I want this fucking meme to die so much

I want this fucking meme to die so much.

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Cry me a river.

Hating on based ms. Croft

why is this even a tag to begin with

Maybe it's just neckbeards looking for a waifu?

Or maybe it's girls wanting to play a game with a female lead.

It shouldn't bother you either way.

Because it's a definitive sign that a game is shit.

are you the same kind of faggot that looses his shit over a black protagonist ?


I want this fucking meme to become more popular and get translated.

Same especially the dykes

Not as long as it's done right and not shoehorned in.


what? Cammy is now a lesbo?

I would play ONLY girls, if I could. Its pleasant and feels great to play girls instead of some ugly guys.

Old Lara is fine because she's the OG. She was a fucking badass. Everything since, especially nuclear, is pure pandering and needs to die.

That's because you're gay.

>Start tagging all other games with "male protagonist"
>feminists flip their shit cause much patriarchy
>steam removes both tags due to controversy

>hating on Perfect Dark
>hating on No One Lives Forever

Pleb. There is literally nothing wrong with female protagonists.

Nope, Im perfectly straight. Sorry to dissapoint.

It's just tags on vndb. Very few of them are translated. vndb.org/g/list?q=futanari

I like it. It needs to be a Japanese game, though.
Japanese female protags are made to appeal to your dick, western female protags are made to appeal to SJWs.

>triggered by the only other gender in the world

and I replied to myself instead of

>is male
>does not want to be a male/or be represented as one
>somehow straight

Delusion on these levels shant be tolerated any longer desu

>Japanese female protags are made to appeal to your dick

But how? Asians are the most disgusting race ever, how can you actually get hard from that?

depends which kind of Asian

I mean, Filipina's are disgusting, Japanese girls are very beautiful

Cammy has been a video game icon for over 20 years you fucking troglodyte.


gender and sexuality are two different things, nerd

>Japanese vidya characters
>Looking like Japanese people
u fucking wot?

Because JPs love to make gorgeous white girls as characters. Besides, East Asians can be fairly good looking here and there, too.

nice jojo reference

>I-I play as girls because I HATE looking at guys because I'm so straight!

Whatever helps you sleep at night faggot.

>2B doesn't make his dick hard.

Female protagonists aren't a problem. A game which has a female protagonist as a selling point is a problem.

There's nothing wrong with playing as a female character in video games.

you are worse than a fucking pedofile, all asians look horrible

anime is even worse

no they're not, asians are the worst looking people on this planet


You can't shoehorn in a character

I want this meme to not include "white-visioned, progressive, pajeet animated, forward thinking, almond activating, social justice one-dimensional character that SOLELY LIVES AND BREATHS THE social politics as the last 3 years" and than I will like this meme.

wtf I hate women

>East Asians
>Worse looking than niggers, sand niggers, gypsies, beaners, droopy-eyed slavs, hajis, redskins, abbos

You're either blind, or this is the weakest bait I've ever seen.


SF5 made her cannon gay

Overall nothing wrong with female protagonists, as long as there is a choice to play a male one too. Equality, not replacement...

>My character has to have THE EXACT same personality, look, and trends as me or I'm literally a shiziofrenic.

This is your logic retard.

Why don't more games have silent female protagonists?
Oh wait! That's MISOGYNIST

there have always been female protagonists. its just that now marxists are calling on their useful idiots, females, to help them take over the gaming industry and suck it dry of all its wealth.

> I am so fucking insecure about my manliness

You might be gay, try sucking some dicks

Actually no

I don't self insert. I just want to be a male, because I am a male.

That's convenient, but I bet they're all shoehorned in for you.

Why do you care who the protagonist of your games is?

You're not alone

Sorry its here to stay

Then start tagging all other games as Male Protagonist.


My gf plays as a female, and I play as a male

I wish I could reach through the internet and beat you faggots to death

I want this fucking meme to die so much.

Why are these people allowed at GDC again?

