It's time for a culling. This is an 18+ board, and there are fare too many kids here...

It's time for a culling. This is an 18+ board, and there are fare too many kids here. If you don't recognize the game in this picture, you are underage and need to leave this board for good.

Other urls found in this thread:

Galaxy 5000

doom 3

the hell is that

>posts "guess what this is" pic
>leaves filename

You idiot. That's clearly Metal Gear. I remember playing it with fondness.

NIgga I don't even recognise that shit and my first gaming was on Commodore 64.

Zelda! My favorite game. everyone take a look at that gem!

sure it was, kiddo. See ya.

>Now this is podracing

I've played video games since the fucking Colecovision and I don't recognize your game, OP. Pic related was one of the first games I ever played, at the tender age of 3.

Is that Ed Edd N Eddy online?

Hey, /vr/ is better than this shit board

I vote that we post our testicles and timestamp instead so that underage will get banned and vanned for manufacturing cp.

You do realize that there are people born in 1999 that are 18 now, right? No one remembers your shitty 90s kid crap.

Fuck off, cunt. Not everybody plays every game ever.
For a start, I don't care for any racing games.

First games I played were platformers. Motherfuckin Dizzy up in this shit.
Can't forget Trap Door. Best cartoon and game.
This is now a Trap Door thread.

It's F-Zero GX, I love that game.

I recognize it, because I've seen it before, but I forgot the name of it.

>says the 18 year old

It's ok, people will continue remembering the classics and forget about your trite, derivative games

Don't you have 10 word essay to be working on? Mrs. Walsh will be mad if you don't turn it in tomorrow.

>He thinks I don't know it's Metal Gear
I remember that chase scene.

>paying to be propagandized by socialists
>not teaching yourself

God, no wonder your generation sucks so much.

Claymation is objectively the worst form of animation

Skyrim will be praised longer than your slow ugly clunky 1bit games lol

I never played that game and I have been playing since the 2600.
Image search sorted it out.

looks similar to micro machines. an anons remember micro machines

Your face is objectively the worst form of animation, you mega-dork.

>Claymation is objectively the worst form of animation

of course we remember micro machines, they are objectively the best toy cars ever made. Hotwheels and Matchbox can suck it.

Although the micro machines games were shit.

>Being a high school grad

Enjoy working at McDonald's.

turned 20 few days ago what is this

>teaching yourself
>end up like alex jones

Also, don't lie and say you make a 6 figure income either. No one is going to believe you when you say that you're working as a code monkey and making 200k.

Bye, kiddos! Hopefully your banishment will allow you to pay more attention in class.

Galaxie 500


>Although the micro machines games were shit.
WTF micro machines were goat games, 4 player local co op 2 people on 1 controller

You should banish yourself. You think it's Metal Gear

>not being a code homo sapiens sapiens

Ancientfags go

>studying economics
>every single professor starts their lecture by BTFO socialism

>He he, I sure showed those kids.
>*shloshes out of chair*
>*opens door with meat flaps*

You need to leave along with the underage.

Is that right big guy? And what are you going to do?

Go ahead. Banish me, I'm waiting.

>google is 100k
>most programming jobs i applied for is starting 60-90k
y-yeah, totally impossible for code monkeys to make 6 figures

Aww, is the wittwe guy feewing weft out?

See ya, kiddo!

>Claymation is objectively the worst form of animation

I'm 22. I voted in the 2016 election. I played Pokemon Red in '99. Just because I dont play whatever fedora-tier garbage that is, doesn't make me underage.


cod 4

applying for jobs doesn't get you a paycheck, son.

This. No newfags or oldfags. Middlefags only.

>implying i didn't get the 90k job

>being a globalist

See ya, kiddo!

I'm 31 and I have no idea what I'm looking at. Your test is bad and you should feel bad.

It's all about the degree, nobody cares what you actually learned in college

>implying you will ever get a job making more than $30k

Did you know? The guy in the room above me is probably banging shit around because he's playing video games against cheating gooks that stole his family.

