they wen´t with the most promising company.
it's just bussiness
because vulkan is much better optimized than dx12.
The sooner DirectX dies, the better
AMD, the worst GPU/CPU maker
Bethesda, the worst game developer
Vulkan, the worst graphic system
Jesus fuck what a match made in hell
That's not The Way It's Meant to be Played™! It's not fair!
This is great news. Fuck DirectX proprietary shit.
>AMD teams up with Bethesda to replace DX12 with Vulkan in all future games.
Literally, why would that be a bad thing? If you're good at DX12, you're good at Vulkan. AMD is good with both, and so should Nvidia's next gen.
By working with Vulkan, the next TES will for example work on Win7, which is something a lot of retards around here consider a must. Hell, even Linux would be a possibility. I'm sure Valve would love TES6 on SteamOS.
What happened to Mantle?
rip nvidiots
A new Skyrim/Fallout with Doom graphics and optimization does sound promising
It became Vulkan, basically. On AMD GPUs, it's the underlying tech for it.
probably because gameworks makes the game run shittier on older nvidia and amd's video cards.
>Vulkan, the worst graphic system
>graphic system
It is an API and you couldn't give me a single reason in existence as to why Vulkan is bad. Console faggots like you should really stick to shilling and not trying to be Sup Forums.
This is really good news.
Now all that needs to happen is for Zenimax to drop their outdated bigoted attitudes towards UNIX based operating systems.
>AMD saving me from downgrading to shitty win10
This. I even use Windows 10, but I still want DX12 to croak because it's anti-consumer.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't see anything in there saying that they're not going to use DX12, just that they're going to push low level APIs like Vulkan. Unfortunately DX12 is a low-level API like Vulkan.
So this news may not be as good unless the article is just incomplete and they actually said specifically they were going to use Vulkan.
This is THE laziest bait so far this year.
I hadn't thought of that, this is a step in the right direction, even if Doom 4 still isn't out for Linux...
watch the gdc conference, vulkan announced in every bethesda title. Hopefully this gets more traction and more developers replace dx12 with vulkan as well. fuck win10
> bethesda optimizing games
Ryzen's advanced features are not going to function properly on W7, anan. It's time to let go and integrate yourself into the botnet.
nooooo i will just overclock my 8350 to 9.7ghz using liquid nitrogen YOU CAN'T STOP ME MICROSOFTSHILL
The patches are already in the Linux kernel.
You don't have to be assimilated to use modern hardware.
Plus the open source graphics Linux drivers for AMD hardware are well on their way to being the best graphics drivers available for any GPU hardware on any platform.
I'm too dumb to use Linux, m8. Some of us are beyond help.
If you can pirate Windows, you can install Ubuntu.
In the not too distant future people will probably sell disks with SteamOS pre-installed just like they do with Lakka or RetroPi today.
>tfw need CUDA for work
The reason devs aren't willing to take a chance on Vulkan immediately mostly comes down to the fact that programming around Direct3D is a lot different than Vulkan/OGL, and most devs abandoned OGL as a front-and-center API around the time DX9c matured around beefy AGP 8X cards, and it was purely an id trademark, so you can't just tell your team that's been working with DX for a decade to switch to Vulkan immediately and reap the performance
Even the slav wizards at Croteam have stated Vulkan needs an extremely competent development path to take advantage of it 100%, and these guys were the masters of OGL/MiniGL wrappers circa OG Serious Sam. Doom looked and played the way it did because id has been working with OGL their entire life, and the project was headed by Crytek's ex-Cryengine grafix guy
PR fuck-ups like Brink and Rage happened because OGL/Vulkan is also 100% dependent on drivers, where DX is more forgiving due to the fact it's more a Windows-side issue if something fucks up. Absolutely no one wants to risk a launch like that, especially considering how retarded the master race can get in terms of drivers
Wait, is Steam OS actually alive? I thought it was a shitty meme OS that nobody uses.
iq > slavs
Valve has been on a bit of a hiring kick lately snatching up a bunch of driver developers to work on RadV which is a driver only for AMD GCN hardware on Linux.
Basically when developing a console the company builds initial prototypes which are basically PCs to serve as a proof of concept for developers, then they standardize on a single hardware platform, and then that gets released to the public
I think we'll see stage 2 of SteamOS machines built around Ryzen+Vega APU hardware later this year.
In a few years AMD's SOC hardware should deliver playable 1080p framerates in most games for less than $100. It will be almost Raspberry Pi levels of cheap practicality.