Sup Forums told me that this is a bad game with a boring gameplay

>Sup Forums told me that this is a bad game with a boring gameplay
>Been playing it 5 hours now
>Game is freaking amazing and fun
>Lot of content and things to do

I should remind me to never trust Sup Forums general opinion again

Timestamp or gtfo pajeet

what a surprise.

now I'm actually curious if gow will deliver

whether or not it's good people will keep spamming "WHERE IS MY WIFE'S SON RRAAAAARGGH" as if Atreus isn't his biological son.

Nice try. This is pathetic. Meme game is sjw+pajeet poo poo. Glad you're havig fun though- maybe you'd like to invest in my line of pet rocks?

The visuals are stunning

You know it's selling like shit by how hard it's being shilled.

>p-pls buy this game
Is there anything more pathetic than having to defend something due to association?

see you next week

>b-b-but at least I had fun
keep telling yourself that

>Lot of content and things to do

And what are those things??

Sup Forums has been nothing but sewage for years.


If we nuke california, it will all be over.


>if we nuke California a game company based in Denmark will somehow go out of business

Then dont suffer and go back

>had this game pre ordered
>remember it just moments ago
>want to cancel it
>turns out its already on route.

Fuck, now i have to play it...

I've been here for a decade. I'm not going anywhere.


Sup newfag. Bet you can't into triforce

▲ ▲


>Sup Forums told me
well there's your problem. don't listen to people who doesn't like games

I'm going to trust Sup Forums's opinion after a month or two, because there are so many shills and I don't know who's right


>amazing and fun
no an arguments.
Especially since you are in the tutorial area.
The game ends in 20 hours so enjoy that lie. when enemies get humans, you will open your eyes, or die as a human to become part of the cult.

like fucking clockwork

So it's gonna be mostly human enemies? So all that advertising about robo animals is just hot garbage? Just like The Last of Us with zombies and instead we get way more human enemies


Marketer, you're weak.

can't wait to play Horizon, amazon hasnt shipped it yet though lmao fuck


>Double tap is OP, Triple tap can bring down almost any common zoids
>Knock down skills can bring down medium size enemies like she's Hulk

I don't know man, You can get very OP from start. Pure stealth tree is funny on humans though.

>t. tasteless faggot

I agree. And Ashly Burch is a great voice actress. Hope to hear her more and more often.

> Sup Forums said it has shitty graphics and physics
> never trust Sup Forums

looks like an amazing game. call me when it's 50% off

Fucking racists. Black people didnt even make the game yet you mock them, whats wrong with you?

>I should remind me to never trust Sup Forums general opinion again

Sony need to spend a bit more money on the Pajeets they're hiring to astroturf Sup Forums.

Poo in the loo you filthy subhuman.

>Shilling for nintendo

This, Nier 2 is clearly the superior robot slaying game.

shh your being racist


Where is the shill? You don't have to shill to compare an old ass looking nintendo game with a shitty AAA ultra PS4PRO 1080P 250FPS game
Both are casual crap

I agree! Horizon: Zero Dawn™ only available on the Playstation 4™ looks amazing! Preorder now beat the rush!

So what's the twist then? That's it's a simulation?

I don't care about spoilers

Just saying, what's wrong with you?

your discriminating me

That's right user, if you love something it means that thing is amazing and everyone else is simply wrong.


Bought a copy for my wife's bull, he's loving it so far!

dont be an asshole

I just hate minorities

God these animations are janky as sin.

Buy Horizon Zero Dawn - Play it Only on PlayStation®4!

I want to know too

There are minorities with a better grammar than yours, "patriot".

ok but they dont belong in videogames

>reads like a tweet
Nice try. I only have so many PS4bux to spend and Nier, NIOH, and GR2 get the nod.

>game looks good
>final quest
>frame rate goes to shit
>the whole fight and cutscene in that webm
>glitchy platforms to shoot the wave of bots
>that final boss

did they just run out of steam towards the end?

All the gameplay videos I've seen make it look like a fairly boring third person shooter.

It mostly looks like the Tomb Raider reboot so far, to me.

its not the final boss

Neither do ignorant people like you. Racism is a mental illness to which low IQ people feel attracted to.

Jesus Christ, what is happening to this place? Horizon discussions? OP, the title of this board is VIDEO GAMES. Guerrilla studios are entertainers of commoners, lay folk. They're perpetrator of crimes against language and art. This stuff is meant to be played/seen by adolescents and children, and even then the offspring of human cattle who do not deserve an education or the chance to speak freely in our society. This is for people below the culture barrier, impossible to save, the kind of idiots who think Louis C.K. is funny. These types of games train you to be a mindless moron.

