Game is fucking amazing

>Game is fucking amazing
>Zelda ENG voice is ruining every cutscene
God dammit, Jap user please upload voice files.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm just waiting for the Japanese copy of the game to leak, though not because of VA. I imagine it won't be for a week or two; the Japanese love being law abiding citizens.

Game actually has all audio files already, it'll change if you change system language.
That's how awful Nintendo handled this. Cunts

Even jap audio?


The funny thing is, literally EVERY other language sounds better

Only the English one is so bad

How did this happen

Nintendo of America, as always.

The British version sounds good too. It's just the American that's bad.

And that's one of the reasons I want to just play the Japanese version, I don't trust NoA's localizations.

Why would the British need their own version?

I'll ask here because why not

Know the catapult setup?
Is it possible to freeze the dropped boulder and then drop a second boulder on the first to increase its' speed?
Or does timestop not last long enough?

Whats the item needed to cook to get the Warm Double from the old man?

Because they talk proper English and hearing bastardized one is hurtful and diminishing

Fish. He gives you it anyway in the snowy area though. Just cook spicy pepper+mushrooms or whatever and run up there.

I was seriously blown away by how awful the voice acting in this game is. I didn't expect much but I still assumed they would put ANY kind of effort into it. It's H:ZD-tier

Then just change the system language.
It's better than most games nowadays where you don't get a choice at all.

Same. I'm surprised an AAA company like Nintendo couldn't get some decent VAs for a high profile release like this, it's weird as fuck.

The decent VAs are in strike, remember?

The Deku Tree and Impa sounded alright.

>I'm surprised an AAA company like Nintendo
Nintendo don't make AAA games.

None of those people are worth shit though. There's nothing wrong with no-name VAs, the problem is when zero effort is put into the dialogue and everything sounds like someone reading a fandub out loud.

Anyone have links to some of the newly voice acted scenes?


I'm tempted to try the Brit one since I want to be able to understand what they're saying. I'd try the French or Japanese dubs since they sound nice, but I'm guessing the subtitles might change languages too.

There are no British/American versions, you fucking retards. It's just English.

Does this mean it would be easier or harder to patch in an undub for the English version on Wii U? Or would the possibility be unaffected?

I'm considering getting a refurb Wii U on the cheap and homebrewing for that cute JP Zelda

aint AAA voice actors on strike??

Keep telling yourself that while we're here with the superior version.


No, as a French I can tell you that the French dub is fucking awful. I'll play in English even though it's still not great.

Don't know, thinking about skipping on a Switch and wait for WiiU undub as well

Then why is there two different trailer, one for the US and one for the UK?

Checkmate atheist!

>implying Zelda is worse than the fish

I don't think Nintendo is one of the companies being targeted by the strike, how would it affect Zelda?


Did you snore drug before watching the trailer? The French dub is awesome

>There's nothing wrong with no-name VAs
actually good name VA are good name VA cause they are good at their shit. V-A is not as easy as look like ergo why non experience/ bad people sound like shit.

The problem is that in USA the best VA have a monopoly of the market more or less as companies dont try or care or care for new comers. At least Japan have a system that even new comers can have a chance in the market and grow from there. ergo why they have so fucking many and even hte cheap ones are good cause each one of em tries they fucking dam best to build a full career

Post disregarded, you need to go back Pablo.

French trailer was way better than the English one, I will play it in French instead.

>Actually good name VA are good name VA cause they are good at their shit

Okay, Bryce Papenbrook. Keep telling yourself that.

you know there are worst stuff than him going around. so yes. the good ones are good compared to the non good ones.

than being said. most good American VA fall short to Jap VA standards and some Mexican ones..

>no dual audio

I don't really care, people can like what they want, but why can't Nintendo into DUAL AUDIO?! That would solve everything. There's no excuse.

>it's another "weeb hates anything in english" episode

VAs are fine, stop taking shit so seriously

>actually good name VA are good name VA cause they are good at their shit
Yeah, nah.

no you won't you stupid american


>proper English
Linguistically speaking, received pronunciation is actually a greater divergence than American English from its pre-split roots.

the worst thing about siubtitle weebs is that most of them are monolingual Americans who have no understanding of foreign languages, they're pathetic and can't even be bothered to learn Japanese to justify their elitism

what about subtitles
I don't speak moon runes, but I appreciate the artistry of it

The only one who has been laughably bad so far is the fish girl. Everyone else sounds fine.

I'm not American

B-but they know what senpai means!

Yes I hate them too


Most Japanese games come with dual audio now. Stop making excuses, Nintendo is once again the outlier.

Literally every game has dual audio nowadays

too bad American English sounds extremely ugly

>tfw you're fluent in more than two languages
At least I can change the system language and not have any problems.

Of course, Nintendo is still lazy as fuck.

>Most good American VA fall short to Jap VA

I feel like a lot of times people believe this only because either

A) They can't tell if the JP acting is bad because they don't speak it

B) The original voices are better because they're given better direction.

I've seen a decent handful of English dubs of JP shit that I'd say easily outshine the originals, and plenty of fantastic English voice acting in Western made games.

Enjoy the mudslimes raping your country, faggot

Complete system will be in Japanese then, even menus

>It's better than most games nowadays where you don't get a choice at all
Ironically, only Nintendo games are the ones without dual audio.


fucking kill yourself, weebshit

It's option B.
Metal Gear Solid for example sounds great because Kojima actually directs the English VAs himself

>Complete system will be in Japanese then, even menus
I just want this


>"weeb hates anything in english"
When I take the spanish dubs over english ones there is something wrong with the quality of the english dubs.

