What's your last purchase, Sup Forums?

What's your last purchase, Sup Forums?

>Buying a bad movie and Dr. Strange

>movie meme

Not a movie at all. Full of gameplay. And I like Dr.Strage. Nice joke tho.

>buying movies

I bought hitman, and it was a waste of dolleridos, worse hitman yet and only half a game

total warhammer

for $12 I'm pretty satisfied, but I would be pissed if I spent $60 on this and had to spend an additional $40 to play more than the shitty starting races.

I bought some milk and eggs.

Plan to make a cake?

Forza Horizon 3 for my Xbox One because I'm a God fearing American Man.

Milk and a fish fillet

>buying a 50+ hour movie
Well at least you have dr strange to enjoy

a diet energy drink from the cafeteria to reward myself for doing well on midterms

Nintendo Switch
Zelda: BOTW
Switch Case

Prepaid in the store today to make it quicker at the midnight release

Vampire Cunts are the best race in the game though

>diet energy drink
>"just gonna pump myself full of stimulants"
>"but can't have any sugar, don't want to get fat"
congrats on the midterms tho

Mein neger, are you gonna get the pro controller? Debating if I should pick it up or use the doghead grip

A meat-filled pide during my lunch-break.
We've got a small, turkish snackbar in my town and they always have the tastiest stuff.

Some baking, some just normal breakfast.

Also, French Toast Crunch is back apparently. I bought some yesterday only to discover my milk had spoiled. So I am now heading home and gonna eat a big ass bowl of French Toast Crunch.

thanks man. I used to be a real soda junkie, I know diet isn't much better


Just picked up Horizon a few minutes ago...

Zelda A Link Between Worlds


RE7 and For Honor.

Well I got FH for free with RE7, would never pay $60 for Ubishit again.

Was debating on the pro controller, but I played the switch in store today and the controller grip is honestly ok. Plus, the charging grip is half the price of the pro controller. It's really good!
I'm amazed at how comfortable it is and Zelda is so smooth

Forgot to say that the charging grip is smaller than you think however. It's smaller than a Gamecube controller

two dozen bagels, and zeta gundam on bluray

You did good sonybro

I haven't gotten around to playing them. Played as Dwarves, didn't like it too much. Played as humans, didn'tt like them too much until I got myself some demigryphs. Not incredibly interested in orks, but I'll give them a try eventually. Going to mess around with Bretonnia next.

Nioh. Already goty

Yakuza 0 and Nioh. They were worth every penny, specially the former.


normies get out

Does the the right analog sticks placement bother you? I keep hearing its way too low


>turkish snackbar
pide user, its like pizza, that shit is GOAT

at least we can play it on 30 fps instead of 0


I got Hotline Miami on steal which was on sale, still haven't played it though.


Pide is shit, try Beyti if you see it.
t. türkroach

I bought a New 3DS XL, a 32 GB Micro SD card, and a size #0 screwdriver to open it up.

Games wise? Armello and Halo Wars 2

Ps4 uncharted bundle with bloodborne. Also got botw coming in Friday.

Not really. The joycon is small enough to use the inside joint of your thumb to nudge it left and right, or up and down.
It does bother me that B is sprint, but it's been the sword button on every Zelda game on every console with X, Y, B and A buttons.

>beat campaign
>all you get is a tiny little picture of dwarves drinking with a blurb basically saying "you win"

I would have been fucking pissed if I had paid full price for this bullshit

How were they?



Are you me? Feels good that they had bundles besides Horizon, I wouldn't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.