Why are you faggots not playing halo online?
Why are you faggots not playing halo online?
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i don't wanna
Well then, on with you.
I prefer playing Titanfall 2.
Because it's simultaneously a bastardised version of Halo 3 and a crippled version of Halo 4. Because not even 343 gave a shit about it. Because Halo CE is where the Halo PC community is, and everything's dead as fuck. Because I was around since day 1 of Halo Online, before multiplayer functionality on ElDewrito, before Reddit, and I, like everyone else, tired of it and its limitations.
What about the Halo 2 revival
The revival is nothing compared to when it had official online support, and even then it was a small community. Just not as moddable as CE. 2's still great though. I think most of the Halo Online crowd moved to Halo 5 Forge.
I'm a poorfriend with a laptop is why.
Really? Forge has less limitations than Halo Online? weird
>Halo Online crowd moved to Halo 5 Forge.
So do they all just download forge and play custom games? I was thinking about that the other day but didn't bother to see if anyone had something like that going.
>W10 only
Didn't the dewrito guys stop development of halo online? What are they doing now?
Nope, its not dead, work is being done.
Oh good. I could have sworn I read something about the final version coming out a few months ago
Lel no
we get it, you like taking screenshots. stop spamming that shit.
>stap posting images on a image board
Because even though I have a great pc some of the best maps drop insane frames for no reason at all. It's hit or miss for people apparently, but it made me have to leave some playlists or suffer through it. Also the player base shrunk like crazy. And devs dropped support (even if they or someone picked it back up, thousands of people heard "dropped").
Also, Titanfall 2 came out
>Halo 2 multiplayer was always shit
>no Halo 2 campaign co-op
>Halo 5 Forge is literally only custom games, people have to manually host their client side matches and wait until others join so 9/10 times the gamelist is uninteresting to what you're looking to play
>Halo 1/CE was only a giant Halo MMO chatbox and all your friends grew up and moved on years ago so the only ones left to talk to are weird men since there's no way in hell any girls are left on that
I truly pray M$ cares about Halo, rather they NEED to care about it if they wanna stay relevant in gaming. when Halo 6 comes around they will probably allow it to be fully functional with all features on PC(win 10 only of course), and when they do please lord almighty I hope they aren't strict when it comes to modding because that was half the fun of Halo 1. I visually modded every single map myself with weeb shit and all my friends did the same with whatever they wanted their game to look like, then we would all just hang out and chat while doing hog flips and shit
Id dl it on my pc but it runs like a slideshow on here. I tried it. I only got 1.4ghz.
Halo 2 multiplayer was never shit. And H2V coop worked to a certain extent. youtu.be
Can I use a controller or do I have to use KB+M?
>Dude look at all of my unimpressive screenshots that nobody cares about.
I forgot after the sound bugs killed my enjoyment, couldn't hear my weapon fire.
Gonna re download though now.
>Halo 2 multiplayer was never shit.
Halo 1 multiplayer physics(gameplay itself was fucking around because actually trying to kill each other was laggy as shit) and community = Halo 3 multiplayer gameplay > Halo 2 multiplayer gameplay
Both works, Controller is noice