Is it realistically possible to do a true ghost run in this game without exploits? By true ghost I mean...

Is it realistically possible to do a true ghost run in this game without exploits? By true ghost I mean, absolutely 0 interaction with anything and sneak past using guard patterns only. That means no shooting lights, no emp light turner offer, no throwing bricks for distractions, no whistling etc.

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idk nigga

Don't think so.
There's a room in the bathhouse level near the end where you have to toss some grenades to distract the 3 or 4 spec ops dudes who are trying to ambush you.

idk but i will always bump a splinter cell thread. Is the latest one good if you disable all the HUD shit?

Coming from a stealth game fanboy who hates games like dishonored etc.

Yes, It's actually really good if you turn off gadgets and HUD shit.

Thx user

Also, what did you guys think about the books. I liked the first one but the second one was balls.

It's not possible in the original Splinter Cell.

Hell, even a non lethal run is not possible, since you have to shoot this one guy through the window in the defense ministry.

What's the best way to replay Splinter Cell?

What do you mean? Like which game? Or how to play them?


Why wasn't any Splinter Cell game as good as Chaos Theory?

What version should I play?

Chaos theory, highest difficulty ghost run

Because Chaos Theory changed the formula for the worse. The Original 2 predecessors had a mix of stealth/ action/ exploration etc. while Chaos Theory focused on being Thief. So all the Thief fags were all about 0 conflict gameplay with no forced challenge.

Thank god current Ubi isn't doing anything with the franchise. Niggas could have taken some of the MGS audience. They only had to hire a good fucking writer and not fire the voice of the franchise.

I am certain it is impossible in Chaos Theory.
In the first mission you already need to knock out one guard to be able to finish it.

Though there are some mission where it is possible (the bank level comes to mind).

>Oh no the stealth game turned into a great stealth game

Jesus christ, is there any game on Sup Forums someone won't be contrarian about?

CT is nothing like Thief..

Thats alright though theres no game like Thief except Thief

I preferred Pandora Tomorrow too bad it will never be on Steam.

And you could def ghost PT, I did it.

Do I buy the 3DS version, PC version, or emulate the GameCube or PS2 version?

The only thing stopping me from getting the franchise pack is that it doesn't have Pandora Tomorrow. I have Chaos Theory on PS2 and that's it

i like the PC version the most. The scroll wheel for walking speed doesn't sound very intuitive at first but it's actually very fluid.

Shit, I always forget that exists.
Is it literally just a port of chaos theory or is it just a mission mashup?

also take your time and limit your saves.

Make sure you create a list of rules before playing. For me my rules will typically look like this.

-1 save only per mission
-no knocking out enemies unless scripted/required
-no emp light turn offy gun unless there's absolutely 100% no other way
-No distracting guards with whistles or bricks

PC version for sure man

Graphics were bombin at the time too

>Chaos Theory changed the formula for the worse

Ouch, must of struck someone's nerve. Also Splinter Cell was not defined as a stealth game before Chaos Theory.

>Splinter Cell was not defined as a stealth game before Chaos Theory


I walked through that room once. I do not know how, I could never repeat it. But I swear it is possible.



>Tom Clancy's
>Written by some other guy


>0 conflict gameplay

>a stealth game became an actual stealth game


>must of

>Also Splinter Cell was not defined as a stealth game before Chaos Theory.

That's some next level historical revisionism. In the original game you don't have ANYTHING except your stealth. Your only weapon is a fucking pistol.

He's been dead for a while. It's just part of the brand.

>the only decent tom clancy franchise
>all the other trash ones keep getting games

I autist'd the shit out of SC, Hitman, MGS etc. in my youth with ghost runs, or as ghostly as possible. All started when I first played Deus Ex.

AS I recall Chaos Theory is the only one in the trilogy that gives you the freedom required to go full ghost.

I know that feeling, lately I got that obsession with the most recent Hitman where I would never knock anyone out, only pick up disguises that are left by themselves, never talk to anyone and then use accident kills without leaving or deleting any evidence.
Time consuming as fuck but really satisfying.

mfw the hihgest alarms gamerun and be caught and later be interrogated in one mission
i didn't know that could happen before

I am liking Blacklist a lot.
I'm playing in the hardest difficulty which removes the "quicktime finisher" skill, limits the markers you can place (of course, you can also ignore this mechanic), vastly improves the enemy AI, and generally boosts up the challenge to a difficult but still enjoyable experience.

