The absolute madman.
The absolute madman
He's right.
This is pretty pathetic.
So the story is literally le white man ruined the world huh
Jesus christ
More like that ruined the world, and then ruined the Muslim woman's attempt to save it.
Broad strokes, of course, but that's generally what happened.
Anyone who was genuinely excited for this game needs to leave immediately.
Ideally with the Berseria and Overwatch aspies
Make sure you don't take the wrong meaning of "man".
White MALES destroyed earth, and now it's the job of LGBTQ women of color to defeat the evil patriarchy.
geez. I'd hate to see what he thinks really bad desrves
They are not even subtle, this is just propaganda and the gameplay isnt even good to begin with that you could ignore the shit story.
Man just fuck western games.
The story is that white men ruined the world, and your goal is to find the last few surviving men and kill them.
>Cody proving once again why the Nintendo fanbase is cancer
>using the "muh paid reviews"
>finishing the "review" with pls buy the new Zelda
This is beyond pathetic
Damn, that sucks ass. Probably would have a better Monster Hunter clone, which is what I thought it might have been from the trailers.
Fun fact:
Zelda will get remembered for decades
Horizon will get forgotten once the next generic open world """"""""""RPG"""""""""" with pretty graphics comes out
Not playing either game by the way, just stating the facts
Zelda will be remembered as the last big blunder of nintendo along with switch that made them go under.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
As a white male this game offends me. When I see a nigger and assume he's a criminal that's racist but when people of color & white women look at me and assumes I'm a patriarchal cataclysmic time bomb waiting to blow it's high art.
How cute.
Now you white bois know how blacks feel when games portray them unfairly as violent or criminal.
Just about.
Is this the same guy who upvoted every WiiU game and downvoted everything else that was promising?
considering its by Guerrilla Games Im not even surprised in the slightest that it had a "evil white men" thing attached to it.
I mean this is the same devs that made the Helghast aka space nazis then got permanently booty blasted that the ENTIRE godamn fanbase likes the Helghast so they proceed to try to kill off the good sensible generals and commanders and replace em with a literal twirling mustache villain thats wants to holocaust the earth with super space nukes
wow, ok.
Thanks for the info, that's absolutely confirmed for me to avoid this.
Something felt off about it, in a Ninja Theory sort of way, but I would have given it a go.
But the forced mix up of race from what I've seen, and knowing this about the story, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it, fuck this shit.
I guess thanks Anita for causing these ripples in EVERY fucking western game now.
Jesus christ.
Boy I love reviews with vague and recycled buzzwords like uninspired, soulless, flat, etc.. I need a review that explains what the fuck they mean. Give me an example in your playthrough. Stop playing the metacritic tug-o-war. Goddamn.
I've heard that the only friendly white guy in the entire game is gay, but I'm not sure how true that is.
Can anyone verify this for certain?
Its funny because all of his points about the gameplay and animations are spot on. Maybe not a 0/10 game but a 4-5/10 game not worth someones time.
It plays like a crappy Gears of War with RPG mechanics and is a "open world" game what more dis-swaying do you need to stay away from it. At the very least wait until it drops massively in price. Its not like Guerilla Games is a good studio either.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
>le epic "being a white man is hard" meme
Undertale's a meme game. It wouldn't do well on anything other than PC.
>>le epic "being a white man is hard" meme
Says the white man. Self hatred should be reserved for the Jews pal.
Yes and most of the times he ends his reviews with shilling a game on a Nintendo system
Seriously his FFXV ends with buy a better game like Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Color Splash, fucking hilarious
Do white men get quotas on jobs and free money?
You have no idea how much oppression I experience for being male. Fuck you.
White however I can agree is pretty good.
But that does not mean it's okay to literally support genocide against whites, like this game does.
Also, learn to context. "White male", the two words put together, is a slur. Notice how often it is said in hateful ways when one of the words is completely irrelevant to the context. People throw the words together because together they become hate.
Why do you care so much if you're not going to play either game?
What are you doing in this thread?
Once again, buzzwords pose no merit. Elaborate.
I've seen one good review on this game since it's release out of the shit hurricane of fanboys and triggered Sup Forums browsers, and it ended up leaning neither left or right. I have no intention of buying or skipping this game right now. I'm an unbiased customer.
Give me facts not feelings.
>user reviews
>le i spammed a user review of 0 score buy zelda instead XDD111
He can have his opinion and stuff but a HZD is definately not a 0 game. Maybe a 5
I mean have you ever played a 2 or even 3 game?
Ah who am I kidding, numerical value scores lost their meaning a long time ago
No reviews matter.
Critic reviews are paid and user reviews are autists.
If anything, it looks like Sony shills are spamming Horizon with positive scores.
>(((white))) man
Get out was a pretty good movie.
All value this could've had is lost because he gave it a 0 rather than an accurate score.
How is giving it a 0 any different than giving it a 10? It's just as extreme, just on the other end of the scale.
>like a feminist goes onto proclaim victim complex to support narrative/ actions
nah ur a cunt
If giving the guy reasonable doubt, it could be to try to set the average score to a more reasonable level, to counteract the masses of automatic 10s.
It's this somebody i should know just seems like another bootyblasted console warrior
>Once again, buzzwords pose no merit. Elaborate
he means its crappy you faggot stop trying to act smart on an anonymous anime image board you fucking loser
>tfw Trump presidency
>tfw the patriarchy is stronger than ever
Feels good.
I live in an area with plenty of mexicans and niggers. When I leave my car where i see lots of them I cant stop thinking i should hide every object seen in the car because they'll steal it just for drugs. There is this insecure sensatiom when you are with them unlike in an area with white people. There is a more safe sensation that your stuff will be fine
>How is giving it a 0 any different than giving it a 10?
in one case you are a nintentoddler, in the other a sonygger
Feels real good family.
Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America. Fuck yeah.
It's almost as if racism is a perfectly normal, healthy survival mechanism.
please delete this post thanks
Horizon Zero Dawn has good graphi-
>Bad guy is a FUCKING WHITE MALE called Travis
Jesus Christ liberals do you know what subtlety is? Have you ever heard the word before?