Anyone else excited?

Anyone else excited?

2017 alone is really looking good now lads, glad I got my preorder in when they were available.

>main games
Zelda BotW
MK8 Deluxe
Bomberman R
Splatoon 2
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2
Fire Emblem Musou
Project Octopath
PuyoPuyo Tetris
Disgaea 5
Shin Megami Tensei 5

>indie titles
Blaster Master Zero
Snake Pass
Fast RMX
Runner 3
Wargroove (Advance Wars)
Steamworld Dig 2
Pocket Rumble
Flipping Death
Shovel Knight
Binding of Isaac
I Am Setsuna

Gonna be comfy as fuck playing this, some of these games will be great on the TV while others are perfect for the handheld mode or local multiplayer mode.

>20nm gpu from 2015
>tn panel
>2.5 hour battery life
>tfw to intelligent to buy the switch

Not to mention it will be emulatable sooner than later

botw is fucking shit.
xenoblade might be good though.

It's okay user, you don't have to shitpost. You are welcome in the Nintendo family, as is anyone else. Your sins will be forgiven.

Come join us and have fun again instead of being jaded and bitter.

>that pic

Oh god please make a canon and Zelda NTR doujin. With Link sucking canons big pig cock off at the end and becoming a sissy

Kill yourself

There's no need to buy a switch now.
Maybe in november

Are you okay?

Great list of multiplats, ports and weebshit.

But, hey, it's okay when Nintendo do it.

She needs a Big Pig Cock inside her sweet elven pussy , Link looks like a girl in this game, he's better off preping Ganon

Do those bits of the joypad have rumble functionality?
>Zelda sticks one in each hole and waits for enemies on screen to attack.

Yes, thea dvanced HD rumble is in the joy-cons, not the screen unit.

>PCucks have to emulate other peoples games

How cucked can you be?

>SMT 5
I would be it for that, but there is no release date, no confirmation of exclusivity and no mention that the announced SMT title is actually 5 and not some other franchise or even a port.
No interest in any of the other games (but you also didn't mention NMH or MonHun)

MonHun hasn't been announced yet in any way at all.

Probably will come after the 3ds version of MHXX is out the door and they maximized those sales

What did user mean by this?

I'm not exactly shitting my pants here but I'm gonna get it the moment SMT5 or a new Monster Hunter comes. I'd assume Switch gets a MH anyway.

Don't worry user it's coming

>thinking any corporation is your "family"

>le miyamoto is my le quirky uncle xD

>thinks family is referring to the corporation and not the community
how jaded can you be

I don't care what console it's on, I just want MH5 already

>Link and Zelda are about to get it on for the first time
>surprise Gerudo attack
>Link has to watch while Zelda gets fucked by strong Gerudo women
>Zelda gets crowned queen of gerudos
>she never gives link a second thought who gets turned into a sissy semen dispenser in the dungeons for the rest of his life

I'll take it on anything other than the 3ds.
I would fucking murder for it.

MH3U on the WiiU was so much fun. Actually playing on the TV with a real controller, I want it back.

I'm fucking tired of the 3DS at this point. Enough.

Sure man. Way better than the shitfest that was 2015 & 2016

I stopped being excited once we all saw the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer drop on here.


I wouldn't mind the 3ds so much if there was a console option, but being stuck on handheld really is a turn off.
I have to play the Chinese PC MMO mh with translation patch to get my fix.

>translation patch
I thought that was dead when they added some encryption in a patch?

>OP has BOTW Zelda and Switch in the pic
Whose more dead?

They did. Now I just keep a tab of commonly used phrases and item names from the translation patch notes open next to my window.
I think I'm unintentionally learning moon runes.

What the hell is wrong with her eyebrows?

>just saw the first Switch ad on German TV

as if you could even preorder it now


Has this guy or gril drawn mre?

I demand more of these cute zelda comics

what channel? I remember seeing a single wii u and pro7 but then never again


This might be the only year ever I buy two consoles and beef my PC in the same year

It's a good year for games and this whole board will be steeped in shitposting because massive depression doesn't make games fun, sense of purpose gone, and your only practiced people skills are talking down other faceless jimbos probably in the same circumstance.

The only thing that dispells this kind of climate is when something happens and people dogpile some big company for a huge fuck up and everyone's got a focused target.

I've begun to enjoy video games genuinely again recently, and I feel pretty alright about videogames this year.

don't bullshit me, that's exactly what you meant. when you read that blip about aonuma's son being too old for his messages you went "OH, PLEASE, PAPA AONUMA, TELL ME A STORY! I'M NEVER TOO OLD! PLEASE, PLEASE PAPA AONUMA!"

don't try and deny it.

you are a reasonable person and I like you

Some nobody sees, wants, can't have, and wants only harder.

Lol, seriously reaching for anything to tease someone about.
It's okay, you can still join the fun when you can afford the Switch.

That's a screenshot from the Chinese online Monster Hunter game from years ago.

Shit even reading the quote chain doesn't help me understand what kind of response this is

It's so good that it needs an army against it. Notice how no one is shitposting about HZD despite it being out right now. That's because it's a weak and underwhelming.

Breath of the Wild is a massive beast feared by the peasants of Sup Forums

That's pretty much correct.

The worst thing that can happen is when a game isn't being talked about at all. It just shows that no one truly gives a fuck about it and like so many other releases it'll be gone after a month or two and disappear into the land of the forgotten.

>the community
yeah nintendo users are great people

It's almost like Smash is such a good concept with amazing execution that it's universally loved for a reason

Gee, it's almost like... It's a good game that people enjoy playing and discussing

Gosh, its almost like; Smash is the best fighting game

>It's so good that it needs an army against it
Or maybe because Sup Forums shits on any upcoming game
>Notice how no one is shitposting about HZD despite it being out right now
Because they already did that last week
>Breath of the Wild is a massive beast feared by the peasants of Sup Forums
Things like these is why Nintendofags need their containment board

Samefagging doesnt change the fact Smash is an overrated party game which attracts the highestg calibre of autism

God I wish we had a nintendo board, then I could actually talk about the nintendo consoles and its games without dozens of "KEK KEK KEK BABBIES" shitposting

hurr eyebrows this is a quirky trait for me to obsess over wow zelda is my waifu because she has a big forehead and big eyebrows!!!



More girls need those traits, in fact.

Kill yourself reddit feels faggot.