Tfw people shitpost about horizon and missi your loved handcrafted game

>tfw people shitpost about horizon and missi your loved handcrafted game
nier thread

Why is Nier: Automata the only good game in this franchise? Drakengard 3 was complete trash. Nier was only carried by it's plot and music. Drakengard 1 is borderline unplayable and carried only by it's plot. Automata is the only game to deliver a full well developed package. I'm happy they finally got it right.

A2 is best. The lack of fanart of her is fucking criminal.

This game will definitely get lost in the Horizon/Zelda shuffle

anyone have high quality webm's of 2B walking? I'm writing a research paper and I need visual aides.

It's a shame because my money is on it being better than both of them.

How on earth did Yoshida create such a perfect design.

PC port when?


Because it's fucking Yoshida. He's artwork and designs are a godsend.

At the very least with Taro it probably has more feeling put into it than both put together

Just randomly saw a video of this game on the YouTube and it looks fun. Do I need to have played any of the earlier games to understand it or can I buy Automata as a first?

Should I play Nier before this?

Is it actually good? I've heard the combat is disappointing because the game never stops fucking with your camera and the enemies don't provide a challenge.

>Drakengard 1 is borderline unplayable and carried only by it's plot
Sky missions are good, sky boss fights are pretty solid accept for Manah. Ground combat is tedious, but at least it's not buggy and somewhat works pretty well with the theme. Music is great at setting the atmosphere. Why do so many people bully D1? It's my favourite of the series so far.

Where have you been? People have been shitposting about Nier plenty, often in comparison to Horizon for no reason.

Is the first Nier worth playing?
Is it as fun as Automata?

>Is the first Nier worth playing?
Not really
>Is it as fun as Automata?
Hell no. Nier: Automata does to Nier what ZoE2 did to ZoE1. It makes the game completely irrelevant to play. Don't bother.

Can you do mindless grinding with below average gameplay and beat the game 4 times?


Don't play it

Don't I need to play the first to understand Automata?

Let me summarize for you:

No Nier, you are the robutts.

Just finished

7 hours game all endings with a couple side missions done

Fucking knew platinum would shorten it

This game is easily Platinum's best work.

Post taros

you're so full of shit.

Has one of the cutest gaming OTPs, that's for sure.

Just read up on the story and lore. The game isn't worth playing. And even then, you don't need it to get the basic jist of what's happening in Automata's main quest.

9S sucks ass desu. Not a fan.

Where the hell is the Project Gestalt Report 6?
It's the only one I'm missing

It's not out yet. Most of Sup Forums hasn't even played it yet including me.

I unironically like Drakengard 1. You aren't alone.

playing on easy reduces the grinding hassle

Yes it's fun but it is kind of lackluster and not as good as Nier A.

>except for Manah
Manah fight isn't even that bad until the last phase, and even then it only took me a couple of tries. Furiae fight is way worse. Once you get those slash patterns and their timing down its not so hard to dodge, but the swords are always horse shit because of the slow and wonky retical targeting.
>Why do so many people bully D1? It's my favourite of the series so far.
Repetitive as all hell, the dog shit combat and camera, every fucking archer, being forced to grind for 100% to complete the game and that being all but impossible if you don't use a guide. And even if the music is fitting, can you really not see why some people would hate it? It can really grate on you, especially during the grind.

The game can be enjoyed just fine as it is. There's the occasional cameo or reference to something in an older Drak/Nier game, but nothing necessary for understanding the story.

Granted, playing Nier will explain why the world is in such a ruined state, but you can still understand the story just fine.

Bandwagoner here who finished the first Nier last week; I'm really looking forward to Automata but it isn't out yet in Europe.

D1 and especially D3 aren't nearly as bad as people tend to say desu

man why the fuck is this game even called "Nier" at all?

there's like no fucking connection to the old games, what does the character Nier have to do with anything at all now?

Game should have just been called "Automata" or anything else and marketed to the Taro autists that it's a sequel to Nier/Drakengard.

Everybody else on the known planet will simply look at the trailers and be like "Wow that game looks cool. Platinum and Square Enix? Sounds cool."

The title "Nier" is just offputting and confusing. `

But it's a pretty direct sequel to Nier?
Even deals heavily with the same themes.

It plays like Nier. It has the 3D bullet hell gameplay.

>Game should have just been called "Automata" or anything else and marketed to the Taro autists that it's a sequel to Nier/Drakengard.
I agree, but Squeenix cannot into intelligent marketing.

