But then id have to buy a wii u

but then id have to buy a wii u

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the only reason people will argue against you OP is to find a way to justfiy their switch purchase

I'm 99% sure people are bying a switch for SplaTWOn.

>It has a decent launch (not launch day) lineup
>Has 1st party support throughout the year
>A bunch of AAA and indies throughout the year
>Cool concept
>Splatoon 2
>Comfiest local multiplayer console
How many more reasons do I need user.

because mario and spatoon later this year?

the wii u version has a lot of jaggies when panning to large structures though

I'm not gonna buy a Wii U instead

I'm really glad to hear that.
Thank you very much

Zelda is cute! I want to pet her eyebrows!

This is nice to see. Just means I can pick up BOTW for the Wii U for now and get a Switch later on if E3 is good.

>What the fuck is your excuse for buying a switch now?
Fast RMX, portable Disgaea 5, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, Super Mario Odyssey, War Groove, Runner 3, and Mr. Shifty.

How is this possible? I'm legitimately asking. The Wii U launched in 2012, it's now 2017, HOW does their new console not look any better than it did 5 years ago?

I know Nintendo isn't about graphics, and that's fine, but my fucking smartphone can almost beat the Wii U.

Is it just because it's a simultaneous release and they couldn't mess with the assets too much? Or what?

There are only a handful of us who own a Wii U anyway, and we - wii u owners - will end up getting a Switch sooner or later, because only hardcore Ninteno fans bought a Wii U.

This thread is pointless

i was thinking about waiting util i buy a switch, now i'll just buy the wii u version

>Identical aside from resolution
Sweet. Guess I'll pick up the Wii U version. I doubt CEMU will be able to run it perfectly for a while.

I have money and I can spend it on things I want. Don't you have the same?

Because this is a smaller hybrid console you can take with you.

Did that really have to be explained to you?


gc and wii were pretty close graphically

Way to be a faggot user

this is going to look so good on my 4K monitor with CEMU

SMT V, cuck.

>yfw in 2017, Nintendos graphics have only marginally evolved since 2001

how are you supposed to tell anything when the images have been compressed?

you're comparing a 720p 20 fps game to a 900p 30 fps game but you've shrunk the display to 540p so you can't see shit

I just want my combination of hand held and normsl console and that's what I'm getting
Obviously not on launch but in like august or september gotta wait for E3/Gamescom

Games at the beginning of a console's life cycle are never visually stunning. It usually takes a year or two to start optimizing good looking games properly.

And once again Nintendo loses to emulators

When will they learn to battle their greatest threat?

>720p 20 fps game
doesn't matter, all of the models, effects and textures are the same so you'll be able to run it a 4K 60fps on PC

>b-but Sony and Microsoft!

in the year 2525, if man is still alive?
cemu aint running this any time soon

So 900p is all it has going for it and Nintendo is basically selling us a handheld that is burkha'd as a console.

>"Link, I am the whiny bitch who will make you wish you still had Navi chattering in your ear."

>i-i-i-it won't run now buy this $400 fisher price tablet and $80 controller

keep telling yourself that console cuck

both versions are $60 you inbred

why am i going to get a wii u when zelda is literally the last game they're making for the system?

I bought a Wii U for Bayonetta 2 and MHTri only and used it for nothing else. I will pirate Zelda for my Wii U. I'm acquainted with at least two others who plan on doing the same. You are wrong.

>can LITERALLY see the difference in draw distance

nice try though, OP

I like the constant moving of the goalposts
>it'll never work on emulators
>it'll never work day 1
>it'll never be 60fps
I don't give a shit either way but what's with all the butt hurt about it working on emulators

Fuck you. Both cost the same.

I'm fucking done with edgy kids who somehow think downloading a game isn't fucking stealing it. How much of a nigger do you have to be to go online and gloat about stealing shit, like that's something to be proud of?

You're already a failure in your parents' eyes, so you're doing this because there's no more way down from where you are?

to play bomberman and carts > discs

I fucking told you faggets.
The $witch $hills on this board spamming their "superior" version non-stop on this board really got you dumb cunts.

so what should I buy
a fisher price toy with no worthwhile games on it (lmao bayonetta is the best you can do) that can barely run zelda and chugs along at 15 fps
or a $300 game boy HD that replaces my GBA and runs it at 30 fps in higher resolution, then will let me buy actually worthwhile games down the line like Odyssey, Octopath Traveler and maybe some AAA ports I don't get for my PC

the placebo is strong in this one.

except its not
if you actually look at the draw distance in the two builds, the switch one has a higher degree of tessellation in the distance, you can make out more distinct shapes.
that comparison video is garbage because he downscaled the resolutions and didn't show the framerate difference

Mad as fuck.

Please wash your eyes or get glasses, you might have sight issues

>buying a WiiU when it's free on PC

This is delicious, how delusional.

Cemu crashes anywhere past the title screen.

