Middle Earth: Shadow of War

What do you want from the new game?

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I don't know, just make it be not boring.

no blacks in the middle earth
no bamham combat system, make your own
good optimization

to not be a shallow sandbox where you just mash x to win

Gear system
More enemy variety
Sick fights against the 9

No QTE Final Boss

I wish this was a 40k game.

I don't know. When I saw him making a ring of power that was basically the One Ring but color swapped I suddenly understood what sjw's mean when they say they're triggered.

As somebody who is hardcore into Tolkien this shit is fucked beyond belief and I can't believe it exists

A castle that can aquired and upgraded.

Special battle segments ala for honor where you fight in chaotic setting with tons of fellow soliders.

Upgrades and perks. Find a mine and you can upgrade your soldiers.

Is the first one cannon?

I wanna legolas to show up in it

side quests.
witcher level gear and equipment customization.
female orc minions
Non orc minions
a customizable home base

Please don't shove SJW shit into Middle Earth.
Better enemy variety. There are only so many times you can kill the same orc before it gets boring.
Expand the nemesis system, it was by far the coolest thing about the original but there's a lot of room for improvement.

More diversity

I don't usually subscribe to the "games must be hard to be fun" meme but this games was so piss easy it really ruined the enjoyment.

So don't make whats-his-face so overpowered this time and it could be good fun, especially if they improve upon the nemesis system.

I wanted them to make a completely different fanfiction story in the Tolkien universe

The game is named "Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor" which to me implied that "Shadow of Mordor" just happened to be the title of this particular game while the actual game series would be "Middle-Earth" and be a collection of stories set in Middle-Earth. Obviously we couldn't have that in the modern video game industry so now we'll get another annualized Batman clone franchise.

Id like some weapon variety 2 swords was boring af.

was the first game as repetitive and boring as it looked watching a playthrough of on youtube? like seriously, that kind of gameplay is why people shit on open world

Playing as an Eldar aspect warriors?

Base the entire game around the nemesis system.

The entire fucking game. It's one of the best open world mechanics in years and they'd be stupid not to dump their entire budget around it.

>No dumbshit story to fuck with the plot
>No QTE boss fights
>Gameplay and progression are solely decided on your actions in the nemesis system
>No real ending

No it was pretty fun up until you unlocked some broken abilities and never died again.

Then it became essentially a snoozefest.

>What do you want from the new game?

how about a complete game that's not 100 dollars and doesn't have a cash shop?

not holding the cool skills til the end

It was fun for like an hour messing around with the nemesis system but yeah its a boring generic open world meme

>Sick fights against the 9

I want the Nemesis system to be less reliant on you dying.
It was great fun in the first game during my first playthrough since I actually died a few times during it, but after I finished the game I was so proficient at it dying was basically impossible.

>watching a playthrough of on youtube?
Wait... People seriously actually so this? What the fuck went wrong in your life for this to happen?

How about a real rpg adventure set in tolkiens world?

Nah i guess a console action game for dumbfucks would be better

the first game was only good if you advanced in the in game time by 200 years to make the uruks a challenge. but yes other than that its your typical tower climb map reveal collectathon slogfest with a disgustingly narrow fov. christ, it was like playing a game with horse blinders on.

Unironically this

It's a cash grab of the highest order

I don't like some of the redesigns

Bigger nemesis system.
More options on what to do with the orcs you control in the nemesis system.
Make it more difficult, but that might be hard to do if they keep the whole arkham style of fighting.
Maybe some sort of more unique rune words.
More weapon variety?
I had fun with the first one when I played through it, but there isn't really much reason to keep playing once it's done except for achievements. I killed everyone on the nemesis list and thought it might do something but was disappointed when it didn't. Still haven't played the DLC though.

Posting the trailer because I didn't notice Gollum at 0:23 damn

I don't see any way for either of these games to be in any way canon. They shit on the lore way too much.

An Exarch or Autarch would be cool yes. And manipulating the Ork leadership very much fits into Eldar MO.

As another Tolkienfag, what's the issue?

Well I'd quite like Tolkien to rise from his grave and kill everyone involved.

this with a hardcore mode.

>Open world filled with icons to run to so I can complete endless repetitive side missions
>Only after I climb Mt Doom and other LOTR themed towers to reveal the map though
>Combat cribbed straight from the Arkham games because all games must now have Arkham's fight system
>3 different tiers of DLC, all vastly overpriced so I can spend £90 to get the full experience
>But I also want to be able to give WB more of my money so there should definitely be microtransactions in the single player campaign.
>Hopefully WB haven't learnt any lessons and release this as a broken piece of shit PC port

Kek, the game will be generic shit and can fuck off

Shadow of Mountain Blade?

for it to not fucking exist

There is nothing in existence that could be considered further removed from being canon than this fucked up abomination of a licensed video game. This is exactly the kind of fuckery that makes it impossible for me to take gaming seriously as narrative medium.

