Finished the request user

If the user who suggested the pose is still around, here you go.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not the requester, but can you put her hands on her ass all lewd like and make it a lot bigger?

Let's see what I can do.

Will you update your Tumblr?


I've been adding some small stuff here and there for now.

Ever thought of Felicia from Darkstalkers?

You did. It. We'd to make a new thread just for this.


How's this, user?

Can't say I have. Though I do recall her having a 3d model, so it could be worth looking in to.

We really need a model where she still has her 7 inch wedge heels and not Sakurai's shitty yellow boots

like this, they get my dick hard everitiem

Good, now have her deficate.

I like where this thread is going

Oh, yeah! Like her other m look? I should have that model.

I like her Other M model best, the only thing the smash samus has on her is the face. Sadly a mashup of the two will never happen.

I agree there. The smash model has her best face by far. Of course, with a little but of modding, I can make it happen.

Is there any way you can just take off the dark part on her ass texture because it looks kind of stupid

Looks great! Now how about her looking over her shoulder shocked and embarrassed about how big her butt is? Butt needs to be maximum size, obviously.

you'd be a fucking demigod man

I just might. Either in XPS or gimp, but I might be able to edit the texture.

Hmm... I got ya. I'll fiddle around with it.

Let me see if I can throw together a rough draft real quick.

are you going to do any other girls soon?

I do have a small list of characters I've downloaded, so I hope to give them a go soon.


Here is a VERY rough draft of what the model might look like.


not the requester but that's 10/10 for just a rough draft

Thank you. I'd still need to properly connect the head, adjust some bones and do some general cleaning up, but that mod doesn't seem like the hardest to do.

Oh, and for you, user.

I want to tease Samus about her huge ass. Thanks XPS.

She's already quite embarrassed about it!
No prob, I enjoy doing little requests like these.

Good, now have her deficate.

Samus is lewd.


Ever considered attempting pregnancy in addition to big lewd asses?

Tell me there's a high cut bikini

Now THIS is the kind of OC Sup Forums needs

have been offline for a bit, that's quality work user , you did what the rest of the scene couldn't

So damn lewd.

I have experimented with that general area, but unfortunately the current program I use makes it near impossible.

Ahaha... can't tell if sarcastic or not.


Thank you, user. I would love to try and polish it up. I'm glad I found a suitible body.

I like lesbo stuff.

Also just cuz it wouldn't hurt to share...
Is my blog.

Ever thought of adding like 5 or 6 characters at a time in one image?

you're doing gods work here user

I have you to give you some respect for actually using a Samus model and not repainted Sarah Bryant, good on you.

By the way can I get Bayonetta (2 version) bending downward, but her legs kept straight and pushing her ass into Samus' face against a wall.


No he is not. this is not GW, this is BW

this is not videogames
how is this videogames

Yes, I have actually. For a little while I was working in this one group scene with like 5 women. I haven't finished it, though.

I always appreciate the feedback, fellow user.

Nothing I dislike more in the posing community when they label Sarah as "Samus".

Oh, and I can do that.

I want Samus to nurse from Ivy's humongous tits.

Ever thought of Meryl Silverburgh from MGS?

Any Final Fantasy character you could do? mabe Tifa or Garnet from FFIX?

No sarcasm at all, friend! Please continue.

can you make the girls kiss

farting pose please

ignore this degenerate

Turns out I don't have any environments on me right now. so I had to improvise a wall. I hope this is okay.

Hmm... Never thought of that, surprisingly.

Ah yeah, her. I'll look in to her.

I'd need to find some high quality models for them, but they would be nice.

Ah, great! I sometimes attract the unsavory types, so I wasn't sure.



Here's something I threw together once.

I hope you do more crossover, you can always make something new with crossovers

not that im complaining but im surprised this thread is still up

Why is Palutena not doing things with her?

m-m-more bayo pls


Sammy's head smushed between Sammy's and Ivy's giga-assess? Like HUGE butts.

Why are you not giving me source to this picture?

Does anyone know what is the best version ever of Lara Croft and where a model of it is available?

I want to know if our Ivy guy could do her

Because it's not hard to find

But my cock is incredibly hard after viewing this picture.

Unfortunately, I must leave now, but I'd love it if you guys sent in some more of your requests over at my tumblr! That way I can keep track of them.

Thanks everyone for a fun thread!
I agree there. I'm hoping to do more.

Me too! But I must leave now.

She will be soon enough. Been itching for some bounty hunter on goddess action.

Some Bayo before I go.

I assume you mean Bayo and Ivy's butts? I'll jot that down.

I'd like to know this too.

Who do you consider best Lara?

I actually meant Widow and Ivy, but either works honestly


Not Ivy guy but i kinda meant like an HD version of classic Lara unless he doesn't mind doing New Lara

why do hs charas always look as if they are about to cry?

You can take your pick of whatever one.

Because they are. They can't stand being played around with like they're dolls, they just want to be free. But we keep them imprisoned for our own amusement.

Someone better show him this next time he shows up

Love those sandals

I want her to humiliate my dick.

How do we free them?

Sorry, I don't think she's interested in little boy dicks like yours.

Not even enough to giggle at it?

Like this.

Maybe just a little bit.

God, those eyes are just perfect. Very dominating pose from top to bottom. Love it

Gonna need some /ss/ shota please


>straight shota shota

ok seriously wtf is this thread

An user is practicing his work on 3d modeling, and we're giving him suggestions. And other anons are posting 3d art that they enjoy as well

Invisible to janitors, apparently.

>implying they're not here fapping

Serious question, why is shit like this always featuring some fat greasy dude or an old man?

Looks great my friend. Though I kind of wanted Bayonetta bent all the way forward with her hands touching the floor. But otherwise it looks great, and thank you for even taking my request.

Is that supposed to be a punishment? Silly tracer

the context of the image is a splash page for some mod, the fat greasy dude is supposed to represent the game's player base

She'll learn eventually.

I want Widow to sit on my face

I think we all do

Okay, I guess I'm bad at this: where can I find more from this artist?