What's your favorite mod to play Doom with?

What's your favorite mod to play Doom with?

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Brutal Doom of course

>final version of BTSX E1 has been released
Took long enough

PSXDoom or whatever it's called

Brutal Doom... because ITS FUCKING BRUTAL DUDE!

Chex Quest

Brutal Doom. It's an objective improvement over the original game.

Anyone who disagrees can simply turn off all the game-changing features (which still make it a better game, but I'll agree for the sake of generosity) and it is still an objectively better game.

I think there's too much gore.


MetaDoom, which has an option to randomize the content, so i can mix this with Oblige

DOOM (2016)

That slow ass pump animation for the shotgun bothers me more than it should.

>not even 10 replies in and babbys first doom mod is posted 3 times


Smooth doom - the thinking mans brootal dowm



I usually just play with SmoothDoom and Perkristian's sound mod.


Brutal DOOM without the game-changing features is probably my favourite mod at the moment, excluding total conversion stuff.

RO comrade

What's Smooth DOOM?

Reelism is always goofy fun

This is the only correct answer:

I usually play Infinite Mode. Current record is 75 rounds and 95 minutes, with 12 bosses defeated.

SmoothDoom makes all the animations really smooth and sexy and adds some other sprite options

Smooth Doom with working Droplets when

My niggah

that shotfun animation

What is this faggot vaporwave shit?

Which wad is this?

I was surprisingly disappointed that James & Mike didn't mention it when they were talking about Doom mods.


>ITT: People bashing on Brutal Doom because it's mainstream

smooth doom

It's a balance thing in Samsara. Explosive Shotgun was OP as hell with the standard speed.

I'm still mifffed that Term quit on it before implementing the Unreal 1 protag. I just want to Shock Combo enemy hordes, is that too much to ask? Not helping that I havent found any good Unreal 1/UT99 weapon wads.

>Terrible balance
>Terrible coding
>Stolen assets (even though Mark once complained that NuDoom copied his mod)
>Fans telling other modders to make their mods compatible with BD

Most people who like this mod don't know about any other mod that exists for Doom

Well people tend to try and avoid it if they have an image to adhere to. it's hard to talk about it and it not devolve into a highly censored obvious porn happened "I don't really know what to say" episode

Even icarus lives took ages getting around to it.

People are bashing it because they have taste built on playing and modding doom for two decades.

Oh hi Mark


Has anyone ever tried the hacked version of PS Doom TC?

If what you're saying is true then how can you explain how the popularity and success of Brutal Doom has basically eclipsed that of any other doom mod outside of the small circle jerk of the community?

I like most of them. But right now I'm waiting for final doomer to update.

>AOL: So easy to use no wonder it's #1

Other than adding gore, what else does Brutal Doom change?

>wow why are you guys saying its bad just cause its popular
>dude its so popular it has to be good

Because it gained an audience who doesn't know any other mod or the community itself.

Don't be surprised if these people also think there's only 4 or 3 Doom games and there were never one of the 64 or a spin off with 2 30 levels episodes.

The way how popularity works is that the more people, the less things they know about.

This applies to video games in general, which is why casuals never know any better.

I miss Zdaemon, its a dead community now


Mark already hyped it up years ago, plus it appeals do the BRUTAL crowd who love blood and guts. Not helping that its hyped as THE REAL WAY TO PLAY DOOM, which attracts all the newbies.

what the fuck else NEEDS to be changed about Doom?

I just play map packs with friends.

you can turn it down
if you're a pussy

das rite

Best joke WADs coming though



enemy behaviours
some powerups

Oh, and youtube.com/watch?v=3vVLseesnCY

Wait seriously? I thought it would never happen.
Time to load up GZDOOM then

Demonsteele is top-tier.

None of you really answered the question. There have been popular mods before Brutal Doom that haven't been anywhere near as successful. The advertising and reputation doesn't explain it either, because if it were truly shitty on playing no-one would remember it by now.

I have literally never seen this Brutal Doom newbie strawman everyone complains about, only legions of butthurt Doom purists complaining about nothing

The time it became popular was a time where video games were already dominated by the casual demographic

Who cares? Just play the game the way you want and stop getting buttblasted about how other people play, you fucking autismos.

I was giving you the answer to why people didn't liked it?

When did explaining someone disliking something became the same as screaming like a retard, or you assume everyone else is a baby because you are one yourself?

Ah yes, the "casual" gamer boogey man, which in this context means: "anyone who doesn't play twenty different nuts.wad variants".