The nemesis system is pointless if you can't die.

Oh how fucking timely, they just revealed a 300$ (three hundred us dollar) collectors edition

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Gold Edition with Exclusive Steelcase
Premium Case with Magnetic Ring of Power
Exclusive Mithril War Chest
Official Game Music Soundtrack
Limited Edition 12″ Tar-Goroth Balrog vs. Carnan Drake Statue
Cloth Map of Mordor
Collection of Exclusive Lithographs
Tribe Sticker Pack
Collector’s Box

I want The Cook to return.

>Middle Earth is a described as a beautiful large world with lots of interesting locations
>sets games in the desolate wastelands of Mordor


More enemy variety. It's an open world game with 7 enemies. Normal dudes, dual dudes, range dudes, shield dudes, dogs, giants, and ground gremlins. It'd be nice to add more variety.

Yes plz

Seems maybe slightly above what you usually get in a $150 collector's edition unless I'm seriously misjudging how big 12" is

2 times in a fucking row
what the fuck

when you're interested in what a game is like but don't want to buy it so you watch a (no commentary) playthrough of it on youtube for like an hour or so of skimming through it to decide whether it's worth buying or not? why are you so socially inept, user?

>most innovative mechanic relies on you dying
> it's literally impossible to die

??? Are you stupid or something, watch the trailer

He'd love it. Expanding on Celebrimbor's fate and exploring the idea of a soul possessing a body for just(?) ends. His son probably doesn't care much for it outside of the royalty checks, but Tolkien loved worlds more than records.

It would have been better if things happened organically in real time instead of whenever you died/did a mission. But for 15 bucks, it wasn't too bad of a game. I'll probably buy this one two years after it comes out too.

>monolith went from making such treasures as nolf, blood, shogo, avp2, and fear to being wb's bitch boys shitting out a horrendous sequel to fear, matrix mmo, and now forever doomed to make lotr garbage


>>What do you want from the new game?

More orcs
more messing around with A.I
expanded possibilities and systems.

Meat to be back on the menu

i enjoyed it cause it took everything about assassins creed and made it playable.

I used to like AC back in the day. But trying syndicate after skipping so many games showed how flawed it actually is because ubisoft is afraid to improve their shit game engine.

its assassins creed done right, and although I didn't care for the story, it looked good and played well enough for me to 100% it. the controls, graphics, nemesis system, everything was better.

>implying most normies know enough about Middle Earth to care about the other locations

I did. Didn't see anything particularly erroneous. Explain yourself.

BRB just going to create another ring of power - I honestly don't understand why everyone doesn't just make them. The one ring to rule them all can be yours today!


>its another collector edition box of trash with a statue that will end up looking nothing like the picture

why do keep buying these things?

confirmed for never playing the first game, the second environment is pretty lush

I mean, most people who would buy a LOTR themed game would have seen the movies at least right?

For it to not exist.

you know you can advance time to make the orcs stronger right? you have to do it 83590183590183 times but just saiyan

All they know is DUDE MORDER and WOOOOW GONDOR

>read the books
>still enjoyed the game
Learn to just shut off. It makes life easier.

More ways to troll Orcs

>What do you want from the new game?
- co-op
- mage / wizard class
- playable baddies in some mode/s (e.g., Versus, Survival etc.)
- evil campaign...








by today's """"standards"""" the movies may as well be black white silent movies. you could set a lotr game in candy land and people wouldn't know the difference.

how do you think they can improve the gameplay? you can only go so far with the screedo batman formula.

the only enjoyable thing about this game was the double counter animation where the wraith pops out of you to fuck up some orks

I want to see what elements from the Silly Marilly they'll use this time

It needs more bosses, and these bosses need to be challenging and not QTE fests.

I still can't believe the last boss fight happened.

Pretty sure female orcs don't exist in LOTR. I'd hate for the game to fuck up the lore any more than it has.

