Shadow of War



I'm excited.

do niggers browse Sup Forums?

Yeah we get it already

What is with you autists, isn't there more interesting shit to talk about.

Who has the time for this

Is he a haradrim or did they really make black Gondorians?

I'm sad beacuse it's probably gonna be a good game

Ain't nobody got time for that!

I think we need another 50 of these threads with no discussion at all.

Fuck off.

>Sup Forums's getting triggered again
It's getting old.

No, doubt they can figure out how Sup Forums works. Basketball news site is what I imagine all that they use.

Im interested in seeing what new features theyve addes to the nemesis system

t. tyrone

Not an argument.

I hope they let me become an evil fuck in this.
I wanna be the big bad guy. I wanna be a worse Sauron

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Take it to /qa/

Do we know anything about the setting? What's happening this time around:

Seems we're getting fortresses to fight for as well as army management.

At least that's what the first DLC packs imply. It's entire tribes with their own themes.


So this post actually made me watch the trailer for this game and it looks like it's going to be the same main character as the first Shadows of Mordor so what exactly is the big problem? black NPC?


Yes. Thats what all these kids are screeching about

Niggers always browsed Sup Forums. It's a fucking anonymous imageboard. Everyone browses Sup Forums. This isn't stormfront you retard.

Hey, a Black person here.
Why the hate? I don't even like basketball at all.
You rednecks have to chill.


Where to see the dlc packs?

>mfw I don't care because it looks like the tightest shit

lorefags will never recover
and you triggered faggots are no better than those SJWs and tumblerinas you rage so much about, delibaretely looking for things to get offended no matter how trivial it is

>not "One Bling"

step it up, senpai

There is a character who is black.

That's it, really

The combat will be the same wont it. Because thats the real nigger

Honestly who even fucking cares at this point. They Shadow of Mordor games basically already completely shit all over middle earth lore. May as well just start adding darkies and queers into the mix.

Of course, theres a shit ton of black weebs


Tbh I'd have preferred that. Just mirror SoM's gameplay and make the protag a ringwraith out and about, enslaving and commanding both humans and orc tribes as well as pitting them against each other.

Would've actually suit the narrative as a sequel to the first game. Make Talion/Celebrimbor the main antagonist, say he weakened Sauron and his forces so much that you have to slap Mordor's armies back into shape and fend off the forces of good etc

They could have even added the expanded fortres or whatever system they have going on in this game.

We can't all be spending our valuable time updating our tumblrs like tirelessly productive super-womyn such as yourself.

so the nigger is a good guy? lmao

and people say there isn't an agenda being pushed

They already have elves bruh

Game just got announced and there are DLC packs already, man, fuck video games.

>it looks like the tightest shit


the combat is a nigger? what the FUCK are you saying

Yes. Black NPC shown for 1/5th of a second in a Video Game trailer is now enough to trigger Sup Forums. They are pretty much on par with leftist SJW retards who get triggered by White NPC shown in a trailer for 1/5th of a second.

Near Harads were arab. Far Harads were trolls.

There were no black people in Tolkien books.

Finally some progressiveness in the tolkien universe, hope I'll be able to play as a muslim elf or a transgender orc in this one !

elfags btfo kek

>black people in Middle Earth
Haram as fuck

it's gonna be more of the same
that's enough for people who are interested in this

When Tolkien wrote some Gondorians were dark, he meant they had dark hair and dark eyes. Not that they were fucking black.

its niggers who need to 'chill'

I think it's funny because asian people get like no presence in modern vidya.



Even white men took their samurai jobs with nioh

No this is whites only site.

>isn't even on pc

try again ming

I'm a kebab, do I count? I'll cook you something.

Have you played it? Its a nigger for sure. Some guy made a lets play with his monitor turned off

>counted the posts
>every fourth post is a post complaining about Sup Forums
>people complain about Sup Forums not ignoring sjws and giving them attention
>then they immediately start complaining about Sup Forums instead of ignoring it

Anyone else feel like they just pumped this put because of the leak? The steam page seems very lacking in content or description.

Yeah! We prefer to waste our time shitposting on Sup Forums, which is clearly superior!

OMG guys stop being racist. It's CANON! Have you seen the hobbit? There are black npcs there too. Pic related, it's from the hobbit.

