Girls: "So how much does this... thing cost?"

>Girls: "So how much does this... thing cost?"
>Interviewer: "$299"
>Girls: "For that?" *giggles*
>Interviewer: "Yeah."
>Girls: "Does it come with a game or something?"
>Interviewer: "No."

Damn, the normies were brutal to the Switch. Thoughts, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is not painting a good image for the Switch, considering the launch is in a few days. Let's hope Nintendo can keep the normies interested, we already know what happens when they don't care about a console (Wii U).


good, the less girls that play it the better


Holy shit that webm.

How can anyone fucking defend nintendo for something like this?


>deliberately knocks it down
Here's your (You)


a kickstand should be able to withstand at least that. that's the kidn of shit that would happen during general use.

You can get a past-gen iPad Mini for around that price that walks circles around the Switch, I'm not surprised.

Stop being retarded
Absolutely no person is going to knock their Switch over and then complain about it being knocked over like these mongrels

This guys is hilarious, too bad he's wasting himself with game informer.

Where did this "Switch is weak" stigma start? It's the most strongest handheld device ever

>the kind of shit that would happen during generaul use
>pushing specifically on the top part of the console

yeah no

a kickstand in general , not just with the switch, will help it balance out and prevent falling from things like mild shaking or pushes to the bottom.

It doesn't matter how good a kickstand is if you can get an angle to push it from the top..

>most strongest
Nintendrones everyone

>reach over to get the tablet
>accidentally push it a little bit
how is this not realistic? i baby my ipad like crazy but sometimes i push it over a little bit when it's sitting on a stand.

the switch should *at least* be able to handle that much, considering advertisements show it being played in cars and planes.

>put the kickstand on the left
>nothing on the right
Why is not in the middle if they only wanted one kickstand?

>Absolutely no person is going to knock their Switch over and then complain about it being knocked over
Right, just like no one complained about Wobblestation 4 or the Xbox 360 tilt shit.

deliberately knocking it over.

Not including a game seems pretty greedy and stupid on Nintendo's part

I thought 1, 2 Switch was included with the tabletconsoleshit.

I have a feeling I wouldn't be wrong in assuming that these are the same cunts that get iPhones for christmas/birthday and have no idea that they cost money too.

That would make too much sense.

Women are so stupid. I hate listening to birches like that talk.

And of course it's expensive in her simple mind. Now if they would have sold it to her for 700 dollars, but stuck it into a monthly plan like Verizon did with her cell phone she would have never thought about it

That's what bundles exist for retard. Nintendo has no obligation to include a game.

As one of the girls said, they just see more value in a phone than on a video game console like the Switch.

Managed to watch this shit for 3 minutes now I feel like I have to wash myself. Normie "humor" is disgusting and certainly not positive.

They actually want $50 for 1-2-Switch

Of course the nintendrone girl defends it. SAD

The included gimmick game is the reason the Wii was a huge success though

>get a a daroky virgin white guy to do interviews
>everyone is disinterested in what he is selling because he isnt confident or attractive
>cut out those who do have interest

Game Informer is clickbait tier

Do you reach specifically to pull the top? hes not just pushing it, hes pulling the back of the top.

>Nintendrones shilling IRL.
pathetic LMAO



>the average nintendrone on Sup Forums

You're defending a billion dollar company

For free

>gets mad because someone didn't like his toy

you manchildren need to grow up.

>having an ipad
fucking kek you're not making a good case

they also had friends hahhaha

We already know what the two biggest unironic Nintendrones on Sup Forums look like.


>don't include Nintendoland with WiiU
>charge $50 for it and no-one ends up buying it
>don't include 1-2 Switch with the Switch
>wonder what will happen now????
Who in the fuck is going to pay that much for minigames?

>No obligation
They have an obligation to make money, and bundling some shitty gimmick game with the console at launch has been proven an excellent way to do exactly that


>That CNET vid
This makes me want to gouge my eyes out holy shit

does Sup Forums want normies to play video games or not? seems to be conflicting opinions

"It would be cool if that thing would have like Pokemon Go"
Fuck off

Why does he dress 20 sizes too small


These normies thought Pokémon Go was cool, that should tell you these people shouldn't opinions that should be taken seriously

If the interviewer wasn't a fat piece of shit girls would've loved it.

