How could they fuck up so bald?

How could they fuck up so bald?

How could they fuck up so bald?

>try to streamline the game
>a game about choices and decision making
>streamline the fun out of it

The decision making was only ever a minor part in the original, and was shoehorned into the third game at every opportunity. One of the weaker aspects of the games is the decision making.


>the shitty in game model of the spiderbot just pasted onto that prerendered artwork

Wait til you play Human Revolution and Mankind Divided

I'd rather play Invisible War than either of those failed abortions.

fuck off

I like it

t. squeenix employee

It's a shame really, I always found IW to be a well made game, and it looked pretty great. It was just fundamentally bad.

I still remember the alpha screenshots before they decided to go console.

This. They assumed console players were retards and oversimplified things to the point where it's just insulting. Unified ammo, cameras with fucking disco lights, etc.

They were the same team that made Deus Ex! Sad!

Me too. It had a different feel than the first one for sure, but it wasn't a bad game. You still got to sneak around, scrounge for stuff and put together different builds. I played through it like 7 times when I was a wee one. Maybe I should replay it and see if it holds up.

I never asked for this.

Most people hate that they forced all three endings but I thought they did it in a way that made sense.

I liked the overall narrative and characters and their interactions.

Plus it still has melee.

>draw from model wearing high heels
>put character in boots
I hate this. I hate this every time it happens.


Alex FemD was made for impregnation

the melee and physics really made the game great, it's a shame it made it extremely easy. Playing as a trash-can-omancer was far too OP
I'm still fucking annoyed that the new series just has a "press to kill" button instead of glorious superspeed bionic melee and bin-throwing


>move silent
>see through walls
>max strength
All you need really. You can run through levels nothing can stop you.

>assumed console players were retards
To be fair this is a good assumption