They will look at it like it's weird anime bullshit and it wouldn't matter if it's just Automata, Nier: Automata or 2B: Buttocks. It's a direct sequel to Nier and Emil's effect on the world due to their adventure.

You are aware the jap version has english subtitles and voice acting right?

Because it exists within Nier's universe?

I think that's enough to go on with a Taro game

I want to own it physical and screw importing.

>there's like no fucking connection to the old games
So wrong. It has much as much of a connection as DoD3 has to the first game. Probably more honestly,

Nah, D1 and D3 are pretty bad and are mainly carried by their narratives, but I think the characters in D3 are pretty shitty too.

>Furiae fight is way worse
It was actually my favourite final boss in the game, it was a pretty cool plot-twist, the fight was challenging but I never thought that it was unfair. The swords are pretty tough, but at least they're not pure bullshit like Manah's final attack when she launches random bullshit at you. At least you can learn to destroy the swords after a few tries.
>It can really grate on you, especially during the grind.
I mostly did the grinding right before going to sleep, so the music was pretty hypnotising for me, and that's part of the reason I like it so much.

literally people I know who say they hate weeaboo games say they can't wait to play Nier just because it looks cool.

this game will sell more than every Drakengard and Nier game within the first month for one simple reason: it actually looks like a fun game at first glance.

every single drakengard/nier trailer before automata got made looked like bore city. who the fuck besides jrpg autists would want to play through that shit.

I get that it's the same universe but like, why not just pick another title? Aren't Drakengard and Nier linked, two different titles there. It just seems so weird to me to even want to connect this game to some

>physical fags

I can't wait until the Playstation 5 comes out with no disc drive but full backwards compatibility with all digital PS4 games.

there is literally no benefit at all to physical games in the year 2017.

yeah but this is shit NO ONE but Taro autists will realize or care about.

the average fucking gamer is gonna buy Nier Automata because it's a cool looking PS4 exclusive and it trips you the fuck out.

no one on fucking Earth knows what Nier even is lmfao.

just fucking say to the Taro autists "IT'S A SEQUEL" and then give it a name that's actually marketable and says "THIS IS A GAME ABOUT ROBOTS AND ANDROIDS KILLING EACH OTHER" like "Automata: Machine Wars" or some shit.

the name Nier is just so retarded

everything Taro touches looks so retarded.

if it wasn't for Platinum I would have never bought this game.

they really fucked up by not releasing this game at the same time as japan.

its titanfall 2 all over again

Were you surprised by Punished 9S?

Just one more week, user, and then it's all over.
Unless you're waiting on PC release.

doesnt matter if it doesnt sell, square is too gay for taro hell keep geting projects though.

I dunno everything in Q1 right now has a shitload of competition and releasing world wide wouldn't really help when there's so many games to pick from.

>if it wasn't for Platinum I would have never bought this game.

As a Platinum fan myself, even their track record is spotty. It simply being a Platinum game wouldn't have been enough. But they went above and beyond for this game and you can see that just by watching the game. I'd say it's up there with Bayo and Vanquish.

More like CaimS

honestly i had more fun than Bayonetta 2 playing as 2b at least.

They really went all fucking out, it's a perfect combo.

Square handles visuals, music, art style. Taro handles story and game direction. Platinum handles the gameplay.

It really was a match made in heaven for Automata.

>literally people I know who say they hate weeaboo games say they can't wait to play Nier just because it looks cool.
Now you've just proven all on your own that the name doesn't mean shit to people. Congrats.

I dunno, I was really pleasantly surprised when I played them.

>the name Nier is just so retarded

it would sell more if the name wasn't retarded.

good games will sell well but well marketed games will sell more.

>Game is fully dubbed and transcripted in English, still a week for burgerstan release

It takes a long time to toggle the default language from JP to EN in the executable.

2B(E) too cute

How is marketing it as a standalone IP better than as an established franchise?

it sounds dumb. sounds like something autistic japanese manlets would come up with because it sounds "cool"

you can't connect it to anything you know in the real world.

no one has ever played the game nier. not even you.'

it just sounds weird. at least automata is a real word.

it takes a lot of work to remap x to be the confirm button instead of o, user.

I was actually, I did not expect to really care about this character at all.


>Nier is an autistic Japanese manlet word, but Automata is OK

I don't know, sounds like you're the autistic one here.