Did you know?

I don't, I'm literally guessing but it makes sense given the situation.

>mfw I can just reverse image search the answer.
Galaxy 5000

Degrees still matter in the US? They're not worth the paper they're printed on in western Europe, because everyone has one.

I bet OP can't even correctly name what game pic related comes from.

in the US you need a Masters and 10 years of experience for an "entry level" job

>tfw 34 years old, being playing games since I was 5 and I have no idea what game that is

Most people didn't have PCs back then, OP.

Stay mad I'm not going anywhere and no amount of you whining is going to make me leave

it's a NES game

The median range is around 80,000, and only the top 10 percent are in the 6 figure range. Chances are, you'll be in the bottom range making only 40k.

You'd have to be 30 years old to know what the fuck that game is. I'm 23 and don't even know.

I am from Europe, that was pretty much my point, every fucking job requires a college degree but nobody gives a shit how much you actually learned, I feel like that is the reason why colleges constantly get worse, nobody including most of the students care about getting an actual education anymore as long as you get your piece of paper

Yeah, we have the experience hurdle too, probably worse than yours, as like I said.. degrees are so common they don't even ask any more.

>have to be 18 to vote

I reiterate: kys.

It came out in 1991. You definitely don't have to be 30 to know what it is.

Reminder that if you're over 30 and posting on Sup Forums, you're added to the FBI's sexual offender watchlist

Join the army, learn how to kill people professionally, and then laugh as the whole system falls about.

True story.

No, you're a kiddo because you think voting means anything.

See ya, kiddo!

>can't get work experience because nobody hires people without work experience
I hate this shit so much

you do realize people can just do image search ?

CoD4 is 10 years old.
Starcraft is 19 years old.
Diablo 2 is 17 years old.

Someone who was 13 when Diablo 3 was released would be old enogh to post on Sup Forums today.

I actually agree.
>muh effort
>muh wallace and grommit
Fuck off it looks unappealing.

Thanks australia

nanomachiens son

did u no my family comes from armstrong lol

>tfw almost 28

My plan was to work for the army in a civilian role since there are tons of vacant jobs for people with college degrees, great job security and benefits and minimal risk of getting shot by muslim cave people

That looks like some old ass freeware shit. OP I could make this thread too and pick some obscure as fuck freeware game I played the shit out of on PC in the mid 90's and win every time.

Yeah, sounds like a great plan. Literally your choice, eh?

The people that are shooting at the muslim cave people will be happy to have you supporting them.

Have you read the book, "On Killing?". Might give you some extra perspective to think about.


galaxy 5000. kys retard

Who cares.

OP is saying you're not an old fag if you don't know "his" game.

Fuck him. Fag. Shit. Scum. 1 2 3 4.

Do you recognize this game, kiddo?


Well I honestly wouldn't have guessed that. Anyway I want to play too.

Ya'll kids and fags if you don't know this shit ect ect

Shrek: 0rigins

If I could choose I would work as a veterinarian user, right now I just want stable employment.

>getting a job
>not having your own company

So how much do I have to pay

America is basically designed to discourage owning your own business. Small business owners get screwed worse than poor folk.

Of course. Played a bunch of the knock-offs too.

That shit is awesome.

I might have to go and be a real mercenary instead of doing it for free if we don't figure out infinite money soon.

game? looks interesting

>Someone who was 13 when Diablo 3 was released would be old enogh to post on Sup Forums today.

user, people born after 9-11 will be old enough to post on Sup Forums in 2 years.

this game is pretty fun
i didn't like that sometimes when you jump you just miss the jump somehow, like you fell between some invisible line of death

Thankfully Sup Forums won't exist by the time they're old enough to come here.

You all are babies if you don't know this game

No idea what that is, must've missed it. Here's something for you.

Take your tumblr nose and get the fuck out

The fuck is this? A flash game or something?