The best console FPS of all time.
The best console FPS of all time.
Bump, Halo 1-3 are just GOAT.
timesplitters 2
Perfect dark
Halo 2
2 >>> 3/1/reach
Sprint fucking sucked in Reach. Jetpack masterrace.
My negro, Timesplitters Rewind.
i guess you never went through spartan assault or wars
I beat Wars, it's fun. I also got Halo Wars 2.
I sure hope they fix that for H3A.
Even if Doom 4 didnt exist this would not be true
Even if it were, they didn't fix it for H2A. Or Halo 4. Or Halo 5.
Oh it's happening alright. So it wasn't in H2?
They already confirmed there isn't a Halo shooter this year, and you can already play every version of Halo 3 on Xbox Live. There's no reason for it.
At best, there will be a Halo 5 DLC styled after Halo 3.
>the least smelly pile of shit
Is he right?
You didn't even watch it, opinion discarded
Reach? Really? I thought Reach sucked.
I could tell by the title that he was incorrect.
Don't be such a nigger and watch it, it's not like he's saying it's the best out of the series.
I'm 6 minutes in and he hasn't said a single word about gameplay.
Did i mention gameplay? Because I didn't
Why else would you play video games?
ODST > 2 > 1 > 4 > Reach > 3 > 5
2 > 5 > 3 > 1 > Reach > 4
ODST > 3 > 2 > 1 > Reach > 4 > 5
>hurr a shit campaign is godlike because of one single encounter
>you only encounter scarabs one time.
How about that part where the gigantic ship lands in the desert over Chief?
Yeah, it was very filmic.
Are you retarded? Did you seriously come here just to post that? Autism, you give autism a bad name. Namefag
whoa buddy those are some HOT opinions
>Custom Games
3>any other game you care to name
>Special Mentions
ODST has the best atmosphere in a game I think I've ever played.
Doom 4 is good but you can tell it was inspired by Halo. And Certain Affinity helped make it (y,they made Halo 4 multiplayer).
The only two things Reach has over Reach and 5's custom games are the community and nostalgia.
Only two things 3 has over Reach & 5, I meant.
Haven't played 4/5, but I got Reach back when people were still taking crazy pills and decided weapon bloom was a good idea so I never touched it again.
Quality patrician taste, my nigger.
3 > 2 > ODST > Reach > 1 > 343 Garbage
2 > 3 >>>>> Everything else (custom games in Reach were pretty good though).
but 3 had the best multiplayer and 5 wasn't even halo?
3 is the same as 2, but every part of it is worse.
>5 wasn't even halo
Nice meme
>1 after 4
But y.
4 was alright desu, muuuuch easier on the eyes too
3 > 1 > 4 >= 2 > 5
1 = 2 = 3 >= 5 > 4
I'd put 5 over 3 in multiplayer because the guns are actually able to hit further than 15 feet consistently.
5 has the worst multiplayer
Halo 3 was probably the most cinematic, that's why a movie based off of it would fit.
today, OP was not a faggot
>1 that low
I can care less about competitive Halo, I play Halo multiplayer for the fun and BTB.
Then why rank H1 so high when it barely had any BTB maps?
The one time I actually agree with the OP for once
>yfw HW2
Because it's fun playing it in split screen.
Not him but Halo 1 PC had tons of big maps.
And no splitscreen.
And on Xbox as well, not just PC. Minus infinity and Danger Canyonl but that's it. Halo 1's BTB maps were so good they remsde them for Halo 3. Pic related.
I unironically love reach but it's campaign was hot garbage
That was more of a re-imagining. They don't have much in common aside from being snow-covered horseshoes.
Yeah good reimagining, took the old and made it feel new with the same premise.
>Hurf durf!!! Reach =CoDZ!!1!
This is the only reason people dislike it. Because of a "perk" system that can be tailored to your play style. Meanwhile, said faggots also seem to love the actual Call of Halo, Halo 5
Other than being an fps and having slower movement than Doom 1/2, there is literally nothing in common between Doom 4 and Halo
Did you forget bloom? That plagued the game for far too long and killed any interest a lot of people had.
I hated it because the movement was slow, the weapons were weak and inaccurate, there were no powerups on default maps, and player traits were all made shitty so that armor abilities would seem more attractive.
Reach is like 3 with set classes basically. Sprint shouldn't have been one of those classes though.
Humans look like Spartans in DOOM.
What's bloom anyway? First time I played reach was in 2013
When your crosshair gets bigger based on how fast you shoot.
Why wasn't it taken out?
Because 343 didn't have the balls to improve Reach as a whole, and just confined it to a few playlists.
>people seriously saying 5 is the worst
Funny since it has the best MP since 3.
It's mostly people who haven't played it.
Which ones? I'm testing this shit out.
>Console FPS
not saying much
MLG has no bloom at all. Anniversary and anything with the "TU" prefix has reduced bloom.
They confine no bloom to the MLG playlist, REEE, testing it anyway.
>3 higher than 2 and 5
>4 higher than 5
The MLG playlist unironically had the best settings in Reach.
Too bad all the maps are bland forge and small. No sprint/no bloom is good though.
MLG playlist was unironically the best version of Halo we ever had. The only thing I dislike about MLG was the boring gray aesthetic of the maps, but that was a problem with Reach's forge so it can't be helped.
There were only like 3 Forge maps. One of which was only used for a single gametype.
Reach > 1 > ODST > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5
My melanin companion
I hated Reach for the campaign, multiplayer, and gameplay
ODST > 3 > 2 > CE > 4 > Reach > 5
5 > 2A > 3 > 2 > Reach > 4 > CE
Only people who have never played halo 5 hate halo 5
This, halo 3 is good but come on OP
Good taste my friend!
But he's right, the only thing worth playing in Halo 2 was the multiplayer.
Every time i come into these threads im fucking sickened by your shit opinions.
Please kill yourselves.
no u
Reach was the worst of the games campaign wise (4 and 5 don't exist) but I may have enjoyed the multiplayer more than 3.
3babies and CE nostalgiafags need to off themselves.
It had the best campaign
Bloom was better then the inherent random spread 3 had
At least in reach, you could control the spread by pacing your fire and the weapons had a base accurate level of fire that allowed you to hit shit.
I don't know what game you like, but you have to join them.
If anyone's interested, halo 3 modded is easily available on PC. It runs really well and very active
>halo 3 modded is easily available on pc
ElDewrito is not Halo 3
>It runs really well
No it doesnt
>very active
No it isnt
you a lyin ass nigga
I like all the Halo games though, I'm just tired of seeing people ignore the issues 3 and CE have and overrate them relative to what the other games do righ.
CE's got, for it's time, a great sense of atmosphere and a unique soundtrack in the series as well as very unique feeling weapons, but in every other way it's age has caught up to it and it has the least amount of content, no options for customs, and a super tedious and repeititve campaign that's objectively the most flawed in the series.
3's good to great in virtually every way but there's no way area of it that's the best in the series and is pretty middle of the road relative to the other games in every department.
It was still inherently worse than the weapons in 1 & 2.