There are so many plebeians, so many proles, so many redditors and tumblr kids on Sup Forums nowadays. I hoped and prayed that they would not infiltrate the precious sanctuary I know to be Sup Forums, but it has happened. There is only one solution: we need a special moderator for this board, someone who is actually intelligent.

OP, this is Sup Forums, not just /toys/ or /movies/, or /aspergiantrash/, but Sup Forums. I have been trying to inform some of you about this, but you are unable to grasp it. I demand help from the owners of this website. Every thread that is not about classical, intelligent, and/or aesthetically superior video games have to go. I demand bans. I demand that all movie game threads, waifu threads, Overwatch threads, pseudo intellectual high school philosophy game threads, and Modern game discussion of ANY kind be deleted on the spot. This is the only way to save this board from the slavering buffoonish virus that is slowly killing it.

This includes your thread, OP. You are an idiot for liking this game. I would suggest you a list of classics that might enrich you, perhaps save your future, but you are probably beyond repair. I have forwarded your disgusting post to Hiroshima. I hope you kill yourself.

ok but what if my IQ is 150?

hi redd*t xd lol bacon

>final boss

The you're a brainlet and should piss off

But the races with the highest IQs tend to be the most racist.

Too unlikely user. I am sorry, but your mom lied to you. You aren't gifted.

That's what the game looks like as a whole.

I rest my case.

Ok but I'll stay here tho



> But the races with the highest IQs tend to be the most racist
> Source: My ass

>I demand help from the owners of this website
>I hope you kill yourself.
Typical millennial

Just look at how quick and effortless that stab is. Did they forget that even sharp weapons need the strength behind it to penetrate fully?
There isn't even a wind up it's just
>pop you're dead now.

Also no blood, at all.

you better not

I can tell you for a fact the races with the lowest IQ always call other people racist.

Asians are racist as fuck, and Jews are probably the most racist people on Earth and always have been. Whites are pretty middling in average IQ and aren't very racist at all - just look at how most of them are racial egalitarians.

if you like sjw trash that potrays all men as either weak or evil and all "wyman" as strong powerful leaders that save the world

Jews are the most racist people on the planet: fact.
Do you hate Jews, user?

I am not saying that being a certain race makes you more likely to be racist, but that being of low IQ increases your chances of being racist. There is a difference, user.

You're in your mid 30s and still posting on Sup Forums? Wow

And you're wrong. Discrimination is a sign of a intelligence.

>all those reskinned enemies

No thanks.

Yea, it's pretty fun, not the SJW shitfest that Sup Forums tried to tell me it was

if you don't like open world games, maybe don't get it, my only gripe so far with the game is the dialogue scenes on side quests, they are fucking garbage. Main quest dialogue scenes are pretty well done, graphics are amazing.

If you don't like open world games, you won't like it. Also, if you like open world games, you will probably also like Zelda, because if you like either of these games, you will probably enjoy the other.

Yeah a still image totally proves your point.

Gen z is a thing, grandpa

The most badass, likeable people I've met in the game so far, are white dudes.

All shitposting aside, is it as bad as everyoneeveryone as in most Sup Forumsirgins say?

>I'm a normie with a simpleton's taste where I don't care if the character I'm controlling has the face of a chubby faced teenage boy in spite of it being a woman

I honestly wish I had your oblivious sense in good taste just so I could enjoy more games.

I don't fucking believe you.

Few sections are good most are pretty ass for a game released in 2017.

>Jews are the most racist
>Do you hate jews
No, at least as long as said jew didnt commit a racist crime against any other "race". I dislike and dont tolerate any racists.

Autism: The post.

The opinions of the Gen Z trash that ruined this board beyond repair are worthless to me.

It really isnt. Depending on the culture and society you grew up in, its a sign of ignorance and low education. In most western societies thats the case.

Only people we consider to be the losers of society would latch onto the only thing they can feel pride for, that being their skin colour and race.

>pre-ordering games

You're a dumbass that deserves to lose your money.

yeah but what is your take on ponies though?

>Sup Forums told me that this is a bad game with a boring gameplay
Sup Forums Sup Forums is a community based around of 0day gaming that mean everyone and his mother already played farcry1/2/3/4/P and is actually bored of that playstyle
come back at me when you do

Anyone that's been playing it know if I should go normal or hard difficulty?

Don't want to waste time on normal if the combat is too easy, but don't want to spend the first few hours getting my ass kicked.

They are a tool that people on this board use to be contrarian.