The sequal is a pretty good game

>the sequal is a pretty good game
>no one likes it because its not as good as the last game

name her, Sup Forums

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Dark souls 2 (SOTFS version). It´s THAT one game Sup Forums will be assblasted about for all eternity

BioShock 2

huh, got it on the first try

>It's a good game, but not a good [X] game
everyone who ever said that deserves to get shot
either its shit or not


Get the fuck out shitskin.

This fucking site, I swear.



What is every "mainline" Zelda game ever made?

I wonder why m8

Viewtiful Joe 2

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2

Chrono Cross, granted its not even less good than trigger, people just hate it because its not trigger

b-but muh g-grafix buhuhuh

Yea, lets not forget the fact that they also brightened up every dark area making the focus of the torch in the trailers essentially useless as well.

Or the fact that they never mentioned the downgrade at all and were still using promotional material from that E3

I'm not saying you shouldn't like DaS2 but theres a reason why people on Sup Forums had such a distaste for it from the start. You just had to be there and not be a newfag.

I said SOTFS version specifically because it fixes graphics but you still complain about it

We need to discuss this.

Explain why. How does not fitting a specific mold make a game bad when there's plenty of value outside of the conventions set by a previous installment/installments?

Legend of Grimrock 2

You shouldn't get upset if a company sabotages their own franchise so they can justify moving away from making future installments.

It's their franchise, they can do what they want.

Nobody should give a shit about either because they're made by disgusting fucking mongoloids.

I just wish it didn't have the dark souls name. It's a decent game when not compared to the original

Exactly what I came here to post.
It's a shit souls game, not worthy of the series, but it's better than 90% of other shit out there.

Huh, LoG2 is great, never heard anyone complain about it

What's the problem of VJ2?

>[title] 2
>is more of a gaiden that expands on the world or protag (but not both)
I actually love these type sequels

Let's say someone was to make an turn based strategy game set in the Sonic universe, and it turned out to be really excellent.

Would you argue that it would be a good Sonic game when it has little to nothing to do with what Sonic is about?

No, DaSII is just shit.

case in point

Halo 2's campaign and Metroid II

I'll take it over the first game 10/10 times.

It's not bad, but it doesn't feel like a GTA and compared to the other game sin the series it's lacking a fuck lot.

I was gonna say DmC, but that's a separate thing.

oh, i forgot that developers purposefully make bad games to devalue their own IPs

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

>People who seriously try this shit with nuts and bolts
How to spot somebody who doesn't belong here 101

Doom 3

I'm gonna get shit on for this, but Invisible War.

It has fucking NOTHING compared to the original Deus Ex, but I honestly found the game to still be quite fun and the story to be decent. Yeah, it removed alot of what made the first game so god tier, and it had a unholy amount of tiny levels/loading times, but I still can't find it in me to call it shit.

>It's a good game, but not a good [X] game
This is a perfectly valid argument though. You can make a star wars chess game, and it may be the best chess game ever made, but star wars is about taking out that rebel scum and spaceships and lightsabers and stuff, so it wouldn't be a good star wars game.

Max Payne 3


I liked supcom 2, on the other hand, it was my first supcom and I can see how they dropped the ball on it as far as scale and unit diversity goes

Yes, because its a good game and its a sonic game

Not exactly what you asked, but Titanfall 2.
If people actually played the first Titanfall, they'd know how shit Titanfall 2 was.

Sly 3

HoMM 4

But you can at least see why fans wanting a Sonic game would say it's a poor fit with the series as a whole even if they enjoy it, can't you?

But Bioshock 2 is unironically the best game in the series

But Legend of Grimrock 2 blows the first game out of the fucking water, and the original Legend of Grimrock is already good

I loved Bioshock 2. My only gripe is you don't really feel like a big daddy.

It kills me because I really do like this game, but I understand where people are coming from in criticizing it. Yeah, there's too many gimmick stages. The level design lends itself to an overall slower pace, a significant change from previous entries where you could really haul through the levels.
That said, I think it's a solid platformer that offers a lot of variety, much more than its predecessors. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about Crash 2, but sometimes it can feel like I'm playing some of the same levels over and over.

I thought DMC fans generally liked 4 despite its flaws. It's very clearly unfinished in some aspects but the core gameplay is solid as fuck.

Jak II Renegade

Grimrock 2 is generally agreed to be better than the firdt game though.

>not worthy of the series
>DS1 is unfinished and turns to shit halfway through the game
>DS2 is unfinished and downgraded
>DS3 is just rehashed shit for nostalgiafags

I think there are a lot of people who got put off by first impressions of Jak 2 and dropped it early on. Honestly I don't blame them. Even I did that at first, before going back to it and realizing what a good game it was.

