Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2


At this rate the next version will come out on console before arcades, Arcsys is really speeding up that pipeline.

PC when.

is this game worth playing anime tiddys? is this the game with the russian girl with blue eyes blonde hair and some russian hat? i cant tell the difference between GG & BB

Well, it's almost summer then. I hope they'll use this time to add more characters. I'll concentrate on grinding money for my PC.

Is this an expansion or whole new game?

shut up

yes thats the girl who has caught my attention. now the question is is this game worth buying?

Well of course it is. It's the best fighting game series ever.

If you like fighting games, yeah. If you can't handle losing or committing time to the game, nah.

Standalone expansion.

need a price for PC

Can't come soon enough.
I can't wit for this handsome ninja.
Also looking forward to an actual Jam and Raven story.

too bad the artstyle and gameplay its shit compared to the previous games in the franchise
>cutscenes in the middle of combat
keep believing its the best of anything

>for Japan
>no US announcement yet
So what, are they just not releasing the US version before EVO? RIP anyone playing against a Jap Answer or Baiken.

Didn't that happen at last year with Johnny?

At least they released a demo. Johnny also was hella op back then.

hot opinions

there's only text, surely they simultaneously translated

what is this fair maidens name?
how much is GG on ps4?
is it like street fighter?

60 dolarinos.

20$ at amazon.
>is it like street fighter?
It's much faster, has more options and characters are much more unique to play as and against.

Millia Rage

No, GG is an air dasher fighter so it plays nothing like SF. Coming from Capcom games, the closest you can get is Darkstalkers 3.

Millia is worst Assassin's guild member.

>Tan lines


> darkstalkers 3

Only should be used when referring to the PS1 port.

Do I have to pay full $60 for this?

Would Elphelt or Kum Haehyun be good beginner characters

Is it better to play on Pad or Stick

No if you have Revelator
Play who you want but neither Elph or Kum are top beginner characters

Elphelt isn't too difficult, play it on whatever controller you feel most comfortable with

stick, unless you mean on your controller then whatever works for you.

elphelt is probably a better choice but try out all the characters and find what suits you. characters with stances might not be for you or they might be. you don't know until you spend some time with the game and figure out inputs and combos you like and can execute. try to find people to play with too. i've never played as kum and have only played against him in story/arcade

>Do I have to pay full $60 for this?
20$ if you own Revelator, probably 40 if you don't.
>Would Elphelt or Kum Haehyun be good beginner characters
Elphelt yes. Kum is ok but has links in combos which can be a bit hard for beginner.
>Is it better to play on Pad or Stick


I wish there had been more footage from the Loketests. Most of it was stuff about Baiken. I just want to see what this man can do. I already like him just from descriptions.

But whens Gabriel tho?

Reminder: Sol's entire life was a lie.

I assume the defacto beginner characters would be Ky and Sol?

>Standalone expansion


So it splits the community even FURTHER?

Sort of, just play whoever you find fun

>"Hey Sol, sorry about setting you up to kill your lover and letting you hate yourself for the past century cause reasons. Look I remade your waifu as an apology ."
>People still try and say That Man isn't a dick.

I hope they don't nerf May's sexiness

Gabriel is too powerful for the main game.

How is it splitting the community? You just move from Rev to Rev2.

>Standalone expansion.
What? How does that work for a fighting game?

A standalone expansion is something like Infamous Festival of Blood or Far Cry Blood Dragon that uses main game assets to be its own thing and doesn't give the full content that the base game gave.

I was under the impression Rev 2 was simply going to be a DLC that would also be getting a physical release that includes what is basically Revelator + the Rev 2 DLC.

even those characters are a bit difficult or have a lot you need to know to play well with. play a bunch and see what you find fun

I don't know, maybe cause I'm on PC and its only been two months since the FUCKING release of Rev?

How much does it cost? Will me owning both Xrd and Rev bring it down in price?

I hate this system so much. I don't care if its faster. Its shitty.

What about PC? I hope this doesn't get delayed as hell on PC again.

So word on the street is that the Famitsu article mentions nothing about a PC release date, just PS3/4.

Shouldn't be surprised ASW is fucking us again.

Any Bacon gameplay yet?

PC will probably be at the same time as the western release... I hope

Same goes for Sharon.

I'm still wish that if time travel shit happens again we get young Kliff as a boss character.

As much shit as SFV gets and for about how half of the shit it gets is well deserved, the fact is its able to keep its community in a reliable pool is somewhat staggering in disbelief of it not being repeated by other franchies.

I want Guilty Gear to succeed. I want it to do good. However, if anybody defends if Rev 2 is out for 60$ and not fucking 20$ is out of their mind.

That Man was the hugest dick to Sol.

The worst part of it all is that with the time travel fuckery, the entire world could easily avoid all this shit by simply going back in-time and stopping the virus that fucks up the entire world's computers back in 199Xs.

Sol would be living a normal life in our timeline.

>PC version delated
>Rev 3 announced the following week

> PC

Why not play on console so you can actually stay up to date reasonably? Nobody in the competitive community treats the PC releases seriously because of how long they take to come out. There are much better fg communities to take part in on PC than Arcsys.

too bad the game is ded.

She's probably the weakest of the four members we see in game, yes.

