Boss is called Four Kings

>Boss is called Four Kings
>They're more than Four

g-git g-gut c-casul shitter

The more you suck, the shittier the game will be for you. Git gud feg

>Game is called Killing Floor
>You kill no floors

What do you do to not have them gang rape you then? What do you do when they throw you the flying magic missile shit that won't disappear even if you dodge it?

But are they on they all on the screen at the same time? They share the same soul, so just take it as them all sharing the same life energy i.e. they can keep coming back

Grind until you have a +15 weapon basically. Drained New Londo has the relevant Ember and chunk drops. Then just DPS them down.

>What do you do to not have them gang rape you then
Hit one with your weapon until it dies.
>What do you do when they throw you the flying magic missile shit that won't disappear even if you dodge it?
It orbits around the king. If you keep close enough to one of the Kings, it shouldn't hit you. It disappears after a few seconds.

If you do enough damage it can only be the two kings.

>>You kill no floors
That's because its not called Floor Killing you dimwitted oaf.

One comes out every 30 seconds. Just kill each one faster than that, and you never have to fight more than one.

>Dark souls
>you aren't exclusively a massive edgelord

>are they on they all on the

There's only more than 4 if you can't dps well enough. Lightning greatscythe plus 5 and I beat them before a 5th showed up

But you should at least kill someone named Floor. You don't even get to do that.

>Boss is called Four Kings
>Only fight two

>that tense 10 seconds between when you drop down and the first king spawns

>boss is called 4 kings
>stop playing after killing the iron giant.

It would still need to be called Floor Killing.

>Game is called Killing Floor
>Everything you kill is standing on the floor
>Its literally a Floor for Killing

There's nothing wrong with the title you impotent autocrat.

thats not how it works retard

there are only 4, there can be only 4 out at a time

but if you kill one and then take too long it will eventually respawn

>stopped playing after failing to kill the golem and just watching Tarkus 1v1 the golem while you sat in the corner emasculated


go get the 90% magic block shield from the asylum and you can just block all their magic