I don't have an issue with female protagonists so long as they're written decently and aren't feminism bait

speaking from experience are we

>SF5 made her cannon gay

GDC conferences are like TEDx talks, you're invited but you can about anything as long as it ends being vidya related

Is this fucking real

Name one that isn't
> muh strong independent womyn sjw shit

Give a big thanks to feminism, similar things has became before, for example they said that "smoking cigarettes was empowering for women" and cigarettes business just jump to the sky

this tag is done with similar purpose

women are easily manipulable and they are VERY consumerist

someone acknowledge this post

So... a slaanesh tier depraved black cripple?

Niggers and sandniggers have nice forms
Indians are fucking godlike
Slavs are very beautiful but have a shit personality
Redskins are lovely waifu's

Asians on the other hand
>too prude and shy to have any decent sex
>hairy as fuck
>sound like a fucking dying cat while you make love to them, or even fucking touching them
>have a severely annoying high pitched voice like some 9 year old CoD player
>half of them look underaged, the other half look like they are 350 years old
>have literally no self-respect at all
>eyes look like they have been tortured for decades
>too much make-up

If there's anyone who's blind, its you

Estelle Bright

I want the Redditors who use the word ''meme'' to refer to absolutely everything to be publicly executed.
Yes Reddit, we know you love epic as fuck memes.
No Reddit, not everything in the universe is an epic as fuck meme.
Yes Reddit, you have to go back.

>Equality, not replacement...

Funny how this notion only exists now that we're getting more female protags. Where was the "all lives matter" meme when 99.5% of gaming protags were men?

>m-most of the gaming demographic are men!

Doesn't change the fact that the hyper-majority of protags being male is not "equality".

wings of vi has a female protagonist

lol another thread featuring upset white virgin neets

Here is a game with a good female protagonist.
Maybe she has a reason to fight because she is binded with a male dragon.

pretty much this

laura croft, samus aran, the girl from resident evil, all the girls in mortal kombat games, bayonetta

>cannon gay
i believe you mean cannon spike

Mary Clarissa Christie


>she is binded with a male dragon.

Tell me more...

I literally have no issue playing as a woman or black or what have you in a video game.

The problem arises when EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE of these games sets the premise that white males are ebil and the devs are disgusting SJW shitheads that love to rub their progressive protagonist in your face.

>Female protagonist


>so long as they're written decently and aren't feminism bait
What protagonists are there that are feminist bait?

Shit, how many well written protagonists are there, regardless of gender?

>MC is female

What I meant to say

> classic "I strong I fight I need no man" feminism

what do you think the word "meme" means

Did you play through any of her story lines?
Not only does she love the pussy, she also likes pussy-cats.


Iji Kataiser.

I like games with girls because I like girls.

There have been female protagonists for as long as video games have been around starting with ms.pac man. Get over it. Kid.

im a monsterous waifu fag so if a game has a girl that is attractive and i can make fetish fan art of then the chance of me buying it goes up like 99% it feels weird now though that people are sticking ugly girls in everywhere as a weird politcal statement

Some people want to play games with a female protagonist.

>I fight I need no man
unironically kys


There is when the focus of the game is

This has less to do with the protagonist being female and more to do with the "female protagonist" tag being utterly useless for something like Steam, because it takes up a store tag slot that would normally tell you more about the actual GAME just to reinforce something you could perceive from the fucking thumbnail pictures.

Everyone who thinks people are upset over girl characters are (probably deliberately) missing the point. It's just a shitty, unneeded tag for games that's meant to bait certain types of people into buying the game, but ultimately dilutes the point because a "female protagonist"-tagged game could literally be any genre or quality.

>brainless bimbo who by her own admission is hopelessly incompetent without her boyfriend
>need no man

every game with a ''female protagonist'' is shite

prove me wrong

you cant

>im a monsterous waifu fag

You are literally half the problem. The other half is SJW.