Have you ever met a video game protagonist you hate more than the villain?
Have you ever met a video game protagonist you hate more than the villain?
A lot of Final Fantasy games are like this.
Liked her in the first game.
Then I met her in the second game.
Yeah, her
Only after playing the pre-sequel though
>Then I met her in the second game.
The character writing in this game was absolutely atrocious.
Nowe from Drakengard 2. Then again, Caim was the only good part of that game.
Thankfully this guy left Gearbox so he won't be touching the third one. The question is whether or not Gearbox has anybody capable of undoing that damage
pic forgotten. FUCK this guy is contagious
Literally every main character in the "Badass" Borderlads series. Games are decent but boy, do I dislike the "good guys". Borderlads 2 got especially bad with character design that represents everything bad in our society ranging from degenerate mexicans to overweight sassy gurlz to fuck capitalism. Nice to know that in a more realistic scenario hansome jack would have wiped the floor with their Antifa asses.
She's even worse in the Pre-Sequel (I got it as a gift).
Legitimately wanted to kill her. Handsome Jack is the real hero of the entire series, no sarcasm intended.
post more klub17
Why is she in the subway from Silent Hill 3?
Fuck, I shouldn't have re-read that trash again. What a fucking tool.
She is dumb but not worse than Reddit the Character
I get your hate for BL2, but why hate the MCs in BL1? They only want to find the vault.
The more I look at this, the more it seems to me that "badass" is actually a singular word with a completely different definition/pronunciation
They would be alright if BL2 hadn't revealed them as mostly cancerous
And if the Pre-Sequel hadn't made them into actual villains.
>Reddit the Character
who might that be?
Borderlands 3 must allow me to put a bullet through her skull.
Jack's the only character written and acted worth a shit.
Shame you had no option to help him so it was one guy vs. an army of shitlords and scumbags.
>he liked handsome jack
tiny tina was the point I quit and uninstalled
Yeah, but they're still the one-line-dialogue treasure hunters in BL1. I may find them tedious while playing BL2 or TPS, but I still like them when I gun down bandits in the original game.
if refunds had been a thing back in 2012 i would've refunded at that point too user
>not liking handsome jack
>not at least acknowledging he's the only good character of borderlands 2/ps
There's one moment, for maybe 2-3 seconds in Borderlands 2 where she temporarily redeems herself.
The better question is, who could possibly LIKE this character more than Eggman? Furries don't count for this.
Jack... the villian.
Jack's original idea is understandable, but he becomes such a tryhard the longer you play, that I can't stand him. The best villain is still Knoxx.
Squall was pretty awful. Brooding to the point of being farcical.
Jack was awful. I mean it was awful having to listen to all his forced humor and "penguin of doom" tier "jokes."
>tfw didnt pay attention to the story much and didn't find out she was a coalburner until after she was firmly my waifu
He gets better once the memey shit stops after you kill Angel. By that point he gets both really intimidating and really pitiful. You wanna help the guy when he's in tears begging you not to kill his daughter, but lesbobitch and her dyke brigade force you to keep going.
Jack killing Roland was the most satisfying shit ever.
Sorry to hear, friend.
Fucking Frank Pritchard from Deus Ex I hate that rubber faced cocky little prick. I wish I could kill him then carry his corpse for the rest of the game/s as a new form of dirty protest.
No, I wanted him to die because he spent the entire game smugly bragging that he would kill me.
I didn't pity him because he was an asshole with zero redeeming qualities.
Jack is portrayed as this big asshole and monster in 2, but in the prequel it is literally all justified and he is certainly the "good guy". Everyone helps him out and proceeds to immediately and unnecessarily backstab him.
People being mean to him doesn't justify his actions on 2.
beyond two souls.
Explain? I'm not going to bother sitting thru actually trying to finish BL2 and TPS.
only in the english version tho
Oops forgot pic
Jack is actually trying to help Pandora and the Vault Hunters betray and backstab him and ruin his plans and his face because of reasons. It's completely inexplicable.
Is there any exposition to the betrayal other than 'lol payday' or some bullshit?
Fuck you.
He's using the severed eye of the Destroyer (the boss of the first game) as an orbital laser to kill bandits. The Vault Hunters hate that for some reason.
>Jack killing Roland was the most satisfying shit ever.
But also the most idiotic shocker in the series. The only time someone can be one-shot by a pistol and Roland somehow doesn't get reconstructed at a New-U-Station.
Didn't he basically consider everyone on Pandora a bandit, like the USA counting every adult male in the middle east as a terrorist?
They were down for maintenance.
Actually, since Jack owns them that isn't a plot hole since he could easily revoke Roland's privileges.
The real plot hole is why he let Roland use them in the first place.
It wasn't BL2 revealing them, it was Burch revealing he hadn't played BL1 and is an incompetent fuck
>BL1 Roland
cocky shouty military man
>BL2 Roland
everyone describes how well mannered and polite he was after he died
>BL1 Brick
quiet gym bully man
>BL2 Brick
>BL1 Mordecai
cocky but not shouty marks man
>BL2 Mordecai
>hes ok at the end because his daughter dies
Why should i care because suddenly out of no where i found out angel is his daughter and i have to kill her?