>buying expansion packs every two years

This shit is worse than yearly sports games.

Pretty sure they said Rev2 will be the absolute last revision of Xrd.

Dude he is a dick, thru and thru.

For all we know, he wants to fight sol now to reveal a big truth about him that will fuck his relationship with everyone.

What does that have anything to do with the shitty fucking model this series is going through? Its creating a stagnation effect.

Also, would you belief it if I told you that I prefer playing on PC than on a PS4?

They also said Rev would last a year or 2

>Why not play on console so you can actually stay up to date reasonably?
some of us don't have consoles and don't want consoles nor to pay for online in 1 game.
>There are much better fg communities to take part in on PC than Arcsys.
fightcade and sfv?

these imaginary players that don't exist don't take away from my friends and my own enjoyment of playing gg online

>fighting games
this meme is getting stale but i still chuckle

>people still keep buying arcsys shitty rehashes


Characters are more diverse in playstyle than most fighters. It's not just a difficulty question, but a what suits you question.

How is something you buy every two years worse than something you buy every year?

IIRC, in terms of balance and movesets and shit the update will be free in that regard so everyone will be able to play together. You actually have to buy REV2 to get Baiken and Answer, the new story shit, and whatever other modes and goodies they'll pump out for it.

That's easy. Exactly 2 / 1.

>no Bridget

>fighting games
you are right, I chuckle everytime.

Revelator came out in Arcades in Japan on August 2015.

By the time Rev 2 hits Arcades it will have been almost two years since Revelator came out in Arcades.

>More powerful machine.
>Hook up whatever means of control you like.

What's the downside?

In case y'all hadn't heard, if you own rev you can get rev 2 as dlc for 20 bucks. If you don't own rev, you can just buy rev 2 at whatever the full price they announce is.

Okay, user, I'm going to trust you and hope this is the case.

I seriously don't mind holding out to buy Rev 2. I just want to keep playing the game with people.

I'm sorry, guys, I can only buy Xrd full price twice before I consider it horseshit on the third time.

I'm on about the PC release

A dev posted on Twitter it would last at least a year, then 2 months later "hey guys were working on rev 2 :))))"

>no Testament

But this isn't melty

Won't be surprised if shit like that happens.
I expect they are saving him as a playable character for the next main game given how he's Sol's biggest rival and all.

> it's creating a stagnation effet

[citation needed]

> shitty model

This is pretty par for the course for fighting games, regularly releasing new versions. You can complain all you want about the dating, etc, but you have to realize that international players are not Arcsys' main audience, they are making these games for Japanese arcades and players first and foremost.

nani?! didn't they say revelator was the last guilty gear? fucking nips

>no Anji even though Anji and Baiken were supposed to come as a fucking pair

rev2 been announced for ages, buddy

Those retards know nothing about it, Rev2 is a DLC expansion for Revelator. It is not a standalone game but it can be bought as one.

Revelator players WILL be able to play against Rev2 players, they won't get access to the new story and characters but WILL get access to the balance changes.

This is DLC for Revelator, not a whole new version.

EU release is May 26th according to Amazon. This shit isn't coming to PC until after Evo.

For me, personally, as a PC player, I am started to feel stagnated. I don't know how others feel but I apologize if it came off as generalizing.

There are only so many times I can buy Xrd. At least on PC. Yes, I'll admit it, the community on the PC dies very quickly. I don't know if its the case on PS4 but I hope its not the case.

I'll admit, its due to on part of me jumping on the genre late with the most prominent franchise having their last entries of that certain series line being out (Ultra, Skullgirls) or new models like Killer Instinct and SFV.

Its just really bad, man. Its fucking frustrating. I don't know what to tell you. I'm not trying to shitpost. Its legit pissing me off that I can't reliably look positively towards Xrd's future community wise.

You do understand that rev is still viable on PC with the release of rev 2 right? The balance updates are free so you can still play with the rev2 people, you just won't have access to the new characters unless you get the rev 2 dlc.

Ky, Sol, Sin, maybe Faust are often recommended for beginners because they have a simple gameplan and relatively easy execution.
But yeah, you can pick anyone if you have the willpower, if a character seems interesting to you, you'll probably have more fun learning the game with him

revelator was a dlc for Sign
rlly makes u think

Literally nobody plays on it because PC gamers are autistic shut ins who freak out at the mere thought of leaving their basement to go to their local tourneys to git gud

>revelator was a dlc for Sign

No it wasn't, are you retarded?

>IIRC, in terms of balance and movesets and shit the update will be free in that regard so everyone will be able to play together.
This is not true. All the info they've released says otherwise.

>thread is literally just people crying because of misinformation

>posting lies on the internet


Maybe he can show up in her arcade mode. It'd be a start at least.

>Revelator was the last Guilty Gear
No. We have to wait for Guilty Gear 3 which is going to wrap Sol Badguy's story in Guilty Gear verse.

Then we get a new Guilty Gear game with a new protagonist, probably taking place more in the future or an alternate universe.

Testament when?

PC Xrd is objectively better for online play and most people who take the game seriously play on console only when playing offline

The easiest character is by far Chipp

I want to get into fighting games and GG has always really appealed to me since there will never be a new Darkstalkers game, how hard is it to be half decent in GG? Is it too late for me?