>>literally NO DIFFERENCE besides resolution between the switch and wii u
>no difference if you ignore the differences
good try sonygger

because botw is a wii u game, like twilight princess was a gamecube game

this isn't some kind of revelation

Duck Game

Cause I have money, and you faggots get your panties in a bunch over a Nintendo system.

>he thinks

wiiU version runs like total shit

I dont have a wii u or a good enough pc for cemu

Don't worry guys. A day 1 patch will fix everything!

>Nintendo been saying both versions are the same for months
>Everyone's surprised when it comes out the same

So I can get BotW from Wii U homebrew, right?

so does Switch version. when docked it's constant 20fps and sub
Nintendo should have died after the Gamecube and Sega should have lived on.


>WiiU version and Switch version are exactly the same
>Switch won't have a stable framerate
Genuinely embarrassed for Nintendo right now

>different shaders for DoF
>different dynamic lighting
>different draw distance
>higher resolution
>better framerate

His ass

The latest gamexplain video showed there are occasional drops during chaotic situations like during explosions and when you're just entering an area with tall grass (since the grass is all affected by physics, bit it was never below 20 fps, pretty sure it was always around 24. The undocked version seemed to be almost spootless on the other hand

he showed it was 30 fps almost all the time, 24 fps during some long draw distances with grass

>Still no full voice acting
Why is Nintendo allowed to be a decade behind everyon else?

OP said there is literally no difference
Who is lying? You or OP?

Wait for digital foundry to do an analysis. But it's pretty much confirmed that the if the leak is anything to go by, the framerate stutters a heck of a lot more than their previous analysis of the switch build.

Wrong OP, WiiU actually looks better, pay close attention. It's also got better colors due to no piss filter.

>drops during chaotic situations
>when you're just entering an area with tall grass
Nintendo fans, ladies and gentlemen

why is the collor pallete of this game so mossy-green.

contrastless piece of shit

So large fields of grass lag the game?

That's like 80% of BOTW at least

>AND when you're just entering an area with tall grass

The video in question, if anyone's interested

I quote
>In our experience the occasional chugging (in TV mode) is not that frequent, more like an exception

Seems to be only occasional, see above

I'm confused, you're saying that it chugs very very rarely, but in your first post I believe the average FPS is stated to be 24 (By all accounts, a chugging framerate)

Which is it?

>Game visibly gets choppier when links running through physics grass
Holy shit

Because it's a fucking port you dumb niggers.

I didn't mean that the game is always at 24 fps, i meant that when it does drop from 30 it's around those numbers. I was replying to an user that said the game went even below the 20fps, which is just not true. Watch the video, it explains better than me

Enjoy your shit fps and bugs

be bros... who had the download link.....


im not buying one though, honestly dont even care for botw. my wii u is hacked and i havent even bothered going after the leak.

>Wii U version doesn't show the map/inventory on the game pad

for what purpose

Enjoy your inferior resolution you pirate, along with all the Switch games you won't be able to play.

That's okay, the Switch won't have any games for at least a month.

>not playing it on cemu at 4K

somehow... I think i'll be ok


i can't bring the Wii u version farther than 10 feet from my Wii u and it doesn't have Mario Odyssey Splatoon 2 or no more heroes 3

>What the fuck is your excuse for buying a switch now?
So I can play it anywhere retard

>What the fuck is your excuse for buying a switch now?

New Mario.

Nobody is "justifying" their Switch purchase. They are just triggering Nintendo hating manchildren.

That would require extra effort on Nintendos part.

Fuck off drone
Kek the switch version is also more expensive, don't forget the pro controller
>299$ switch
>60$ botw
>70$ Pro controller
>20$ Dlc
>110$ on amiibos
>30$ ethernet adapter
Enjoy your 590$ Zelda machine

>What the fuck is your excuse for buying a switch now?
1. I don't own a Wii U nor have a PC good enough to run CEMU for this game.
2. There are enough games coming this year for it to be worthwhile for me
>Bomberman (depending on level quality and content)
>Fast RMX
>Mario Odyssey
>Splatoon 2 (especially since I never played the first game and apparently its fixing shit)
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Xenoblade 2
>Blaster Master Zero
>possibly Arms if it has a good single player and enough content
And for 2018 there's a new 3D Fire Emblem, SMT V (possibly) and whatever they announce at E3.

So yeah its worth my money considering I didn't get a Wii U as long as online is half price of PSN and XBL as rumors say.


The switch was justified the moment Nintendo showed us that god tier first year line up.

Enjoy not getting the switch for an entire fucking year

Kek, "Nintendo switch" more like Nintendo Shit, amirite?

>kikckstand doesn't work
whoa now this witch is ruined DOA! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha

Ah yes that amazing 900p that runs worse than it's handheld mode

Fucking kek

If you pirate brand new games, you don't respect capitalism and don't deserve to live in the civilized world