The fuck is this shit

if this is the new hero, im killing myself

>being racist
>current year
How have you played Overwatch to this point fag?



Ugh racist and sexist much? Get over it you whiny alt right drumpfster, Blizzard knows this world isn't made of mayonnaise and is actually representing real people unlike your white supremacist steroid orgies games -_-

I agree

*rolls eyes*
Ugh...can you just not be so white all the time please? Have you got nothing better to do like shooting up a school?

$100 laptop

She's not, but since you are willing to kill yourself over a videogame, might as well do it anyway.


>people assume people are mad over it being a black character
How about it's a fucking child in a game where you kill people?

Who fucking cares? You do understand that it's a fictional character and she doesn't actually exist, right?

Why would anyone get mad over killing children in videogames?

You should kill yourself for playing this shit game seriously.


>implying killing people is okay but killing a child isn't
You're the sick one here

Yeah you 'kill' people and they respawn a little bit later... who cares?

No it's because it's a super special 'genius' nigger and everyone is sick to death of affirmative action propaganda

You should probably do it before the new character gets announced. Just in case.

Oh it's another overwatch thread.

This shit is getting fucking stupid now
Will you retards ever stop with this pathetic shit?

>Sup Forums user gets buttblasted over video game

A nigger that can control robots? That'd be the fucking day. It's like hzd fantasy all over. Pathetic.

>im killing myself
stream it

Fuck you, the rule34 will be great

It's only gotten worse.
I'm hoping the little girl isn't the actual hero because I want Terry Crews.

Personally, I'm sick of Sup Forumsfags complaining about meaningless shit.

Idk i think he was laughing his ass off. As am i. How often does affirmative action do anything beneficial? never, obviously

you should kill yourself regardless for playing that game to begin with


You should probably kill yourself if you want to kill yourself over a video game

>Game is set in a utopian universe where everyone is capable of using a computer and sentient robots roam
>A black person being smart? Impossible

I hope it's like that but petite with a nice ass.

>Dumb retards jump to conclusions
>New hero is most likely going to be a robot she's building as shown by more recent teasers

Sup Forums will jump to anything and then claim they aren't racist

you should kill yourself anyways

Now that just looks disturbing.

Elsa Jean?


Is this you OP?

please do. one white beta male less on this planet.

>blonde and blue eyes
>unga bunga hair and hoop ear rings

Yup, looks Swedish.

I don't mind her but I feel like Blizzard is trying to hard to pander. All the new characters have been black women

That literally looks like a monkey, why can't they design good looking characters?

Change her back. There is nothing more offputting than a light-skinned black person.
They very distinctly do not look white or asian at all.


Look, there's fantastic and then there's just impossible

looks like a dumb stupid nigger

still looks like a nigger

You dumb fucks thought the middle east was nothing but sand.

Funny because the new hero will not be ops pic entirely because she is a child.

as hyperbolated as this is youre right

>playing Overwatch in the first place
>playing anything made by modern Blizzard
>listening to """gaming journalists"""


I honestly thought it was just lucio as a kid at first desu.

>A child soldier in a utopian universe

In the words of Slim Jesus: That shit don't right

no chance im playing side by side with a coon lucio was bad enough

Sandcastles don't make it that much different

One less retard in the world? Proceed.

la lo lee

>Coming to Sup Forums to talk about video games
>Playing video games ever
