>Resident Evil thread got deleted just as the novel discussion got good
Jans please.
>Resident Evil thread got deleted just as the novel discussion got good
Jans please.
>Delete original threads
>Leave the 19 Zelda threads up
And the Jannies wonder why people slowly end up turning on Nintendrones
>Can't discuss patrician vidya literature
was it the lewd sherryposting?
To be fair the opening post was "fuck/marry/kill"
Can't really blame the lewd sherry poster
The one with the girls dropping their pants? Not too surprising when that's definitely a pretty porny image. Of course, an ass thread got the axe despite using an in-game screencap, so go figure.
My question is why not just delete the image/posts that are the problem.
I have seen that before, so it is possible.
If there's cuck shit in this video I'm going to be severely angry.
>was it the lewd sherryposting?
Sorry if it was my fault, I've been doing it for years at this point with no issue though, so I thought it was okay.
I think it's fine desu. Probably it was the OP image, but i've seen it posted a lot of times also
>fucking pic related has better taste than Capcom producers and Shinji "fuck Rebecca" Mikami
what did they mean by this?
And what is this?
don't worry, there's plenty of scout to go around
tfw I've been jacking off to your posts for years. Thanks for making me cum lewd sherry user.
>Best guess for this image: Sup Forums"
Well.. they aren't wrong..
That would make finding the thread a bit hard as a lot of people look by the images rather than reading the header (if one is even included). Really, people need to try and open their threads with more appropriate images, then maybe try to post lewds. I doubt the mods would care as much, and at least not as many rulefags would get in a fit. Though all the same; there should be a stronger push for balance between lewdposting and actual game discussion.
StudioFOW's new movie, basically Jill Valentine getting sexed by(hopefully just) monsters for 30 minutes.
Is remake better or can I just play the PS1 version?
Wondering because I found my old PS1 in the attic with Resident Evil 1 and I've never played it.
>deleted meta thread complaining about 19 zelda threads
>deleted thread about talking negatively about nintendo users
nintendrones turned up to 11
The pleasure is all mine user, I'm happy to hear it.
>Though all the same; there should be a stronger push for balance between lewdposting and actual game discussion.
Agreed, even while lewd posting I try to do some lore/gameplay discussion amongst it (Usually without Sherry images so i don't outright become an avatarfag)
>books based on video games
What game is the first panel? Because I remember resident evil throwing tons of ammo at me plus ammo crafting and a good selection of enemies that were more decoration than anything.
It was like this when undertale and MGSV was a thing. Every big new game is like this.
The PC remake is quite shit anyway and ruins the atmosphere.
Replaying RE1-3 right now, and while i finished 2 with TONS of ammo, i'm kinda starved on RE3.
I only see it as avatarfagging if you talk like a faggot who fancies themselves as the character. Posting images of them along with your posts really shouldn't be a problem as long as you aren't coming off as a loon doing it.
I mean, if someone's into that, then they can just go on an orange board where the ERP is accepted.
Some can be pretty good.
I hate when people represent video game decisions in that manner. Nobody sits and thinks their playstyle out like that, you aren't some kind of intellectual for playing Resident Evil, for fuck's sake.
Resident Evil steadily progresses into a more action-packed series over time even before RE4 came out. Ammo management wasn't very hard however unless you were playing on one of those rare superhard difficulty settings on special ports of the games, or if you were new to the game and series as a whole.
They're easy to exploit ammo-wise if you plan out your game in advance or have some ammo-saving discipline in mind while playing.
Probably RE3 with that outfit.
>Jill gets fucked by monsters
>likes it
>Chris saves her
>They go back to fighting BOWS
>Jill gets trapped by monsters
>zooms in face while she licks her lips
Itll happen.
Remake is a direct improvement, better in every way
Huh. Maybe Last Guardian would've been better as a book.
That reads like someone paid to have their fan-fiction professionally printed and bound. What the fuck.
Well being perfectly honest some of my posts definitely can be seen as that, I try to do it just enough so that it's fun and not autistic or annoying. If it ever became an issue, I'd bug off, but a lot of anons seem to enjoy it so I kept coming back.
>tfw Claire's cuteness gives you a boner but then you remember you're adasexual
>That pic.
Poor Birkin is rolling in his grave over this.
But I had a surplus of like 200 bullets at the end of RE3
A lot of people were pressed for ammo in the early games. Just because diehard players took the time to compile every location with ammo drops doesn't mean that everybody knew about that shit, especially when a lot of the time you'd have to backtrack to collect most of it because you ran out of inventory space. I mean yea, people did exaggerate the scarcity of ammo in the earlier games to the point of them seemingly being brutal item managements, but it's not like people were lying necessarily.
