Because Humble Monthly is getting close to move for next month:

Because Humble Monthly is getting close to move for next month:

Is it worth to get it for TW Warhammer alone for that 12 dollarros?

And if I would subscribe now and cancel right away, I would still get the other games? I dont want to pay for another month and I dont really know, how it works.

Thanks for replies.

Your welcome.

get it faggit

It's the only good 2016 game

You pay now and get TW and when the bundle ends you get the hidden games sub or no sub.

Do you like/think you'll like Total War and/or Warhammer? If so, yes.

But if I would not cancel until next one would roll in, it would take the money for next month then?

Yep. I took advantage of that one, and I've got a lot time in already.

Honestly, I'm more interested in not-AAA games, so it's unlikely I'll see a Humble Monthly I'd want to get

Humble Bundles are far more interesting, like the Civilization one, or the Freedom Bundle

Yes. It's literally the only exclusive worth a shit PCucks have and the only PC game I wish would come to PS4.

Actually, I have all the games from Civ Bundle already.

The DLC´s are a rip off.
18 Bucks for each one.
WTF? CPY pls do something

You pay $12 for the month and are subscribed for the month. You'll be subscribed to pay again at the end of March. You can cancel that as soon as you want. Seconds after, or two weeks from now, doesn't matter. You paid for the month.

But to be clear: the "other games" you'll get are the ones that will be revealed next week. You will get Total War and 5-6 other, unknown games.


Sadly, it turned out that I cant sub anyway, because I dont have credit/debit card and only Paypal account. That sucks.

Just wait a few weeks.
Chances are high that cpy will crack this one next

use creamapi


Any guesses of what caliber the hidden games are? Is it shovelware indie shit they throw in for the "look how many games you're getting" meme or actual worthwhile games?

Always expect it to be worthless shovelware, thsi way you won't get disappointed. 12 bux for Warhammer is already too good of a deal.

Getting this bundle also gets me Nifflas' new game right?

Check the older bundles. Usually the indies are good (and there's always one or two games that aren't indie).

Yeah, also get a Steam key when it releases there

Its so fucking good, my computer can barely run it at minimum settings so its impossible to play a campaign without hours of loading time even though its very well optimized, but the hours spent have been absolute bliss, its one of the best games i have played.

It's meh without mods though I'd say it's still worth 12$. With mods it's great, definitely worth the 12$ alone.

Yes get it.

As someone who's never touched a warhammer game, is it still a good enough game to purchase or will I be totally lost since I don't know anything about it's setting/lore?

Just don't save your CC if you are worried about it.

Yes, thats an option. So you don't even have to think about canceling or not.

Do you like RTwP tactics/strategy games? Because it's one of the best games in the genre.

It's pretty simple

Empire are renaissance germans
Bretonnia are medieval/arthurian France+England
Wood Elves are arrogant dendrophiles
Dwarfs like staying in their mines and keep a diary of every wrongdoing done against them
Orcs are football hooligans
Vampires larps being posh
Chaos are evil

It's a good game, but pretty simplistic

I bought it, and so far I've spent like 20 or so hours just on the dwarf campaign.

Its probably the best Total War game I've played, the base management and such is really streamlined and not annoying, and the factions all play differently.

The only downside is you only have 4 races, so you won't have chaos, wood elves, beastmen, or skaven, ogres, tomb kings, lizardfucks when they come out.

Also the load times are fucking awful.

What race have you been playing?

>I dont have credit/debit card
How this fuck is this even possible


Compared to what exactly? Name me a strategy game with better lore?

The lore solely exists to justify having any army face off against another

That doesn't mean it's bad though