>Traded in my disc copy of Nier years ago
>Years ago PS3 also stopped reading disc
>PS4 isn't backwards compatible
>Nier 1 is disc only, not available for download
>In order to play Nier 1 again I'd have to buy a new PS3 and the game
>Nier Automata not out for another week
I'm dying my dudes

The samefag is real.

You dont know that at all. Any casual fag who doesn't know the series wouldn't think anything of it. No one would even associate Nier as a persons actual name. Its just "Game Name: The Subtitle" like any other.

You got me.

no dude you're not getting it

there are two groups of people on planet earth

normalfags, that's me, that's everyone who pays taxes and has seen a vagina.

then there's the tarofags, the kind who sperg over drakengard and nier while the average person will watch 2 minutes of gameplay, think "this looks boring" and never think about the game again.

the tarofags are naturally autists so if somewhere at some point in time Taro himself said it's a sequel to Drakengard/Nier, they would all collectively know that it's a sequel. this is similar to how zerglings all think the same thought simultaneously.

the average human being, the target audience, simply needs to know that the game looks cool and fun. and it helps if the title of the game makes sense.

yes nier is some made up shit no one understands or gets. it just sounds dumb. the character nier isn't even in the game.

automata is a real word. it's derived from latin so anyone who speaks english or has a dictionary can figure out what it means.

notice they had to spend a lot more time deciding on using the word automata rather than nier, because nier was a dumb made up word Taro told them to use and Automata was a word they selected because it accurately conveys what the game is about.

So yes, the title "Automata" actually makes infinitely more sense than "Nier: Automata".

tbħ nobody gives a shit if it's called Nier or not. There are a lot of games called X: Y just for the heck of it, where X isn't even the name of an existing series.

Nier is french for 'deny'

You uncultured swine

Square doesn't do shit with taro games besides publish them, Keiichi Okabe is the composer for NieR and Automata, a lot of the stuff behind Automata is just old Cavia personnel.


>on Sup Forums
>on Sup Forums
Try again fuccboi

No, normalfags are people who don't care this much what exactly a video game is called.

You already admitted, "this is shit NO ONE but autists will realize or care about," so why wouldn't you include the title to appeal to that crowd? If no one else cares, there is no possibility of decreasing sales. You're contradicting yourself.

Having Automata as the first word in the title would associate it with an awful Spanish-Bulgarian 2014 sci-fi film with the same name, and it would make even less sense.

>"that's everyone who pays taxes"
>posts a guy who doesn't pay taxes

Character designer for the game is an artist known for his work for Square. Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy XIV, Bravely Default.

Musician Keiichi Okabe was more known from his work with Namco (Tekken) before the Nier OST got everyone's attention.

I like it but it's more simple than something like Bayonetta. Some boss battles and enemy encounters are clusterfucks though as the screen fills with stupid effects and you get swarmed by attacks you can't see.

but nier still sounds stupid and no one knows french cause its autistic and dumb.

So the game is called "Deny: Self-Replicating Machines"? So basically Taro pulled a French word out of his ass and used it as a character name in the title of a game that doesn't include said character.

it's like you want this shit to make as little sense as possible.

i don't actually care what the game is called. I'm just explaining that it would sell better with a different title that actually makes sense.

it will still sell decently just on merit of being a good game. I get that it's Taro's game and he can call it whatever the fuck he wants.

Just because you only know the word "automata" from a shitty movie doesn't mean people don't actually know what the word means.

see, this is the one smart guy in the thread.

I got bad news for you, homie.

>wanting a title to make sense

Nobody remembers Space Marine Shoots Stuff, user. Nonsensical shit like Red Dead Redemption or Ar Tonelico are just memorable

it was a joke user. you're not actually smart, you're just the one guy who noticed i purposely posted a tax evader.

Red Dead Redemption sounds cool and uses rhyming to sound catchy. And no one remembers what Ar Tonewhatica is called, that's just you.

Red Dead Redemption uses the same principle as stuff like Dance Dance Revolution.

the word Automata is good but they should have picked something that rhymes or flows with it well.

what did Taro mean by this?

She's really, torn up about things.

is this game good? except the ass

She always loved it when Ditto split her wide open.


Yes. It honestly annoys me how many people keep talking about the fanservice even though the game actually has substance. Nerds need to get laid.

>Nerds need to get laid.

the game is fantastic user. please buy it.

hes a chuunifag

>Implying normies don't talk about T&A as much or even more than nerds

Normies don't obsess over fictional T&A.