>implying that isn't how it should be
If your shot in a cutscene you die in real life
>like the USA counting every adult male in the middle east as a terrorist?
That's the problem. Jack either can't control the New-U-Network, which makes Roland's death absurd or he can, but somehow doesn't revoke the rights of the original vault hunters as well as the BL2 ones.
You make it sound like you're wrong user.
Please, I don't want to start a political discussion. I don't even care what the USA does. But it is a good reason for everyone to betray Jack if he wants to kill your friends, because he only sees bandits everywhere.
They seem to be assimilating well
Yeah, but she got blacked...
Red faction armaguedon protag
Someone wrote up how Jack could have just fucking revoked it for all the vault hunters but Angel, directly after the Sanctuary bombardment, goes ACTIVATING PHASE SHIFT to undo the change to at least yours and actually give you a reason to trust her again
>when somebody on Sup Forums can write a better story than Anthony Burch because they're not Anthony Burch
Also, come to think of it, the Bandits are implied to be on New-U as well so the fact New-U is even active at all on Pandora is a mystery
>Get BTFO after user makes a stupid comment.
>D-don't wanna start a political discussion.
Nah user.
You brought this upon yourself.
Have some more moderate mudslimes.
Totally. Maybe if we give them more of our children and wimmenz they might stop blowing things up!
Remember how shitter shattered Sup Forums was when it was revealed that she slept with Roland?
>how do white bandits even compete
At least the nigger died. Too bad she becomes a insufferable cunt post story.
>mfw not Anthony Burch
>implying gearbox in of itself is capable of reversing the damage it did to itself.
Not with Randy in charge.
Got a location on those photos on the right? I really want that.
Randy is a total bad-ass though.
He won the company name in a poker game with gabe newell!
this guy is asking the right questions. i feel like there'll be backlash no matter what. bl1 fans will be upset if bl2 story continues. bl2 fans will be upset if there's no story.
>yfw Gearbox unveils their secret weapon
That set of Sup Forums posts on the bottom. Did that retard actually think he was talking to anthony burch?
Mordecai's random spanish accent killed him for me
I mean I get the alcoholism since he got cucked out of Moxxi, but I really loved playing him in BL1
Fuck off, Pritchard was pure bro material
>Didn't he basically consider everyone on Pandora a bandit
Not particularly but most of them are/were.
Don't forget the meriff (Mayor+sheriff) of the moon he spared and was going to let live and the moment he turned his back on him he tried to shoot and kill jack.
But of course jack is an asshole for killing him.
The reason they betrayed him?
They had a _feeling_ about him. They FELT he was bad.
Yes. Really. That's the reason the vault hunters turned on him and tried to kill him. They didn't try to talk to him about it. Not once. they never brought it up. They went behind his back and immediately said, "Nope, we can't talk to him. We can't reason with him. Got a bad feeling about him so let's IMMEDIATELY skip straight to trying to kill him without trying to talk to him or reason with him."
Jack was entirely justified.
How did that giraffe get into pants and a shirt?
OT Varian Wrynn. That piece of shit had to go and make cheap fucking threats to my death knight after he knew we'd thrown off the chains of oppression, meanwhile Thrall was just like, "welcome to the Horde, don't fuck up." Fuck Wrynn.
damn i wish i saved that
>get rid of Mexican-American voice actor
>suddenly Mordecai sounds a lot more Mexican
This fuccboi right here
>Anthony Burch bragging about his life
>doesn't even have a Wikipedia article
>only minorly mentioned in his sister's Wikipedia article
ah yea the green section
>Turning the perfectly fine sexy femme fatale from the original Borderlands into the trash whore she is in the second
I never dropped a game so clearly in my life.
The problem with Jack is that he went literally fucking insane.
Understandably given what he went through, but he's just a rabid dog that hung onto the concept of his initial idea with WILDLY twisted execution.
If Lilith didn't fuck everything up and break his mind in The PreSequel everything would've probably been fine, or at least not as bad.
I didn't realize you could make SS recruit Kat
VA compensating for his lack of mexicaness???
Yeah, but the entire idea behind TPS is to make Jack more understandable AT ALL COST. They wrote him as a normal guy and needed some big unfair plot device to make his hate relatable.
If TPS would've been the second game in the series, I could actually like Jack, but this whole backstory is just so fucking shoehorned, that it kills any sympathy. With his personality in BL2 you need at least 2 games to cover such a dramatic change.
That's the thing though, in BL1 Mordecai speaks with a neutral accent in a lower, smoother voice
In 2 he sounds like one of those kids in middle school who were always pretending to be high but everyone knew they never even touched a pot needle in their life
>hired gun
>you hate more than the villain
In 90% of games I like the villain more than the protagonist.
Shit, I fucking love villains. Protagonists are the ones who are written badly.
Borderlands 1 had such a good premise. All you had to do was build on it. But 2 feels like they were embarrassed by it, don't even get me started on Burch and his writing... Fucking gearbox.