Is this is the new god of overwatch?
Is this is the new god of overwatch?
overcuck players should just kill themselves already gogo do it faggot fucking scum
tf2 fag detected
How's tf2 you fucking nigger?
I dunno I'm stuck playing console so I can't test him in ptr
>I am a superior gamer with superior tastes
>watch as I play through Gothic again
>it is the pinnacle of gaming
>i'm 16 years old and my taste is fukken superior
The only thing saving Overwatch waifus are the drawfags that don't accurately depict what the characters actually look like in game. Holy shit the style they chose is ugly.
from the catalogue I thought this bastion had massive tits
All the games on the list are for 16 year olds or man children, be honest with yourself user
>it has girls in it so it must be shit
underrated post
be nice to p4 though, it gives earthbound feels
so you've an adult and you still care about what other people do with their free time?
The update is out on console now
>thumbnail looks like she has robot-tits
>Open it and they're gone
Oh i don't care, i just think it's sad and a bit funny
It's fun
Bastion is better than 76 now.
>there is a single female character in this game so it is bad
This is bait and i replied to it
anyone click this thinking it was fem bastion with huge robo tits making a blue "
Great I was getting tired of WE'RE ALL SOLDIERS NOW
>beep boop beep
>I don't care
You just either created the picture, or bothered to save the picture so you can go into a thread that clearly isn't for you so you can shitpost and say your opinions are superior
LOLing at your life rn.
I wasn't even the user that posted that picture, you seem upset weebfag?
Guys, guys, please. I think we all know none of that's important.
What IS important is robotitties.
omg hilarious bait fish meme my man!!!!!