I caved in and bought a radar update, since it is part of your base's customization stats, and customizing it gives you more money after finishing missions. Because I must also point out that the default weapons are ass; and you will likely want to buy better ones so you don't feel like you're shooting needles.

The game is not like Chaos Theory at all. Here you will always move from checkpoint to checkpoint, but there are detours and the game will give you freedom to choose different possible routes and reward you if you explore and think outside of the box.

The game is still challenging and a lot of fun; maybe it will leave you with a sour taste if you are a hardcore purist, but if you're just a fan of the stealth genre, this game is pretty solid.


The PC version is godly.

I love its control scheme and how you can adjust your speed with the scroll wheel.
Plus it will run and look better than in any console, even if your PC is powered by a potato.

What happened?

At least they aren't saturating the franchise with thrash.

Just imagine if SC became something like AssCreed.


it was fun to play in coop
i miss old days playing coop in CT ;_;

and F2000 you unlock in the CIA building

Grimsdottir: "Maria Narcissa"
Fisher: "You're not trying to set me up on another blind date I hope"
Grimsdottir: "The Maria Narcissa is a boat"
Fisher: "So was the last girl you set me up with"
Grimsdottir: "Fisher?"
Fisher: "Sorry."

Sam Fisher: [at a Japanese tea house, Sam has grabbed a guard from behind in a choke-hold] Bad news.
Guard: Agh! I knew it! I knew there were ninjas around here!
Sam Fisher: What?
Guard: Yeah, you've gotta be a ninja. How else could you sneak up and grab me like that?
Sam Fisher: Listen, I don't know what...
Guard: Wow! A real, live, ninja! I can't believe it!
Sam Fisher: Listen, I'm going to kill you if...
Guard: *Wow*! Killed by a ninja... cool!

Anna: The missile is closing in fast on the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan.
Sam Fisher: Wait a minute... did you just say I have to win one for the Gipper?
Anna: Dude, what does that even mean?
Sam Fisher: Never mind. You're right Grim; I am old.

That's just a few good dialogue of MANY from CT. How did we go from fun dialogue like this to the boring shit that is in blacklist
they completely killed him in the new games

They did saturate it with trash though just look at the games after CT

Because Ironside insisted that Sam not be just some cold, stoic killer. Ironside was the reason why Sam was so cool. After he choose not to do Blacklist, Ubishit went back to the cold murderer Sam that everyone hated.

Most people equate hiding in the dark as CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIN tier edge and think it's cool. They did this with garret also


Ironically, you can do that in Blacklist until the last level though.

Blacklist is great. Nu-Sup Forums will tell you it's the worst thing ever and killed the franchise, but that's actually Conviction.

Just make sure you play on Veteran/Professional or whatever that disables mark and execute.

All that shit on the hud is giving me cancer

That's too bad.

>tfw have over 200 hours of chaos theory singleplayer all platforms combined and know where everything is in all the maps

I had fun playing that game as well as conviciton. It is fun Stealth-Action, but I hope Splinter Cell goes back to it's roots, Just Stealth.

Those webms show the exact problem with nu-Splinter Cell and modern stealth games as a whole. No more taking your time and slowly memorizing enemy patterns. No more hiding in the dark and waiting forever for a single asshole to walk by so you can interrogate him. Now everything is pandering to the ADHD riddled cod crowd where you run around as quickly as possible and kill everyone in sight. Wouldn't want to lose the babby audience's attention.

While we're on the subject, why is Sam, a 58 year old father, suddenly able to move around like a goddamn coked up ninja in the latest installments?

You're speaking of reboot Garrett, right ?

Who else would I be talking about

Actually, those webms were done on a third try after me and my partner memorized the patterns to get the optimal points. However in the first webm my partner kind of fucked up the timing since he was supposed to trigger the guards walking out earlier but instead he sat there watching my take down everyone for some reason.

>why is Sam, a 58 year old father, suddenly able to move around like a goddamn coked up ninja in the latest installments?
Because Ubisoft didn't want to make the black dude the main character.

