Oh shit! What's in the package, Sup Forums?
Oh shit! What's in the package, Sup Forums?
Probably some shitty game that only you care about
>eder munoz
Nice HZD faggot.
Just a heads up user.
People can track you with that waybill number of yours.
Package is being a motherfucker
Alright it's not PS4, Wii U, or Switch so the plot is thickening. I'm throwing out a random guess for DMC HD collection.
call of duty
>pulls up a no game
nice try op
Any of the Yakuza games, Nier or Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut.
>those times
>those post numbers
>those guesses
Post dick
Might be getting obvious at this point
It's actually quite an educated guess. It's a big reason for people blowing the dust off their PS3s because they suddenly want to get into the DMC series and PS3 is the ultimate way to play the first and third and pretend the second one isn't on it.
Oh jesus, LR. You have shit taste, m8.
Wind Waker in a ps3 case
Fuck outta here
its shit.
One more just for giggles
Dying of old age over here
>ps3 game
Nobody cares
Man Op you really are dragging this $5 game out as long as you can.
Yeah alright show us your Human Revolution already.
>15 minutes to reveal LR
thread is already dead
There's no game in the case.
It's motherfucking Nier!
everyone you kill the entire game is a human
nier sacrifices the universe for his daughter because he's retarded
nobody cares about you trying to fit in purchasing some shitty "niche" game
>not shota nier
Shit taste.
Please put on a trip so I can filter out your shit threads.
As expected. Kill yourself you fucking pleb.
>years later
>some user already guessed it
>unironnically using motherfucker with exclamation points
Might as well kill me too ill never get my 10 mins back
nier is the shadowlord and shades are humans
kaine also has a dick
Why do fucktards think they are special if they buy/play this shitty game?
because yoko taro is trying to make himself a meme on the levels of kojima but is really just embarrassing himself
>It's another 'newfruit falls for the Sup Forums-core meme and shows off his mediocre taste' episode
Very enjoyable thread, OP. Thanks.
I'm jelly OP. Hope you enjoy and have fun.
which episode is it from