly is a great way to create atmosphere.

The way they're talking reminds me of that lesbian game. And that fucking villain. Good luck with the tumblr demographic bioware.

Combat is shit, level design is shit, story is standard bioware i.e. even fucking star trek has a deeper plot

Why does anyone give a shit about mass effect again?


Fuck these faces man I hate them. They don't look human.

This is a problem for all their games. They really need to hire someone who's good at doing 3D animations.

> good thing you were thrown from the spaceship, you might have died!

hahahaha quirky females are so great ^_^

Star Control did it first, anyway.

>"Pathfinder here exactly what to need to do in order to progress"

is this a tutorial mission?

it clearly states this is a loyalty mission in OP so not even close.

Gameplay looked ok (for a mass effect game). I might get this if they didn't fuck up the story and characters too badly.

What I wouldn't give for a good star control reboot.

>loyalty mission
yeah but its like the first loyalty mission so they hold your hand, right?

Why does the asari talk like a hipster teenager from american upper class


Because she's quirky xD

le quirky :P

stop looking for excuses you played ME2 aintcha? this is just bad.

this game looks great, you're just nit picking

I mean come on the texture work overall looks beautiful, but the rest makes me want to jam a fork into my ears and eyes

Who wrote this shit


her backstory is literally that the original galaxy was too "been there done that"

>the game -looks- ...
underage pls leave.

>Peebee walks to her own daredevil drumbeat and has an unrivalled thirst for adventure. She’s pathologically independent but manages to maintain a loose, even friendly spirit. Bored with the Milky Way, she would have done anything to join the Initiative – flirt, favors, fudged credentials. But to her, she was just hitching a ride to the great unknown.

Nah every modern game needs captain state-the-obvious dude to badger you into doing the thing which is the only thing which you can do.

Apparently the inconvenience of temporarily not knowing where to go next is secondary to the inconvenience of having a patronising asshole telling you what to do the entire time; in every play-through you will ever have of the game.

I can't stand that shit.

Seeing as I got gif material within the first 15seconds, I don't think I'll last long.

If you had told me in 2008 that this video was Mass Effect 2 I would have been moderately impressed. I would also be wondering what the fuck happened to Karpyshyn.

>when the beat drops

Tell me you just made that up. I can't take this anymore.

>Bored of the Milky Way
>Less than 10% of it was explored during the events of the original trilogy

See folks, this is how you write terrible science fiction.

They got the story of yellow submarine wrong.

Now imagine a rainbow-haired landwhale with one hand in xir pants as they wrote this.

>Race that lives 1000 years
>They're spoiled, obnoxious teenagers for the first few hundred of them and yet somehow they are the leaders of the fucking galaxy
Asari genocide best day of my fucking life.

>Negan's spirit takes control of FemRyder

Looks fine, desu.

Not the best choice of mission to show stuff off, however.

Oh I wish I had the rich imagination of BioWare's writers.

I'd react the same way if I saw Peebee's face in person.

>Arbitrary point where characters become "loyal."

I really hope my blackout of the previews and trailers pays off.

Why are they retconning her love for the swamp?

If nothing else that sci-fi armour is 10/10

Yeah how retarded. Fucking Bioware, man, using the loyalty missions thing from past Mass Effect games in their new ones.

Fucking cuckold normies, am I right, guys?

How the fuck did they even survive that crash?

This is hilarious



the pod is, like, really hard metal and stuff
you don't see the people inside so they're fine during the really dangerous and potentially fatal impact backlash


>tfw all facial animations in this game remember you of work, because you used to work with mentally handicapped people and drug addicts on cold turkey


>Still called loyalty missions
They still haven't figured out a way to make more intuitive character development than just DO MY MISSION 9 LOVE YOU NOW.

Let mass effect die already



>those hype comments
God almighty how low we have fallen. Do "gamers" nowadays have no standards?

> Le quirky writing
> Walking simulator
> Combat is boring as hell
> Models are less terrible but animation is still Bioware
> Visuals are nice but hell, rest is just terrible

It's confirmation bias, m8.
Any area which isn't infested by biodrones will call them out on their delusions, so they don't go there.
An infestation will quickly turn on anyone that shows a hint of critical thinking, meaning anyone with a brain avoids them, meaning they become nauseating circlejerks.

Right, but they suffer from Dexter Syndrome: the later entries are so incredibly awful that they actually make the earlier ones look worse. The first 4 seasons of Dexter are great, but I cannot recommend the series to anyone unless they are willing to stop immediately at the finale of season 4 and never go back. Likewise with ME, complete about half of the squad loyalty missions in ME2, and then turn the game off and do not turn it on again.

I'm pretty hyped about the game. I'm not going to defend those animations, though.

>playing normie games
>giving a shit about normie games

>implying BioWare/EA aren't Negan and we're not all Rick

Are you French?

Please tell me there is a character editor so that people can make good looking Ryders.

>current year is a good reason to be socially progressive
>cuttent year is not a valid reason to be technologically progressive
Really makes you think.

like you lurks reddit

>they dead mud eyes
Poor lass

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is Peebee but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _... im 23 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>20 minutes of boring cover-based shooting
>I'm supposed to care because it's "loyalty mission" for an ugly plastic badly written character
Western rpgs, not even once.

Of course there is a character editor

Threads about the latest Shrek movie should go in Sup Forums.


Thank god. I thought for a second that the SJWs would take the only solice for having a good looking character out.

>Peebee bored of the Milky Way

Like less than 1% of the Milky Way has been explored in Mass Effect I thought? Jesus Christ, Bioware. Get your shit together.

vidyakínó is here

The originals aren't good, but people that keep touting this around as how it should look are dumb. The original models are ugly as sin but they still look like people. The edits veer into animu face, particularly the asari.

That does it... I'm not getting MEA. I'm broken hearted to say that, but wow. The writing is SO bad. The character design is embarrassing. The casting choices for the voice acting is literally laughable.

What a disappointment. I was so looking forward to this game. I loved the Shepard trilogy more than any other game series, or even media experience (video game, movie, tv series, book, EVERYTHING) in existence. It was simply the best.

These characters look like they were created in The Sims. The dialogue is rudimentary and basic; without creativity. The voice actors... well... I've heard better... from fan-made Anime dubs.

Sure the mechanics look good, but that's not why I play games. I'm not a Battlefield/Call of Duty kind of guy. I WANT personality, but I want mature, thought-provoking and well executed as well. I was afraid this series was gonna die after Drew Karpyshyn left. Unfortunatly it looks like I was right. /sigh.

After Inquisition, and now Andromeda. I think it's time to say only Naughty Dogs is capable of putting forth good stories with memorable, well-written, AND likable characters. I can't wait for The Last of Us 2 and the Uncharted 4 DLC, Lost Legacy.

Time to move on from BioWare. They had a good run. I followed them since Baldur's Gate clear through Mass Effect 3.

RIP BioWare 1998-2012 (their first good game - their last good game)

>When the Animations are worse than ESO emotes

Did they copied enemy design from No Man's Sky?

Please don't link to an official source for that backstory. I want to live in a world where I can believe it isn't real.

I dunno, this footage where the IGN reviewer invades an Asari spaceship looks pretty good.


Needs work.