Sup Forums wants a repeat of the WiiU apparently.

This looks really stupid until you realize the switch has a touchscreen.

But then it wouldn't be a good representation of the Nintendo fan base.

god, normies are such ignorant, shit breathing subhumans and this is coming from someone who thinks the Switch is a piece of shit.

Touché, douché.


I'd imagine you'd be using a controller in that mode

Kickstands done right.

It'd be so easy to create a good kickstand for the Switch...

>that potato nigger face

Irish aren't white. Most of these bitches were scared he was gonna rape them.

Pick it up to use the touchscreen then. In what situation would you need to use the touchscreen when its stationary on desk when the controllers are already in your hand.

I would hope a 1500 dollar tablet would have a good kickstand.

those girls are ugly, who cares what they think

Media player.

The one at the middle is kinda chubby and looks asian, I'd do her good.

>hey bob? Yeah it's me. Just wanted to let you know about this nintendo console I'm reviewing....yeah, the kickstand is really wobbly when you deliberately push it over. Ok, bye

>Typical blonde bitch
>"I'm not a gamer I just play Candy Crush."

I fucking knew it.

>I'm not a gamer I just play candy crush

This is a good thing though.

>self aware
>Knows candy crush is a shitty mobile game

remember the wiimote

These are the people Nintendo really cares about.

Not you nintendies they don't give a shit about you.

>Girls: "Does it come with a game or something?"
>Interviewer: "No."
This is still bizarre

In what situation will you ever have the Switch in tabletop mode while playing a motion control game? You would be stupid not to have it in the dock if you played a something like Just Dance or Skyward Sword

No its not, it's been like this since the PS4 and Xbox One launched, that was 3 years ago

>I'm not a gamer
>I just play candy crush
Are females waking up?

>implying it's not bizarre with Xbone and PS4

well at least she knows

BETA Nintendotard: "Do you know about the switch, m'lady?"

Alpha Chad: "No"

It was then, but not anymore

Third party will come up with something

When. Will. They. Learn?

So a product should only have a good kickstand if it costs a lot?

Women are betraying Nintendo and the Switch. They have to be stopped at all costs.

I propose a temporary treat. Xbox, Playstation, and even PCfats alike must team up to show their support for the Switch on Friday. We need to stand united against the XX menace.

They're 50% of the player base, get with the times.

I can't tell if you're being ironic or fucking retarded. Both is probably my best option.

He's right though, it'd be painfully easy to make a shill video just as easily by only showing the positive interviews. It's the opposite of what Nintendo is doing for their promotional shit, everyone has skin in this game and it's easy to trick Sonyfags and Nintendrones alike into clicking this bullshit.

Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if that wasn't the point of this thread.

Does the pisspoor and xbone cost more?

The blond guy in this vid was top qt.

I bet he's as dumb as a bag of rocks to....

Sigh, just my type.

Normies are retarded, more news at 11

That was both funny for the obvious reasons, but also because you damn well know that those bitches have like an 800 dollar phone in their pockets.

what was said in the video was retarded you autist?

Nigger I've seen $100 tablets with better stands than the Switch's

>nintenbabies getting assblasted that he keeps pushing it over
>"h-he's doing that on purpose"
>"t-this is not an accurate representation REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
>ignore the fact that it has a touch screen and it would be doing this shit literally all the time
>will still go out and buy it for full price on day one

ITT switchfags in denial about what a poorly designed piece of shit this "console" is.

How long before we see a price drop like with the 3DS or a cheaper non tablet version?

I love how you photoshopped the PlayStation controller out of the picture.

This guy is not a Nintendrone.

A phone is actually useful

But Karen likes it!!! Nintendo said she likes it!!!! REEEE

Every time I see this webm, I know the person is shitposting. Sup Forums is literally the only place that takes the cnet video seriously.

I dont know why people get so mad when they see this as though he's deliberately knocking it over

>play local multiplayer game with friend
>adjust screen so you get a better viewing angle
>it falls over

the fact that it falls over that easily is a definite worry