REmake is still the best Resident Evil game, and a 10/10 game by itself. You won't regret playing it.
Then go back and play the PS1 original for the fun of it. You'll get some kicks out it's quaintness and it'll make you appreciate REmake for being the only good remake of anything in the history of remakes. (In video games, at least.)
that's fine, just keep the dindus out of it
They're both worth playing. RE1 has its own unique style to it and if nothing else will be memorable for its voice acting and weird setting that has one foot in atmosphere and another in goofball territory.
REmake is made all the more excellent if you've already played RE1 because a lot of work was put in specifically to fuck with and pander to veterans of RE1, and you'll better appreciate the subtle nods it makes to people who can recognize them.
The RE novels are enjoyable trash.
It was fine as it was. Maybe not worth the 10 year wait, but at least it didn't make nearly as many promises as other long-waited games where they say you'll do a billion things and then only have a fraction of the stuff to do. Still, it does show that games exactly like Ico aren't going to go down well for a lot of people.
I don't get it either. It's always the same fuckheads who think that MMO's and MOBA's are strategic masterpieces. You know, like 13-year-olds.
>That feel when I STILL haven't beat RE3
I just can't get a hold of the dodge mechanics and it's a real turn off.
All the books read like that. It has dinosaurs, scorpions, a entire book without a single zombie, OCs, character interactions you've never seen and a lot of shipping (Leon/Claire, Rebecca/David/John,etc.).
It's fanfiction with an official license put into it, and it's glorious.
Only because he didn't get to fulfil his incestuous scheme.
>classic RPGs
>I only have 25 elixirs left... If I ration them and not use them at all, I should be okay and have 99 of them by the end of the game. I'll save my revival items for emergencies...
>Modern RPGs
>Oh boy! These battles are filled with free mana, health and GOLD!
I love how his original face is now in his chest, and the new head is just a growth on top of it.
What are some Sup Forumsirgin opinions on Code:Veronica?
>inb4 GOSH BYOOTIFUL posts
I gave up halfway and don't know why. I wasn't feeling it, especially since it seems like there are no bullets and the enemies that are there are more spongy than usual. Maybe I'm misremembering.
i love you user
I read rasped out as rape and was disappointed when I realized it wasn't
they don't wonder at all. Nintendo has bought Sup Forums for at least several months. they were outright banning people commenting negatively about switch/nintendo back around the big press conference.
I beat RE3 and hardly ever used the dodge mechanic except on accident. It's perfectly doable.
Well most people didn't plan unless they were going for a speed run. Most people just played them for the fun, not to see how much they could conserve. It's like what just said.
Here user, keep her nice and safe.
>shit enemies
>atrocious voice acting, ain't even funny like RE1, just pathetic
>silent hill bosses
>matrix wesker
>comes with a DVD that retcons everything
>cancer-tier character switching
>if you don't have enough heal by that one steve fight at the end of the game you have to restart
>horrendous level design
It's shit.
I beat RE3 without ever figuring out the dodge. It's not necessary, as running around enemy blind-sides (read: Nemesis' blind-side) is far more important.
Speaking of which, where do you guys think Racoon City is in your head? The games only say "Midwest" but I always took that to mean somewhere in Colorado or the Rockies, myself. It just doesn't make sense to have a city like Racoon somewhere in PA or NY in the Appalachians or Adirondacks.
>Nintendo has bought Sup Forums for at least several months.
Sure they did, sure they did.
Because you've been posting this in every god damn RE thread for the past couple of months.
It's not funny
You'r like a child looking up curse words in the dictionary
>Read this post out of context
>Thought you were talking about RE5
Would Sherry cosplaying as 2B be a Tushy?
>implying it's only me
>he doesn't appreciate Albert "If I Jizz Up My Dick Looks Like The Umbrella Logo" Wesker's antics
shame if you have shit taste.
Well now someone has to make that a request for the drawthread. Or even the /e/ one since the Sup Forums ones are flipping back and forth between hating on any lewd ideas and letting them slide by.
So I heard he died like a bitch in the films, not even getting mutate.
Christ, the Anderson films are just garbage at being RE.
There's a wide gulf between autistically planning out every second for a speed run and haphazardly stumbling around the mansion without a plan, though. After one or two playthroughs, many players become familiar with how many shots it takes to drop certain enemies, which doors to take to reduce enemy encounters on a run, when to use the shotgun to blow off heads and when to shoot the handgun to stagger rather than kill, and so on. Little things like that pile up over time, and even happens to a lot of players at some point during their first playthrough.
