Wow, who would've imagine that this game will be fucking atrocious?

Wow, who would've imagine that this game will be fucking atrocious?

Other urls found in this thread:




Critic Score: 98

User score: 94

>eight point eight
history repeats itself

it's a 100 - 100 in my heart.

>Middling open world game gains atleast 18% higher from reviewers than it deserves purely due to the choice of main character's sex and use of diversity in the cast rather than actual gameplay excellence.

Reviewers need to stop giving bonus points for arbitrary bollocks and pandering otherwise the "critic" and user scores will only drift further apart.

outdated as hell


Wow, who would've imagined that mad Sup Forums pc fangays would post retarded reviews to lower the userscore?

Oh no Neogaf have noticed the score.

Everything stated in your pic is true though.

but he's right.

Keep it up my fellow Nintenyearolds!

Why doesn't metacritic replace the 0-10 userscore system with like/dislike? Almost every single user review is either a 10 or a 0, in this constant battle between sonyggers and nintentoddlers trying to make the game look good/bad.

>user score
As if your score was relevant

Average the scores. You get an 8/10. That's fair, the game is fun but not amazing and certain things get stale quickly

>thread about Horizon
>muh nintendoh

Where's the nigger mod that was deleting horizon comments in the botw thread earlier?

anybody who watched the streams

That user score is gonna keep dropping.

The Internet will mass downvotes anything popular that they think is not pandering to white dudes. Look at the top disliked videos on jewtube, most of them (with the exception of CoD Infinite Warfare lel) are videos/entertainment targeted at female demographics

this is a good summary of the "game" though. and he was nice to not talk about the loading times and AI bugs

After all the Sup Forums fag's scores are done, the game will average even out around an 8.5

Nothing he said warranted giving this game a 1, its a solid game with decent gameplay and a good story, hes just a mad loser virgin

Nintoddlers on damage control duty once they realized BotW was an overpriced, lazy WiiU port.

How the fuck is this game an 8-9? I haven't played it but it looks like a shitty open world game trying to jump on the successes of Skyrim and the Witcher.

Also SJW shit.

>that pull
>holds it likes it's nothing
>prefect accuracy

Not to mention the retarded AI

lol I just gave it another 0, that'll teach those stupid sonyfags.

Game is literally racist to white people

The 1s of the retards are being offset by the 10s of the fanbois.

In the end the user total score reflects how good the game actually is.

There are exceptions of course but 99% of the time total user scores can be trusted.

HZD should have been a PC game.

The user score actually went up from a 7 to a 7.1

PCfag here. You can keep your exclusive. Please keep it. I'll make a petition asking for the game to NOT be ported on PC.

Not aimed at female demographics, sjw demographics. There's a difference.

Fuck off with your bait it's a shit game.

lol boo hoo


Whatever you say dude

No it doesn't you idiot, a zero affects the score a lot more than a 10 does.

>user scores can be trusted


>People actually thought this game was going to beat breath of the wild

That's funny because you seem like the mad virgin loser.

go back to school my nigger


>Gorgeous and well-crafted open world game gets trashed by Sup Forums purely because of the main character's sex and use of diversity in the cast

>damage control: the thread

White people supreme rulers over all other races

Why don't you faggot? If you knew anything about basic fucking math, you'd understand why a zero would affect the score more than a ten would.

Metacritic threads should be a bannable offense. It's not even games discussion it's just "HURR NUMBER IS BIGGER"

Having read the thread that probably started the botw/horizon shitpocalypse, this is extremely funny

>background in the cutscene is a still image
Holy fuck sony fags on suicide watch

I may be considered a Nintendoddler by definition but Horizon Zero Dawn looked pretty fun from some game trailers.

So people who are disappointed about BOTW's potential can gladly switch to HZD and what the PS4 has to offer. They are similar after all.
No need to involve the new Zelda for a comparison.

Explain then

It deserves a 1 just for this scene alone.

if there are more zeroes than 10s then it negatively impacts the scores, numbnuts.

If a number is bigger then that means it's a better game, the fact that actually good games are still beating it out despite the obvious paid reviews is saying something.


Dude I love arc survival


Honestly just stay with Witcher.
The combat system of both games will get stale after 5 hours but Witcher 3 has atleast godlike presentation, better soundtrack, better writing and better graphics.

Video game journalism is worthless to me now

>implying it was ever worth anything to begin with

That's your explanation?

So what?

>people caring about user reviews or reviews in general
Why dont you just play the game yourself or shut the fuck up? No one is forcing you to buy this trash.

Why would I buy a game with a 7 user score?