I don't know why american are so defensive of their shitty voice actors.
Almost every other country in the world is better at dubbing video games and cartoons.

set your system to Japan and play all your games in Japanese

oh wait you can't, you're a dumb American and can't learn foreign languages

Don't project. I can.
That doesn't excuse the lack of options for games.

It always does seem to be the weeaboos who whine about this too. I don't think there's any problem with preferring the original VA, none whatsoever, but some people act like anything English is shit. I started learning Japanese years ago, but I can still enjoy English VA as long as it's decent. Japanese VA isn't always the amazing experience some people make it out to be either.


>He wants a middle aged woman voicing Zelda rather than a cute girl who can actually act out crying


if you could, you wouldn't be complaining, you wouldn't play any Japanese game in English

90% of weebs are fakers who know nothing about the Japanese language they idolise

>Game is fucking amazing
Posting form Bizzaro World again, huh user?

It's an Ubisoft 6/10 run of the mill open world blunder. And that is being generous.
People have seen it now. People know it sucks, you are not going to fool anyone but yourself at this point.

>set your system to Japan and play all your games in Japanese

Doesn't that only work for the Switch version?

It's option B. The problem with the English voice acting industry is that they tend to isolate individual voice actors and give them as little information on their character/expected delivery as possible.

What they SHOULD be doing is having them actually interact with one another so the conversations sound more natural.

>everyone criticizing the English VA for being shitty Amurrkans
>you can literally hear Zelda's bongistani accent in the trailer
wew lad

>anything English is shit
anything vidya in american english (that wasn't originally made in the USA) is shit.
Americans, just accept that your vidya voice actors are complete and utter garbage.

And when you pay big bucks to get actual actors to voice vidya characters, those actors consider vidya to be "beneath them" and just completely phone in their performances.

Always funny how Brits talk about American English being muddy or wrong while pronouncing tons of words wrong themselves. NO there is not a R at the end of the word "idea". Fuckin' hell that triggers me. Also fuck off.

>People have seen it now
Hahahaha, it's okay user, maybe you can play it on cemu in 2 months.

Pretty much this. I try both go with whatever's better when given the option. Genuinely bad dubs in both languages do exist, wanting one over the other really isn't that unreasonable.


Abandon thread

>if you could, you wouldn't be complaining
If Nintendo's skimping out on what other companies do to satisfy their fans, I'm going to bring it up. Sorry if that taints your flawless mental image of them.

Stay mad, Yuropoor.

>Posting form Bizzaro World again, huh user?

>Literally every poll made on Sup Forums has had a majority of people to think it's 9/10 or 10/10, even on the threads with the most shitting on the game
>still acting like your loud minority is the prevalent opinion on Sup Forums

its not that i like japanese. Western voice actors are usually fucking garbage.

playing through skyrim was painful with that one guys voice i had listen to in the fallout games and oblivion sounding exactly the same for every character he did and he did like 3 out of every 10 characters. god damn i HATE voice actors. Not being able to understand what they are saying is good because then i cant gouge whether or not they are messing up the tone so if they are doing bad it just washes over me.

i really hate voice actors. worst thing to happen to video games is voiced characters.

Not everything english is shit but there are a lot of really shitty english dubs. Though people also think Ashley Burch is a good voice actress.

This is why white and Asian shouldn't mix.

>Weaaboo lmao
The dub is alright, but the Zelda VA drags everything down because she is the most important character and sounds like shit.

Mainstream games like Final Fantasy or MGS generally have good dubs. Anime style games have dogshit english dubs nearly across the board.

>NO there is not a R at the end of the word "idea"

Yeah that's why they don't pronounce that "R" you're talking about.

Clean your hears next time user

Are you losing your sanity already?
I have personally watched over 9 hours of streams and that is more than enough to form an opinion about this blunder.
It's 6/10 at best. People know. Nintendo can't hide the truth behind carefully marketing shilled cherry picked footage.

Nip voices are fucking annoying

Face it, you have the ugliest form of English in the Anglosphere, and UK has the best one

In fact your vocabulary is adopting so many Spanish words it will probably devolve into some English-Spanish bastard language

I wish you could downright turn it off. I'm not a fan of voice acting in muh zelda. Also it's amusing that the voices are english in the cutscenes but the loli professor still shouts GENKI in japanese.

>I'm autistic and can't understand emotion unless its WYRAAAAH SCREEEECH HWUUUAAAAAHHHHHH UGUUUUU~

Did you only look at the pic? was about how people are deluded for being convinced that the original audio is always better.

Sure if you enjoy Zelda's shitty VF, she sounds like an annoying teen.

>American'ts still don't know the difference between Europe and the UK

Zelda's voice is a mixed bag.
Mipha's voice is objectively bad. She's supposed to be shy, not incapable of emoting.
The king and Impa sound too young for their age, especially Impa.

Aside from that, the voices are okay. There are better Nintendo dubs out there though.

>Not everything english is shit but there are a lot of really shitty english dubs

Oh I'm not denying that. I'm just denying the idea that English = Automatically bad. It's true though that anime style games usually get the short end of the stick as far as English VA goes.

>People know
Like who? Why are you pretending there's a huge internet army backing up your opinion? That's some mighty mental gymnastics.

>and UK has the best one
said nobody outside of UK