okay this boss looks much better than the Water Elephant boss
How are the dungeons?
I saw the Castle one yesterday and it looked pretty good? Is the Elephant nice?
This boss fight is actually pretty cool.
Elephant has an interesting gimmick where you control the elephants trunk to solve puzzles. However the dungeon boss is pretty easy.
Okay so this game isn't easy...? Every stream I've seen people still die.
Also how are the dungeons? I haven't seen any other than Hyrule Castle, which I didn't really pay attention to.
I don't want to watch the video but are the dungeon bosses really all the same robot with different weapons?
Well that fucking blows
Also they're most likely not what you're thinking.
Controls where you're pushing the wrong buttons, and the fact that when you run anything you collide with you'll accidentally try to climb it
>he quit the boss
What the fuck why. This game isn't even that hard
This game doesn't have dungeons in mind. They are just like a bonus, this isn't your typical Zelda game.
doesn't look as bad as i expected from you guys crying about graphics
So they fight pretty differently at least?
I'm just worried they'll be lazily designed I've always loved Zelda bosses
He's playing the wiiu version, right?
what's wrong with the controls?
I didn't see the other 3, but going by the elephant one they're all technically "outside" in the over world even.
the combat really isn't very deep or nuanced. it's sort of clumsy actually.
that's why.
sounds like it
Yeah I only saw two, but they play differently. You will like this game, and if you like Wind Waker you'll love this game. It's just a bigger Great Sea with more things to do... a lot more. I'm playing through Wind Waker right now. The emptiness of the Ocean is my biggest gripe, but I still enjoy it.
it's almost as bad as the guardian fight from SS.
This, the combat is so fucking underdeveloped it's sad
You just pick up a weapon and just swing it until it breaks
compare it to this
botw has shit combat.
>if you liked wind waker you'll love breath of the wild
10 silver coins have been deposited into your MyNintendo account.
He's just strafing with fucking arrows
It's set up right in the intro that you'll be fighting 4 different giant robots who are in the shape of different animals. I haven't gotten to them yet, but I can't imagine a giant robot bird and a giant robot elephant fight the same. I am sincerely hoping this stuff is just shitposting, though.
What's good about sailing the Great Sea compared to exploring all the different environments in Breath of the Wild?
There are hardly any enemies in the Great Sea...You can sail for entire map sections without hitting anything?
What I heard someone say is that Wind Blight Ganon (from the first dungeon with the robot gun arm) was the only real boss, and others were just that exact model with like a sword instead of a gun
It sounded like bullshit but it had me worried
its not the same model but it looks similar
the bosses attacks are totally different though
They are.
The methods of attacking, elements and speed are completely different.
So are the designs, they just have a similar aesthetic due to their relation to the plot.
Thank fucking god, this is all I needed to hear
Thanks anons
>Playing Breath of the Tape Recordings
Zelda English voice is turdrible
Is the .iso leak Europe only?
You're supposed to use the enviroment and your runes to help in combat
Plus there's stealth, headshots, elemental weapons and arrows, and weather all play a role
A player that's unskilled but has awesome gear will play differently than a highly skilled player using basic gear
Oh look it's another DD shitposter who thinks their game is the next coming of christ.
its not that different. Even top tier weapons have pretty bad durability.
the razor sword in majora's mask had a durability of 200 hits. that's about twice as much as some of the better weapons.
Can't wait for minimalist piano sounds during lackluster boss fights worse than a game from 20 years ago.