The further your score is away from the user average, the greater the change in the total average.

Say four people give a game an average score of an 8 (7, 8, 8, 9).

If the next person gives it a 10, the average will become score will become an 8.4, a change of 0.4.

If the next person gives the game a zero instead, the average score becomes 6.4, a change of 1.6.

Every western game is going to have more diversity and less white males as time goes on, just how much longer is Sup Forums going to be triggered about this

you dont know Sup Forums

and i dont think so

unlike TV, and movies that get money from high up to maintain this shit, videogames are 99% controlled by buying power

Which is only a problem because of reviewers that only give scores from 60 and up.

This game getting a 7 means it's above average but nothing special, which is correct.

Average games get a 5, people giving it a 10 are just as influential as the people giving it a 0.

pff. Like white people actually give a fuck about this. I know my worth and I don't need a SJW game to tell me what my race is or what my gender mean.

If you need the opinions of others to validate your worth, I have some bad news for you.

what did he mean by this

oh he also gave federation force a 10

>gorgeous and well crafted open world game

Thanks user best laugh ive had this week.

This has literally never been a big issue.

I play games with Bandicoots, Hedgehogs, dragons/ect as main characters. Why would I care if the main character is black or a woman?

The problem is clearly diversity checklists instead of game quality.

>0.1 higher
thats more like it

Why would you listen to user reviews in the first place? Its just a bucn of trolls and fanboys. Make up your own mind you damn sheep.



If the average gamer is so opposed to 'forced diversity' and pandering to people who don't even play games, then why are they still doing it in 2017? This whole decade has had games Horizon, you'd think the invisible hand of the market would've made these games unprofitable, yet they're still being made. Sup Forums just can't accept they're a small minority of screeching monkeys the rest of the industry isn't listening to.

Nintendo had 8.8s back in 2006

The people giving it zeroes are people who are never going to play it, and have no business scoring the game in the first place. Who fucking cares of the game has an agenda, a game dev can make any kind of fucking game they want to. It's up to the free market to decide if said game was a good idea or not.

>Zelda fags spammed the user review
>game is bad

Top kek


>Yet another famous PS1 exlusive makes its way to Nintendo console, tail between its legs
Jesus, is this a real human bean?

Oh dear fuck. I was looking forward to this game as well.
That's fucking tragic man.
Such a waste of an idea and setting.

This is the free market in action, if you don't like metacritic make another site requiring proof that the people rating have purchased the game.

And I'm saying it again, the people giving it a 0 are being offset by the people giving 10s.

The game has a fair userscore right now, a 7 is pretty good.

seeThese people are actually the most pathetic bunch on the planet I think

Why would you EVER care about a user review system that can't verify that the users have actually played the game?

That's moronic.

It has gotten to the point where even the appearance of a non-white in a trailer for 2 seconds triggers Sup Forums (see Shadow of War trailer yesterday)

It has gotten pretty fucking ridiculous as of late.

guy has good taste desu

this. Just look how many negative reviews, vs how many people bothered to type out why.

It was at a 8.9 with like 350 something reviews. the game is fine.

Nintendrones is on suicide watch

>If the average gamer is so opposed to 'forced diversity' and pandering to people who don't even play games, then why are they still doing it in 2017?

because they see a platform worth BILLIONS to scream their sjw trash from. Why do you think they tried to advertise this game as a rovo dinosaur safari when in actuality you fight humans for 90% of the game? cause it was just bait to get people to listen to them scream social commentary at them.

yes they were still made, and most went into the garbage bin, hell an EB games near me still has half a wall full of Dragon Age II and Inquisition cause people didnt buy that shit.

You know what, if these say anything it's that people are sick of Sony's shit.

Can you imagine how much Sup Forums would shit on a game like San Andreas if it were made today?

This is an excelent bait.


Is this the super deep combat system I have been reading about from that one single guy on Sup Forums.....

Simply spectacular. I am flabbergasted.

Or it could be the devs virtue signaling about how "progressive" they are.

They are treating the minorities as pets to show off. It's more racists if you think about it.

Final Fantasy XV isn't PS4 exclusive

You mean a GTA game with a black protag?
Sounds familiar.


This is fucking pathetic. Are those fake internet points for your precious games that important? Gamers were a mistake.


>Fanboys are indicative of the majority.
kek, no.

Fanboys are retards, regardless of who they are a fanboy of.
Going out of your way to hate things as much as possible is a sign of immaturity and mental illness. (which is why they are always noticeably unhealthy retards)



GTA 5 gets a pass from Sup Forums because it has 2 white playable characters.