>Sauron is the final boss again
Can't wait for qtes

Goes to show how much media controls people.

This guy gets it.
The brutality of Talion's combat would have been perfect for a more villainous character. It felt odd seeing such a boring Aragon rip off rip the throats of of any Uruk that came into contact with him.

Fair enough. Sleeping Dogs as well.
On the other hand, Faith's redesign in Mirror's Edge: Catalyst was completely unnecessary.

>doesn't count!


>he didnt play the dlc


Lorefag here. There's little wrong with what the game does.

Elves who lose their bodies continue to exist as souls, and can choose to stick around and haunt things. Men rarely understand the true nature of magical phenomena, and Talion is one of those fallible men. Put those together, and you have the interface as reported by Talion being deliberately incorrect, and a reasonable assumption that the power of an ainur backing a maia could prevent an elvish soul from being called to judgement.

>lotr books has no black people
>movies have no black person
>entire universe has no black person
>woowww stop being racccist guys you are triggered lamo


just ignore :)

Nah, they teased a March 8 reveal weeks ago on twitter, and now we know it was for the gameplay. Now everyone knows about it.

Dlc has proper sauron fight

Yes they're always hyped for PS4 exclusives.

Horrible Title, horrible trailer


buying it regardless


*blocks ur path*


Who is the narrator? She some elf bitch?

Meh. I mean, 1 guy is whatever.

I'm sure there was at least 1(one) non-slave black person in medieval Europe at any given time.

It's not Cate Blanchett

Did not know that thanks for the info my dude!

literally as bad as tumblr

Man, anybody else suffering like me?
>I'm a casual
>I like these type of games
>I also really like LOTR
>so Shadow of Mordor should be the perfect game for
>try to get into it 2 times
>I just can't, it's way too boring and empty, a mediocre experience overall
>see this and get excited for the sequel, now wanna try SoM a third try

what the hell I should like this why can't I get into it

>find leader
>fight him
>he becomes more powerful
>hunts me down
>more powerful


>their could be a black person reading this every post

goddamn I cant type today

literally not true you fucking idiot imbecile


ha there's a black guy behind that kid
is that a metaphor? like is the kid Sup Forums and he's afraid of the nigger that might be browsing this thread?

i would love me some slutty elf pussy god damn

Maybe, but that's not medieval Europe... That's fucking middle earth. No darkies in the West.

>"what are the haradrim"
>this entire thread

>which is clearly superior!
It is

Slavery wasnt a thing in medieval times like you are thinking. Serfdom was pretty much it, but that was a class based/you are born into setting.
Blacks were known throughout Europe, but mostly in the form of the Moors/Spain and other Muslim incursions.

>it's probably gonna be a good game
don't tell me you thought shadow of mordor was good


not that guy but many, many people thought it was good user

It was.

>Slavery wasnt a thing in medieval times

OMG just don't, o.k.? What about Hitler? Just stop it with your racist propaganda.

>Game is announced
>no Q&A
>no nothing
>buy muh game with already cut content
>pre order muh cut content
>We're also adding in game purchases cause fuck you LOtR fags,we're kikes
>SJW kikes
>Don't talk about pirating it by watching a let's play or reading a book cause we'll ban you from the forums
>We're also adding a dindu
>And a rapefugee class
>Todd told us so
>Frodo will climb on that mountain
>in a DLC with contextualized climbing
>just be sure to buy our season pass

Yeah I was interested in LOTR game as long it wasn't a sissy MMORPG sadly they're already jewing people out with p/o bullshit and if it's going to be a Buttman with some idgaf MC I ain't buying that shit,also they will be sure to shoehorn denuvo in it,guess I'll be adding Shadow of War to filter's list cause shills and trigger Sup Forums crybabies

You fucked that sentence up by not saying
>Slavery wasnt a thing in medieval times like you are thinking.
instead of
>Slavery wasnt a thing in medieval europe times like you are thinking.
but even then you would be fucked by people bringing the irish up

Not sure what you are on about. Was just clarifying a comment about some "non slave guy" in europe.
Slavery was not a common practice in that period of history yet. After all, why use slaves when you have an entire class of "slaves" prebuilt into your society in the form of Serfs.
What propaganda would you think this is towards?


a haradrim is described in the second book. it's a blend of indian and african warrior if anything