Its not gonna live up to the Hype is it?

Its not gonna live up to the Hype is it?

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of course not, banjo wasnt even that good of a platformer mechanically speaking.

It had charm out the ass and great music, but banjo is slow and movement is boring.

The only way it could live up to the hype would be if it literally transformed whoever played it into their twelve year old self.

Nope. People are having either pure or faux nostalgia for a game that was never that good.

Probably not.

But it's definitely not gonna be a Mighty No.9, so that's good.

It'll be good, but no, it will absolutely not live up to the hype. And it'll dissuade any chance of 3D collectathons ever happening again.

Same will happen with Bloodstained, there will never be a Metroidvania with a budget ever again.

All because of crowdfunding.

>for a game that was never that good

idk about you but I played the shit out of Banjo-Kazooie when I was a kid, and the Yooka-Laylee Toybox was fucking awesome. idc what you fags say but im pretty hyped for it

Of course not. It looks even more soulless than Nuts and Bolts.

Nothing does. Hype is nothing but retarded self persuasion anyway.

It's not crowdfunding's fault. Games like these stopped getting made for a reason: no one fucking likes them anymore. Their mechanics and aesthetics are all outdated. The only reason anyone could possibly want to touch something like this is nostalgia, or perhaps hipsterism.

It was no super Mario 64, but it had a lot of charm nonetheless

Metroidvania was not outdated, there were just too many being made.

As for collectathons, it's just that these games don't appeal to everyone. I never understood why people bring up the collectathon aspect as a negative when that's the whole point of the game.

>The only way it could live up to the hype would be if it literally transformed whoever played it into their twelve year old self.

It does.

These types of games aren't objectively bad and there are people who exist that like these types of games without nostalgia, there's a niche for them, and it's not a particularly small niche either. There are people out there that like NMS of all fucking games, there's a niche for anything.

There's enough people to buy collectathons that you could give it a fairly small budget and it'll make a decent profit. Sadly, only games with huge budgets or no budgets get made anymore, crowdfunding could've changed that but the problem is people who don't want these games jump the bandwagon and donate without realizing they don't even want it.

Tons of people backed the fucking Ouya for that reason, it could've been a neat niche thing with a small enthusiast group, but because a bunch of fucking sheep decided to jump in, there were a bunch of disappointed retards and the thing became a laughing stock.

Nothing ever lives up to delusional nostalgia-fueled hype, you niggers ought to know this shit by now

Metroidvania were not pushing numbers.

>I never understood why people bring up the collectathon aspect as a negative when that's the whole point of the game
Collecting trinklets isn't exciting, the formula itself won't bring people in.

What hype are you guys referring to? The only posts I see about it are people saying it looks like shit or that it won't be as good as you remember Banjo being.

The hype outside of Sup Forums.

Even on YouTube I see the same things

this game is generating hype? I thought we were all smarter than that.

>post about Yooka-Laylee
Sup Forums says the worlds are too big

>post about Banjo-Dreamie
Sup Forums says the worlds are too small

There is no pleasing you guys

i wait for it and the hat in time

You were never going to get those things ever without crowdfunding.

I hope it does and what I've seen looks fun desu, but I guess we'll see in april

Whoa now, what the fuck is Banjo-Dreamie?

A ROM hack? I've never fucking heard of it. Is it up for download or still indev?

It is a rom hack. There are 6 worlds. The developer is planning to add one more world but the current final world was planned to be last one and feels conclusive.

Bloodstained never had the same kind of massive hype as MN9.

it was marketed as "hi I'm IGA and i want to keep making simple 2D metroidvanias"

and people want that, so it got funded.

I mean, later metroidvanias were made on a shoestring budget and were still reusing the same decade old sprites from Rondo. So honestly anything that comes out of Bloodstained is gonna be a step up in quality and production at best, and "more of the usual" at worst. It doesnt seem to have any pretentions of being anything more than an IGA metroidvania, while MN9 was propped up by massive hype, which it embraced as this "big return" of inafune and Megaman gameplay. this was the guy that considered himself the savior of the Jap. gaming industry, while IGA just wants to make metroidvania games.