>Implying nuts wasn't normie as fuck too compared to wads with actual level design

brutal doom got popular because of youtubers/streamers. seeing brutal doom was probably the first time any of their viewers ever saw doom so it's all they know, and since they're wretched normalfags they don't care enough to look at the mod community.

They did. People don't hate Brutal Doom itself, they hate its fanbase for

A: Not playing or even knowing about any other Doom mod, and
B: Acting like Brutal Doom 100% outclasses vanilla Doom, that it's how id would have made Doom themselves if they had the technology back in 1993.

Resident evil 4 syndrome
Small group of people think it's the best thing ever
Won't shut the fuck up about it
More people join in
Fans of the series (doom for brutal doom) start to hate the game (wad) because of the people bleating on about it all the time

In the end all it's done is hurt the community it's attached to.

>tfw too intelligent to play doom with anything other than brutal doom, the intended way

i don't like brutal doom or its fanbase. anyone who looks at doom and thinks it would be better with inferior mechanics from shitty modern shooters is subhuman.

nobody fucking streams Brutal Doom

another strawman that doesnt exist

This. I don't even really have a problem with sgt.Mark either; he's a decent map maker and modder, and I don't care about his personal life.

>Muh non existing strawmen

AKA people i either like or associate with, please don't make fun of them because i identify myself as a group rather than an individual

Duke is superior.

>another strawman that doesnt exist

>brutal doom got popular because it got popular
And why do you think youtubers/streamers were playing it instead of any other mod in the community?

Let's all count backwards till we hear the word "normie" or "casual".

No-one knows about any other Doom mod because, with the exception of a handful, they are all completely fucking forgettable.

I've never seen a single person who has only played brutal doom and not the original

it's a fucking bait post

Have you even checked the comment sections of BD related videos?

Look at me
So hardcore!

>And why do you think youtubers/streamers were playing it instead of any other mod in the community?
Over the top gore and crude humour to overreact to.
Also, see>"No-one knows about any other Doom mod because, with the exception of a handful, they are all completely fucking forgettable."
If that was indeed a bait poster, the comment I just highlighted still illustrates my point. Need some more examples?

Brutal doom.
But golden souls and pirate doom are both very good as well.
Looking forward to golden souls 2.

Excuse me, i thought i was the one coming up with strawmen, but it's okay, you deserve to win the argument for being such a special little fella

Holy Hell

Brutal Doom with project brutality and maps of chaos

Here's the link esselfortium.net/wasd/btsx_e1.zip

Their redecorated HUD is cool but fuck if I hate how much space it takes up. I always use the althud.

>And why do you think youtubers/streamers were playing it instead of any other mod in the community?
because it would get a lot of views and juicy reactions to please their autistic fans

duke is just badblood


I've played a shitton of Doom mods, and he's right, most Doom mods are forgettable, weather you like Brutal Doom or not

Russian Overkill, Project Brutality, good ol' Nuts

Golden souls is also excellent

I have no problems with brutal doom. It's the "creator" of said mod who I hate. Not only is he a massive faggot who steals shit without crediting, he's a massive edgelord completely unironically.
Also what I've heard the mod's a complete clusterfuck from the programming pov. Maybe that's why people generally don't want to make their mods compatible with it.

Also to answer OP's question, I like trailblazer, GMOTA and if I'm feeling like it, I just roll out something fun. Like sunlust, AA or any of the other hard mappacks.

"Most" is not a handful. If you bother looking, there are plenty of fun, memorable, and original Doom wads

That's the point, actually

'most' is equivalent to 'all but a handful'
There are a ton of good map wads yeah, but gameplay mods, not really

Doom Enhanced > Brutal Doom

I also like the extra weapon animation frames mod, Mandrill Ass Project, Unloved & Scythe 2.


>Not only is he a massive faggot who steals shit without crediting

>And why do you think youtubers/streamers were playing it instead of any other mod in the community?

Because every time anyone even mentions doom rabid vrutal dum fags screaming "HAVE YOU PLAYED BRUTAL DOOM, BY OUR LORD SGT.MARK?"

>Golden souls is also excellent

they need to lighten the platforming. This is the Doom engine, it was never made for that, NO FPS was made for damn jumping platform gaming. Expecting me to make perfect jumps onto pixel-tiny platforms is idiotic in even GZDoom. I didn't even like that shit in Serpent Resurrection.

I only like Brutal doom