Deus Ex: Invisible War


Quake 2

Probably is what Persona 5 will be.

>Sly 3

Also Mankind divided.

It was bretty gud, but not HR gud.

>Castlevania Lords of Shadow
>pretty good game, can't wait for sequel
>Modern time setting
Like what the fuck were they thinking? I hope the one who came up with it lives in the street now.

>shit halfway
You don't seem to know where the halfway point is. Post anal rodeo is the third quarter

Nuts and Bolts is an extremely fun game to dick around in (HURR DURR I MADE A DICK COPTER LOLOL), but a horribly boring game to actually play.

I feel like the only people who prefer das1 to das2 are pretentious muh lore muh athmosphere faggots who don't care about it having clearly inferior gameplay at all.

I actually enjoy cross more than trigger

Invisible War. Fuck you, it's good.

You need to stop chugging that Red Pill Milkshake and going on Sup Forums

The only people that like ds2 are pvpfags (i.e. faggots)

Fucking plebs here with their pleb and reddit answers
Heroes 4

I cry evritim, such a good game but not as good as 3

>souls games

Oh yes what wondeful PvP in every single game, why I just love ring-around-the-rosy, katanas and cheat engine.


I dislike PvP and think 2 was the best in the series. If the lighting system didn't get removed because shit consoles and retarted focus group testers who complained that they needed to use a torch in dark areas that game could have been damn near perfect.

i wish it didnt have dark souls name so all the dark souls fags would just fuck off already and let everyone else enjoy the game, for me it was most enjoyable of all three and i still come back to replay it, and im not even a pvpfag

BioShock Infinite


>Metroid Other M
Gameplay is smooth enough and the combat is decent, but the exploration and atmosphere are nonexistent. It's a decent enough game on its own, but in comparison to all of the other games in its series, it sucks.

Metroid Prime 2.
Objectively better than the first.

>engaging combat
>actually adds a skip cutscene button
>nice job system

I swear I would play more of that game if the plot wasn't so present and so full of shit.

That's a lot better than people preferring a shittier sequel to the better first game. Battlefront 2 fags, you know who the fuck you are.

I just pretend it's spice girls with magic and play the game.

Still better than teedus blowing himself up with a blitzball

Titanfall 2

Titanfall 1 is so much better, Titanfall 2 only has sliding to make it better.

man why would you fucking do that
some people


Metroid Prime 2 is the worst out of the trilogy.

Viewtiful Joe 2 is EXACTLY as good as 1 but nobody gives a shit about it.

Areas were cooler than Prime 1 and Prime 3.


Was it exactly as on the PS2?

Xenoblade X

Actual souls fans (aka NOT PCucks and redditors on this site) have agreed long ago SOTFS and Dark Souls II in general is a decent game, just not a good Souls games. There's things to like about 2, but there's alot of glaring flaws that have been accepted already, for example going back to 2's movement after playing literally any other Souls or Bloodborne, it's really bad.

And in what way shape or form does that make it a bad sonic game? Sonic has been in many genres anyway.

Sure, it fixed the graphics and added the only levels worth playing (even though the enemies were talentless reskins in every dlc), but they fucked up SO hard with the new enemy placement. The game was already "Le prepare to die, the meme" and then they turned that to x10, for what fucking reason? I enjoyed DaS2, but SOTFS is fucking trash in comparison

>but they fucked up SO hard with the new enemy placement. The game was already "Le prepare to die, the meme" and then they turned that to x10, for what fucking reason?

What the fuck are you people talking about? Fucking christ it's pathetic.

except 2 is regarded as the best souls game if not as good as 1. Mostly because 2 had the best pvp while 1 had the best pve and 3 had shit pvp and shit pve

You have reading problems.

The enemy placement is fine for like 99% of the game, it sounds like you (and so many other people on here) just blow at managing the spacing of your enemies. The graphics are still unreasonably ugly though, with so many obviously repeating textures with no attempt to hide them.

No I think DS2 is pretty good on a PvE perspective, not as strong as DS1 in terms of having an interesting world to explore with interesting things in it, but it still has more than its fair share of original ideas where DS3 just felt like we had seen everything before, even if it did have really good bosses in it.

>2 is regarded as the best souls game

By literally only you retarded contrarians. DeS/DaS are regarded as the best souls games with BB being in their tier but not technically being a Souls.

I assume people like you only enjoy being contrarians because how can you sustain yourself if all you can eat is shit?

It's okay, but I dunno about good.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Patapon 3