
What's your favourite

>melee weapon

>rpg class

>fps/tps gun

depends on the game desu

I'm contrarian I guess, I like playing melee in games mainly about mid and long range and mid or long range in games with heavy melee combat

>melee weapon
Katana and one handed axes are cool

>rpg class
Samurai, Berserker or any other lightly armored melee class that's not a backstabbing assassin/thief

Semi auto rifles and full auto pistols

>Giant sword

Im a simple guy

I liked the cleaver in Ultima Online, fairly powerful starting weapon with a helpful secondary attack (bleed). So any weapon that maims foes and allows me to finish them off/flee.

First playthrough it's almost always the warrior, unless the game offers something other than the usual trio of mage/warrior/rogue. Hybrid "spellsword" type classes are also ok.

SMGs and shotguns, because I hate assault rifles and usually don't bother learning the esoteric art of sniping in a given game (because, let's be honest, in the right hands they're OP as fuck, and my hands ain't right).

Usually anything hybrid. Magic knight or submachine gun, for example. Any other 'unique' class or speed class after that. I use bows in Monster Hunter because I love the coatings - things like that.


Don't really have one


not very original

>not original
most people go for ARs, SMGs and Snipers though

Depends on the game and how I'm feeling. Been playing alot of gamepadable arpgs lately so I've been favoring ranged. My KB&M has been giving me mad wrist pain that I haven't been able to solve.

Otherwise, I go for BEEFCAKE melee. Either fighter or pally.

is that your favorite class?

what fucking retard designed this

>melee weapon
>rpg class
non-tank melee or melee/magic hybrid. Maybe something that abuses stacking passive effects instead of the more ability intesnive
>fps/tps gun
probably guns that are more burst dps. Shotguns, revolvers, rockets. Your typical smg or assault rifle is the bread and butter usually, so I don't slouch on those

2H sword is my shit.
Usually something like a warrior or a paladin. Heavy/Medium armor is my shit.
Revolvers. Nothing else compares.

generally it is the racial weapons of elves in pathfinder/d&d

Long Sword


Assault Rifle

That's a hard one, I can never really choose. Sometimes if there's a weapon crafting system I'll make on weapon and then see another that looks cool so I'll go back and grind to make it. You also need different weapons for different situations, you can't really use a two handed battle axe or a sniper rifle in close quarters. Guns are a different matter, I love certain models, the class doesn't matter. Vector and F2000 need to be in more games.

Winged mace


Shotguns in general

I just like being autisticly offensive


I like big heavy weapons, so a big hammer is usually my go to choice. But if there's something cool like a pile bunker or something I might go for that too.

>Favourite RPG class
Depends on the game, really. Generally the tankiest fuck around for JRPGs, gotta have someone alive to hand out potions and shit.

>Favourite gun
I don't care what it is as long as it has a lot of ammo. I tend to use default unlimited ammo pistols a lot because of this.

I normally use the long sword because I'm a casual but currently maining spears in Nioh but Nioh with a spear is easy mode just like picking Axe is easy mode in Bloodborne.

dual blades
either cleric or rouge
sniper rifle

>Battle rifles
Not a fan of how paladins are usually represented as 40k Space Marine cosplayers these days though.

>Meme weapons: twinblades, dual wields, chain spears, etc.
>Rouge/agility/dex based class
>Precision guns: marksman rifles, burst rifles, slow RoF long range stuff
I want to be the scout/assassin/hunter of your nightmares

>gauntlets and greaves, although I'm also quite partial to nunchucks
>I have no idea, maybe thief or monk
>Shotgun, always

I already mentioned Ultima Online earlier ITT, but boy, its paladins were great. Like, one of their staple skills was "cleanse by fire", where there paladin would set himself on fire (holy fire and from the inside, arguably) to rid his body of toxins.

>longsword is an arming sword (and a short one at that)
>morningstar looks like something made by an ape
>warhammer is a shitty art piece instead of a weapon
>longspear not even slightly long
>spiked chain just a spike on the end of a chain (how the fuck is that supposed to function as a weapon??)
>fucking starknife

I'm triggeggerered.

where the paladin*

>tfw indecisive as fuck
>would be easier to name what I not like than the other way around

I don't like two handed axes or hammers
I don't like healers
I don't like rocket launchers

Anything else is a potential pick and I'd enjoy most of it.

>Sword N Board

So few games have good pistols. I miss Black Ops 2 so badly. I really hope they do an HD remake of that or something.

>the muh realism crowd arrived
I was like you and then I turned 17 and understood what suspension of disbelief meant.



Assault rifles with burst fire

What does suspension of disbelief have to do with incorrect weapon classification?

>Oh baby!
>changes but mostly the slow high dmg dealing guy
>anything with stoppin powah

TiFa 2 has a very good semi auto pistol that can be used as a main weapon

contain your autism

Sounds rad

>melee weapon
War axe
>rpg class
Mage or battle if there's an option
>fps/tps gun
Sniper rifle

It's okay not to know stuff, user.

>Melee weapon
Polearms in general, also rapiers.

>Rpg Class
Whatever lets me apply status effects and just bully the shit out of enemies. The Dark Hunter from EO is a good example.

>Fps/tps gun
Pistol or sniper rifle.

You had me until "sniper rifle."

Shortsword, dagger, light xbow
Rogue, thief, etc.
SMG, pistol

where my fucking thieves guild bros at

Pretty much this. Boring but effective and balanced.