Middle Earth is a world deeply embedded in Norse mythology and old English folk-tales, to convey a message of power and how it corrupts people, of unlikely everyday heroes, almost religious beings of divine power and mainly about how technology and war driven by people with a insatiable thirst for revenge and blood destroys the essence of life and happiness. This was twisted in an inmature power fantasy of bloodshed and violence just for the sake of it. The game did not care at all for the underlying message of Tolkien's work, or for his attention to detail when it came to the creation of the world, as a studied academic in the fields he derived his main inspirations from. The only reason why this game exists is because a publisher wants to milk the last dollar out of a fading hype for a bunch of movies that came out 15 years ago. There is no purpose in a game set in a world where everything serves one, from the smallest character to the oldest story. There is no sensitivity in a game set in a world where sensitivity towards the weak and those who cannot defend themselves means everything. There is no reflection of the dangers of revenge and power in a game set in a world where the snares of corruption derived from lust for revenge and power are one of the main reflected topics.

In short, they did everything wrong. It doesn't matter if they got some lore-details right, if it doesn't serve no higher purpose, there is no redeeming point being found the attention to detail. Fuck them and fuck Shadow of Mordor.

>you can only go so far with the screedo batman formula
>LotR:WotN stilted, limited gameplay literally better
therein lies the key, onan --








>better gameplay

good luck. how much you wanna bet they find a way to turns caragors into the batmobile system of arkham knight and there's race tracks and shit for them in this new game? it also turns out the 'villian' is actually your son who in fact never died (it was all a pipeweed hallucination) and created a persona for himself called the gondor knight after talion died.

Might as well just play Last Days at that point.

damn man

> I'd hate for the game to fuck up the lore any more than it has.
At this point it doesn't matter at all. They have already ruined it.

The worst part is all the normies that will fall for it.

>power and how it corrupts people
What do you think they're aiming for with Talion? Hint: it's not redemption.

>BRB just going to create another ring of power
Pretty normal, actually. Celebrimbor forged the Three without Sauron's aid, so it's reasonable to assume that he could make another lesser ring of power. Plus there's thousands or tens of thousands of lesser rings which Sauron tossed around prior to his betrayal of the elves.

>don't understand why everyone doesn't just make them
Shit's hard, yo. Celebrimbor is a legend specifically because he can do it.

>2nd ring
>balrog wearing armor
>women and blacks in gondor's army


It's already in the steam top sellers chart.

Pretty sure Sauron still had to tach them how to do it, it's probably not a well known skill.

I remember the movie director backing it up as canon in the movieverse, then saying it's not canon when the DLC came around. So no.

Of course it's not canon.
For fucks sake, it's not even allowed to be called LotR bevause it lore rapes so hard, that's why it's titled Middle-Earth.

How hard would you rage if the second game completely said "Fuck it" and created a new canon?

>pet ̶b̶a̶t̶m̶o̶b̶i̶l̶e̶ caragor you can summon
>press LB to even the odds
>you can do combo attacks with it
>you can take it underground

guarantee this shit will happen. it will actually not surprise me if the nu-ring can make talion fly

>Celebrimbor can craft you a new ring
>Only $4.99 in app purchase

for it not be be an assassins creed reskin

I'd be more mad that they didn't come up with their own universe.
Y'see, if they call it LOTR, I'll hate it because it lore rapes so hard, but if they made their own world based on it I could at least appreciate it as it's own thing, with influences.

Spot on; Sauron taught the elves how to make magic rings. And here we have an elf (spirit) who wants to make another, and can.

It doesn't conflict with Tolkien's writing. The reason it's "Middle Earth" is because "Lord of the Rings" is specifically the story arc of the Fellowship in the Third Age, and Talion's story is in the final years of the Second Age.

>Ring from Celebrimbor: $4.99
>Ride on an Eagle: $2.99
>1 free visit to Gondolin: $9.99
>Silmaril from Feanor: $19.99

But this is not how it works. As I said, every existing tale serves a distinct didactic purpose in Tolkien's universe, a concept he derived from his main source of inspiration, the Edda and the tales from the times of Migration Period. Why is Celembridor helping out Talion and even forges a ring for him? The entire point of the ring is temptation, and the point of the Elves is being the elder race that saw what dangers came with it and hid their rings away, vowing only to use them to do good things with it and nurture and heal Middle-Earth from the wounds of everlasting war, a concept that was largely inspired by the creation myth of the Christians and the didactic purpose of the Genesis (hint: Tolkien was devout catholic). Letting him forge a ring for the sole purpose of being able to kill as much orcs as possible (whose portayal as pure evil Tolkien later regretted, stating that there a only few beings of pure unadultered malice) undermines pretty much everything he wrote concerning the rings and the elves and it really shows how little thought went into the underlying messages and inspirations that Tolkien held so dear when he created Arda.

The 9?