He became president of the US
I wish someone would post the clip of the door falling on Wesker's foot and killing him.
Yea, but still a lot of people are going to just play for the sake of it and only really be more alert of things because they have the foreknowledge from before.
Raccoon City and the mansion looks very New England-ish to me. I'm mostly talking about RE1 and RE2 here. Things start getting a bit crazy and inconsistent after that as the city keeps getting expanded to justify things like military blockades, special forces raids, B.O.W. live testing, and nuclear holocaust.
the whole nuke thing pushes me towards out west, because it is only slightly more ludicrous to assume that a nuke could be used on the East Coast without it adversely affecting the majority of the country than it is in the mountains of the west.
That's what I've been saying from the start. Players will unconsciously start making decisions like in the OP just by playing. Planning doesn't have to involve elaborate documentation to affect decision making. I was like 12 when I realized halfway through RE2 that I could afford to take along a handgun for clearing lone zombies and dogs but save my shotgun for groups and lickers, and immediately I went from running out of handgun ammo constantly to swimming in boxes of the stuff by the end. RE2 is pretty generous once you do start rationing yourself even a little.
RE4 by comparison does play a little differently once you realize you can farm enemies for ammo drops, suddenly making QTE attacks and the knife that much more important to help clear out a room.
re7 is meh, a 6/10 at most.
hey G, would you make me a sandwich?
Spooky results.
man i hope they keep this strictly monster stuff
>Waiting to get over this cold before I can play 7
There's over "14,000 frames" of tentacles, so take that as you will
Raccoon is canonically in the Midwest to begin with. My problem with the nuke being used at all is how it basically blows up the city's scope from a sleepy small town to a state capital.
I suppose that's true. Of course, RE4 got easy mode once you did NG+ and carried over all of your gear, plus the inventory expansions meant you could carry enough stuff to steamroll everything so long as you didn't forget environmental hazards or accidentally got caught in your rocket blasts. RE7 even has that issue somewhat since you can't opt to start a new game without the unlocks, and it's tempting to take most of them like the Albert and goggles because of their convenience.
And yet probably no egg laying, bummer.
Lol who takes screenshots with phones anyways?
Lol retards
I was about to give you a dick pic but the file size was too large
trust me, its mediocre at best. watch someone else play like a youtuber if you really want to see it.
Nah. He was this because of G. In reality he'd probably take the unlockable minigun and shoot everyone who so much would try to even say something to Sherry after how she developed.
And how he gets it is both horrid and awesome when he goes into his 2nd Malformation.
I honestly hope they'll make the malformations as graphic as possible in the RE2 remake.
They better not just jam a bunch of tree branches into her. Tentacle isn't just about long, giant dicks. It's about bondage and entrapment.
should I watch all the RE movies? only saw the first two and one of the animated movies.
Well we already got that Sup Forums hates it.
Making a 1000th false flagging shit thread doesn't benefit anyone as it's just platform war faggotry.
The few people who want to talk about the game now have to deal with loads of bullshit, no wonder that's getting banned
He seemed pretty keen on wreaking havoc with the G virus, I don't know if even remembered having a kid until he left the lab most nights.
>old game
>start in the middle of an area
>surrounded by 20 doors and rooms that are all reachable
>everythings an intricate puzzle
>have to figure shit out or get stuck
>sigh relief when you find 10 bullets
>walk in the wrong room the wrong way and end up dead
>new game
>LOL go in a straight line
>oh shit son 2 paths now
>1 is the path to continue and if you go through the door you know you wont be able to come back
>the other is a dead end with two diamonds, an emerald, a gold chalice, a rocket launcher and 200 rounds of assorted ammo
>totally not a boss fight gais
>user still didn't deliver on his 6.5' thick cock
Really not a fan of watching people play video games outside of high end speed runs, I pirated it from Gazelle so I'll just it a go myself.
Agreed, I trust FOW though, they usually do pretty solid work.
Maybe snuff though, that'd be nice.
Are you saying this about the comic or the games? Because neither were really like what the comic is implying.
counterpoint It's a very fun and well-made game that is most definitely worth a playthrough. It has a great series of maps and enjoyable sense of progression.
the live-action movies are dogshit. Watch Degeneration (i presume you've already seen it) and Damnation.
No, to hell with that. Why do people want to see chicks die after getting fucked? That's just weird.