>Those webms show the exact problem with nu-Splinter Cell and modern stealth games as a whole. No more taking your time and slowly memorizing enemy patterns. No more hiding in the dark and waiting forever for a single asshole to walk by so you can interrogate him.

That's a bad case of the rose-tinted glasses there. Literally the only games I had to do that in were Death to Spies 2 and the Hitman series (Yes, in case you were wondering, I have played the old Thief games multiple times and it didn't take me long to be able to read the AI like a book, or even figure out how to jump blackjack people). Splinter Cell certainly never was one of these. It has been simplified though, that much is true, like if a guard's already been distracted by a noise in Blacklist he's gonna tunnel vision hard and you can crouch run past him no problem, however in CT the guard's attention "refreshes" when you crouch walk a bit too fast near him while he checks things out.

blacklist had excellent gameplay but lackluster maps. Only a few missions like the seafort were able to capture the greatness of chaos theory. I just want them to release a new game with the same gameplay but different setting and missions. IMO industrial complexes and arabic bullshit makes for pretty bad maps most of the time. I think it's better when we get to fuck around in rich people's mansions, museums, banks, corporate environments...I know blacklist did some of those but they were just ok.

I don't get why everyone gets so butthurt about Sam's age. The timeline is a total clusterfuck anyway. Make him younger, who cares.

It would be easy to ignore if it weren't for the fact that Sam has a 20 something year old daughter in Blacklist and only sounds a few years older than her.

>tfw he didn't punch her in the face in Blacklist

How did they both change so fucking much physically ?

Splinter Cell never was a Tom Clancy book, it was just a game styled and marketed with Tom Clancy's military/espionage style.
The books are actually based off the video game.

They're loosely based on their voice actors.

Michael Ironside is looking good lately

Nu-Sam is pretty dreamy, I won't lie.

Grimm's missions were great since they were non-linear like most CT maps. I really hoped they would add more DLC with Grimm, but it looks like they never milked that part of the game.

That said, I still enjoyed the level design even if it's been reduced to a checkpoint system. Site F for example had many ways to get through each checkpoint and was one of my favourite levels in the game.

why can't they do good writing like this these days?

Sam's face has been changing each game.

All these Bill Paxton references

Why wasn't this a meme?

Because Blacklist undersold and nobody cared about it

Right, but it still is a huge jump.

That part at the beginning of the Seoul mission where you can eavesdrop on the conversation between the two North Korean Special Forces guys was the fucking greatest

>I'm going to take a leak!
>Don't get lost
>Shove it

at least try, man

Is it just me, or does he look absolutely retarded in CT and DA?

When Blacklist came out I had lost interest in vidya and it was good and fun enough to get it back, therefore it will always hold a special place in my heart.

He really does.

CT looks like botched plastic surgery. DA looks like a 60 year old man's head on a thirty year old body.

That border mission kicked my ass.

This shows you didn't actually play the games.

Chaos Theory redefined 1 and Pandora Tomorrow. All it did was take out the emphasis on trial and error which made it into a true stealth game instead of a Syphon Filter ripoff.

It is Double Agent (both V1 and V2) that changed the formula for the worse and Conviction (which had a good story and everything but...) dumbed down the gameplay harder than Hitman Absolution.

To add to this, no Splinter Cell game is ever going to be as good as Chaos Theory because Michael Ironside wasn't told to do edgy Fisher and Amon Tobin's work on the soundtrack was and is phenomenal and it's how you do a video game soundtrack. The plot was simplistic as well, no Hollywood nonsense like Blacklist tried to pull it.

>the original splinter cell is not a stealth game
>the splinter cell that instant game overs when you get caught

all the faces in CT look like reptilians, especially when the random goons are being interrogated

fisher looks like discount george clooney in CT

The interrogation after it was even better

Americans stop reading when they see the word "exercise".

>that minimap
kek, this can't be real

You can get past him without knocking him out.

No, because some interactions are required IE: The Major at the end of the game or interrogating some guards and personnel.

I mean, don't you remember kidnapping that spanish guy on the Maria Narcissa? That's practically a requirement.

I genuinely believe chaos theory is one of the greatest games ever made

the level of detail, complexity, and care put into it is fucking incredible

I think Pandora Tomorrow is better on that front purely because the movement is more planned out and Fisher isn't the invincible lion that he is.

>Pandora Tomorrow
rushed piece of shit desu
