People think this isn't the best option for switch-tan

>people think this isn't the best option for switch-tan

>people care about console tan faggotry
Back to your containment thread, cuck.


You guys are fucked up lol

/fit/ here

Stay in your containment thread, stay filtered.

>there are people who care

>/fit/ here

>Sup Forums finally waking up to console-tan faggotry and the cancer it creates

proud of you guys love you

manlet detected

>the cancer it creates
>one of the last bastion of actual OC on this shitstain of a board
no user, you are the cancer

>Waking up
>Pepe and Wojak/Feels aren't dead yet
Sure buddy.

no, 320 pound hairy bear that pounds the boypussy.

you people are faggots, though.

Tans are supposed to be human-like

That's a dog

I dont like how it's sex is ambiguous so the fags can get off to it.

stop being a faggot, THICC sexy doggo is the best design for the console.

thighs are thick and ass is fat. why do you care if it has a dick or not? boypussy feels as good as normal pussy.

People want humans.

The point of personifying a console is to be consistent with other personifications and that normies would fuck 'em.

Rather have a thick human than an ugly dog

>normies would fuck 'em.
fuck normies they have shit tastes.
i want console tans to catered to MY fetishes! where are the futa tans?!

faggot normie, canine pussy > human meat flaps

It's not Sup Forums OC just because you're squatting here while shitting it out, that thread just wants a place to avatar and circlejerk

OC does not automatically equate to quality
There is a reason deviantart is a laughing stock

dogs are not something you fetishize, user.
back in the day people like you were stoned to death


oh god I think I have a shortstack fetish

I don't know the name of the meme, but I've seen characters that resemble it before : it's a girl with wacky eyes and twintails if I remember correctly.
It was a really funny picture and it fitted well

You really want this to go down like Ol' Yeller?