the dead corpse is Microsoft.
There are people on this board shilling for a dead corpse
>electricity goes out too
He probably calls himself an adult.
Social media was a mistake
>Social media was a mistake
Hiring incompetent "art class" graduates was a mistake.
I dare you to point out 1 (one) Micro$hill thread right now besides this one.
None of the points in those Tweets mean shit. The main problem is that you have to rely on their shitty servers to stay up. This has been a problem with several individual games and no service has across the board not let you played games offline without checking in or something.
>"Every device now is "always on".
>Games rely on one somewhat volatile factor.
>Therefore let's make them rely on TWO somewhat volatile factors.
What a fucking retard.
It disgusts me that there will always be a retard who'll defend anything, anything at all. It doesn't even matter what, no matter how atrocious it is, there'll always be SOMEONE who's shilling for it. Microsoft (or sony or nintendo or whoever) could go to random houses of people who own their consoles, kick the doors down, beat the shit out of the residents, slice them open to pull their organs out and sell them on the black market, kill their dogs to sell that meat to china, and I guarantee you there'd be at least one guy who'd be shrugging his shoulders and asking what the big deal is, corporations exist to make a profit.
Hey goy, I'm the CEO of a ISP company. I'll raise the price of your internet by 8% every year for the next 10 years.
You are not going to complain or cancel my service because your entire game library depends on it.
This pretty much ended the Xbox. They nailed it. And they were smart for sneaking the online fees in with the used game announcement thing, people just blindly accepted that thing they critiqued Xbox for. Xbox deserved it all, though.
But muh cloud computing
Other than trolls who actually don't mean it there are people who defend this kind of stuff. These people are known as psychopathic personalities(social outcast)
Literally nothing wrong with this feature. It's actually pretty good.
The worst part is that from april to june Microsoft defended this policy of always online, DRM, etc.
It was only after the E3 fiasco they stepped down.
Also the fact that Don Mattrick said that people should buy a 360 pissed off everyone even the Xbox defenders.
>even his icon looks like an autistic sweaty betacuck
>digging up old shit just because you're jealous of one good feature coming to the Xbox
>Also the fact that Don Mattrick said that people should buy a 360 pissed off everyone even the Xbox defenders.
I remember that. Dorito Pope really helped destroy it when Don told him that, though it was doing a good enough job on its own.
I do hope Xbox at least survives so they're less inclined to swooce right in and fuck Windows up for gaming.
Microsoft was banking on Sony playing along. It's the prisoner's dilemma; if Sony had done all the same shitty policies, then people would have had no choice but to buy into it, and they collectively would have held all the power. But instead Sony decided to dick them over and leave them holding the big fat pile of shit while everyone swooned over Sony for being so gracious as to not rape their customers up the ass (too hard, they still snuck in paid online and some other bullshit anyway).
Hey isn't that Manveer Heir the Mass Effect fr*ck white ppl dude?
I actually like the Bone S as a console overall, but this is way later after they backpedaled hardcore.
Remember "The Xbox One will not power on without Kinect"? They stuck with this for a long time. Then they said it could... Then they dropped the Kinect and the price... And by the time the Bone S rolled around it doesn't have a Kinect port at all.
I still question how Nintendo ended up with paid online despite being far behind right now. I guess it's just that god damn acceptable to people now. It stopped me from getting a Switch, just gonna get Zelda on Wii U.
oh fuck, one positive microsoft post in a sea of Sony dick sucking. Shills reeeeeeeeeeee you bumped out another H:ZD thread
Why did Sony fired literally /ourguy/?
Yeah it's the same guy, this was before he become a full blown sjw
>Don Mattrick's reward for being a drooling cross-eyed retard is to immediately hop into another cozy, extremely high paying CEO position while all the little people inevitably got heavily downsized thanks to the xbones failure
This is why there is no justice in the world. This shit happens every single fucking time, too.
Upper Sony management has no idea what they are doing considering the shit show they allowed Sony pictures to evolve into.
He has a point tho
Quentin was right
He doesn't. Electricity is physically needed to make the device function, always online is an arbitrary restriction to fuck over the consumer that actually buys the product instead of pirating.
This worked out perfectly for Sony. Due to this debacle at the start of the generation, which microsoft never really recovered from, Sony has been able to pull all kinds of anti consumer antics while still looking like the good guys
>always online is an arbitrary restriction to fuck over the consumer
pls. The only thing this affected was used games market and people last gen couldn't give a fuck about gamestop's racket. Who honestly doesn't have a working internet connection for over 24-hours?
Quentin turned into a pot-smoking would-be school shooter.
I'd say that's far from 'right'.
Whatever point he had about always online clearly didn't resonate with customers, who have happily just ignored the console.
No he doesn't.
A phone cannot be made that can communicate with others without signal - which is the purpose of a phone.
A video game console can be made that can play me video games without signal, but these people want to mine data from you at all times so they intentionally make it so you can't.
