Holy shit wasn't expecting this for a while

Holy shit wasn't expecting this for a while

>it's real

Hell yeah motherfucker

Okay. This caught me by surprise.
Let's go niggers

now we just need perfect dark with online multiplayer

Beware; oblivion is at hand





this game looks weird as fuck without the thick layer of fog from the original

>Online multiplayer

time to pick Raptor and go fast

>local split-screen

Any chance of Rage Wars? Never did hundred percent it.



ultimate cheat i still remember

This kills the TimeSplitters Rewind

Hive of the Mantids was almost as bad

>got 3/4 charges to destroy the Master Computer so you have to backtrack and search everywhere


That's a minor nuisance in comparison IMO.

I drowned so many times in that underwater maze, I still get lost even with a map, and to make matters worse on the PC version it had some bugged boundaries for the rotating pillars.

I fucking hate that level so much.

They had it in the remaster and nobody played it after 30 minutes, just like they'll do with this game.

> 19.99



Wait a couple of months.

Guys what do you think about Turok evolution