That image always make me laugh
Nintendo saw how Sony and Microsoft used paid online to make money and wanted to make money as well
>self respect
That's nice and all but it doesn't contradict my statement
Tbh they seemed like they tried to replace that with the whole "linking" consoles shit. Which is fine with me. I haven't bought a game in months cause the guy I am linked with always buys them first.
I know
It's pretty convenient being able to share windows accounts on it
>Who honestly doesn't have a working internet connection for over 24-hours?
I still don't, I know quite a few people who don't. People in rural communities, seamen, poor people who bought a videogames console for the idea that it would just be plug in and play and not require some fuckretarded setup or stable background.
You've got the same problem as the OP dude, your exposure to the world is so threadbare.
>dead corpse
that's redundant
>Manveer Heir
Hey. That's the shitty racist as fuck Bioware dev that wants to kill white people. Surprised he didn't go off on Adam for being white.
then get a 360 lol
This, OP has been playing too much dank bowls
One of the examples people were bringing up a lot during the debacle were army forces wanting to play vidya while on tour, where the closest thing they have to hooking up internet is jamming an ethernet cable up a goat's ass and hoping for the best.
But how did he post it if he was banned and left
in fact I just realized that guy is him
Whatever even if that guy was Mao Tse-Tung i would agree with him.
Always on is stupid, anti-consumer and so much kikery even worse than Steam spyware program.
I still can't believe MS thought that they can get away with it.
>Who honestly doesn't have a working internet connection for over 24-hours?
I love how it always turns into an insult of people's connections like the retard on Twitter. It's not that, it's overloaded shitty servers that even giant companies like EA and Blizzard failed to make work for one game.
The practice is pretty much over now. If it's a single player game or has a major single player part, it won't have always online any more. Consumers won this one for once.
Remember that this guy was in charge.
Except the trend has gone towards making the online connectivity a more core component of the game ala The Division, MGSV, HITMAN etc
>Electricity goes out too.
Not as much as my shitty wi-fi does. Fuck you, AT&T.
anyone who pisses off faggy nerds is a cool dude in my book
The entire xbone launch was such a fucking ride.
Who the fuck needs the internet to play a single player game?
Sucking corporate cock because you have to be cooler than those faggy nerds. You sound like a person who has his priorities straight.
He left to go into semi-retirement. The Best Korea hack showed a few of his emails and Sony pictures staff discussing it. Didn't want to work with Sony Pictures or Sony's TV division because he wanted PS to stand on its own, Was against the Gakai acquisition by Kaz and the board didn't like him because he didn't speak Japanese. Saw no opportunities to advance and left the company because he wasn't happy how it was being run.
has anyone ever tried to counter these types of people with their own "logic"?
For example what if we were to say "You're oppressing homosexuals and lgbt's who really don't need more on their plate than they already have" followed by some statement telling them to fuck off but also sound sjw, like calling him a "jerk and a brute".
Could we fight cancer with cancer?
Who still plays single player games? Even RE7 has
Digital is just more convenient as well
Why is Chairman Mao your go-to?
nice digits lmao
>tfw electricity goes out
>and I boot up my laptop and play some vidya
>Didn't want to work with Sony Pictures or Sony's TV division
I can't imagine anyone who would. Sony is so fucked recently, the only thing that they're doing even slightly correctly is the PS4, that is singlehandedly keeping the company above bankrupcy. The TV/Movies division in particular keeps fucking up again and again and again and again and again, long since having past the point of laughing stock into just being pathetic, like a puppy with every leg broken and blind and he keeps shitting itself, yet nobody can put it out of it's misery.
He played Death Knight during Cata and still needed to be carried constantly and last I heard he was bullied out of it and is now shitting up the FFXIV Sup Forums guild. He was a pleb troll from the fucking beginning.
played DK in the wowg guild during cata*
because I hate marxists and I'd even agree with a marxist if he is telling the truth
>PS to stand on its own
But isn't Playstation running its on division?
Sony Pictures is totally cancer. Even worse than Sony Music
They completely ignore the truth when presented to them they will outright block you if you try to use their tactics against them. Arguing with the mentally ill isnt productive.
Didn't that guy get fired and currently trying to make some sort of "disaster" game to represent that episode in his life?
Sony's tvs are great now after a few years of mediocrity, and their cameras are genuinely world beating. Every other camera manufacturer is desperately trying to keep up with sony's mirrorless cameras. Plus sony manufactures the cameras in almost every new smartphone, even Apple's.
Not to mention the massive profit sony's financial division makes.
Sony corp has been back in profitability for some time now, and they're at the forefront of several industries. They're not going anywhere
aw I was looking forward to Andromeda
>My boomerang controller filled asshole.
Well you could always try using his maleness against him. Oppressing the female population just by existing or some shit.
No dude. They're fucking hypocrites. They will happily do the same thing you did and not give a fuck because you're a white male while they're a white male but woke.
>I'm too retarded to do a simple Google search, spoon feed me daddy!!1!
You can't since they are not gonna argue with you. They think they are right, good and virtuous, so invariably, you are evil and your opinion worthless