Steam just pulled Syrian Warfare down
Where were you when Valve became part of ISIS?

Other urls found in this thread: of the UN Report on Syria CW.pdf

What the fuck man I've been looking forward to this game.

It'll be sorted out as soon as Good Guy Gaben gets wind of this just like with Hatred. Don't worry.

> Steam just pulled Political Agenda The Game down

Oh no, Steam actually cleans his library from all these shitty "games"

what about all the games that are just stolen/reused assets from unity shop on greenlight?

you know, all the them?

>muh free speech
>gamergate throws a collective shitfit when a game features a woman as a protagonist without sexing her up for male audiences

But the game doesn't get pulled.

Those games don't support a genocidal dictator in an active conflict

>yfw Gabe is a terrorist

go sympathize with ISIS elsewhere cockchoker

Yeah, the only stabilizing force in the region obviously needs to be destroyed by US intervention. Good idea, I hate sandniggers too!

>The boogeyman gamergate dislikes a game
>Call it shit and never play it

>The SJWs dislike a game

I know nothing about this game and the middle east is my subject of study. I'm am interested

questions I have:
> do you play as the syrian "national" military?
> do you play as the kurdish rebels?
> do you get to kill ISIS scum?
> do you get to play as US SF or something?
> the /k/omrade inside me wants to know if the gear/tactics/vehicles are realistic
> if you play as syrian national military, do you have the "commit war crimes" option?

Thats a fucking shame, its actually pretty fucking fun. The propaganda in it is hilariously obvious and I cant believe anyone could take it seriously enough to be offended.

>Hey anwar you still have that RPG from the war with Israel?

> What kind of arab would I be if I didnt have an RPG buried in my yard?

Good RTS, best comedy game of all time.

You play as a Syrian police officer who controls National Police, later regular SAA, and some Russians. You fight Al Nusra and IS mostly.

Oh, the gear is very detailed, game has a men of war style ballistic model as well.

>You play as a police officer who rises through the ranks to become a captain working with the Desert Falcons and Republican Guard
>No kurds in game
>Yes, by the hundreds
>Not in game
>Mostly, except ATGMs. Every ATGM is a Javelin, even yours
>No, but you get blamed for them a lot even if you had nothing to do with them

I don't care if it's just made with unity store assets it looks cool to me

You play as the SAA/associated militias with a few Russian units and fight Al-Nursa, ISIS, and filthy Turkmen

It's similar to Men of War, but not as autistic, still pretty good though. The devs released a game a while back called Warfare about a Burger invasion of Saudi Arabia

What was the agenda?
Could I play as the good guys? (Russia&Assad)

>OST is up still
what a shame, looks pretty neat

ISIS and/or CNN detected

>one of the most progressive middle eastern countries
>women have rights, gays are only jailed for 3 years for public acts
>jews, christians and muslims live mostly peaceful together
>sunni shitlords want Syria to be a stereotypical muzzie country where gays and jews are massacred and women have no rights
>america helps them make syria a stereotypical muzzie country

weeeeeeee but assad is a bad, bad, bad man

Literally all you can play as.

Considering members of the US government were responsible for arming rag tag groups once again in Libya, which resulted in it's collapse and then the conflict in Syria, perhaps you should call the actual people responsible genocidal maniacs.

Why do these companies keep supporting people who want to destroy them and their entire way of life?
It almost makes me root for the islamist extremists, at least I get to see them use gabe as tank fuel before they behead me.

> t. someone who knows nothing about the middle east

Assad fanboys and kremlin bots from /sg/ pls go

I can't play as ISIS and "moderate rebels"?

>capture people to make execution videos and get dem Youtube likes

>"totally not funded mercs"
>Recruit CNN/BBC unit to make some fake news

>t. someone who knows nothing about the middle east


>Beheaders and islamic fundamentalists are cool, guys!

>t. someone who knows nothing about the middle east

middle east countries are only successfull under dictature or monarchy or with intensive use of petrodollar, everything else fail HARD

>SAA so mighty they kick Daesh through the floor

No wonder you cant mossad the Assad


> playing as one of the most incompetent military forces in the world
> fun


maybe if Assad's military could beat back ISIS without Russia, the US and the rest of the world bombing the shit out of ISIS too, I'd be interested in the game

There's a whole lot of Ivan in this thread. It's amazing that the only group that gets more asshurt over the Middle East besides the actual sandniggers is the Russians. Let's not forget that every developed nation in the world has had their dicks in the Middle East at least once, some just like double dipping like the Russians and the US.

>absolute rule and having a country run by a corrupt minority is cool, guys!

>double dipping like the Russians

The Kuznetsov has done that already for them

>let's become a democracy like Egypt?
>wtf i love muslim brotherhood and rampant coups now

Anything other than a dictatorship doesnt work in Syria

With a rebel victory you will have the exact same thing happen only now there are no christians/alawites/shia/etc., only sunni and an ample supply base for terrorism to grow, meaning Europe will get fucked even harder and yet another US ground invasion will be forced 5 years down the road

Because Libya is really better off after their revolution.

Maybe if Assad could use his nerve gas wiithout worrying about Warcrimes he could have wrapped it up in a jiffy.

Really made me WOKE

>the most incompetent military forces in the world

that's not KSA


You need to go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

I see someone else bought that T72 as soon as it was available, what a lifesaver.

>tfw middle eastern christian
>family survived only because assad wants a secular state
>people in this thread are shitposting about how assad is a maniac and is genocidal
What is wrong with you idiots?

Assad and the Alawites can try all they want, but short of ethnic cleansing, the Sunnis and Kurds will revolt again in the future if they don't share power in the government or are given the same opportunities the Alawites have.

>le chemical waeapons maymay of the UN Report on Syria CW.pdf

Why did they remove it

Man Iraq, Iran, Libya and Afghanistan sure got all progressive and shieeeeet

Actually I captured that T-72 in Mission 3
On second playthrough I bought T-72AV instead
Rebels Used Sarin Gas - UN Inspector, Carla del Ponte
Turkey indicts 11 linked with Syria militants caught with sarin gas:

Lucky, the only T72 I found in M3 had its fucking ammo cook off.

>making this a sectarian issue
>not a "saudis and burgers are funding a bunch of insane ragheads for a regime change and failed" issue

I'm sure they will right after they get rid of all the visual novel "games" and the hentai sex games

Man fuck mideast. If only they dont have oil we can stop pretending we care about those deserts.

>Why doesn't America want a stable Russian backed country in the Middle east?

God wanted us to PvP so he put all the good resources in the tribal warrior shithole zones. He's a dick like that.

>drinking the kool-aid

blame the CIA jews

>actually wanting to break down US hegemony

Agreed, wr should support the genocidal islamic terrorists mr america

>i like war hawkishness and interventionism

>the US and the rest of the world bombing the shit out of ISIS too

>I think that a multipolar world is a good thing

Yeah, perhaps we will finally have world peace when we got alternative power source.
>tfw aramco going ipo
>tfw the world will buy it, dispersing vested interest to oil to whole world
Fuck the arabs.

But most SAA soldiers are Sunni. While religious sectarianism is part of it, there's also a strong urban vs rural element with most islamists hailing from rural regions.

That aside, even the more moderate muslim countries have historically suppressed their islamist elements through authoritarianism. For example, Turkey was a one party state under Ataturk, Jordan and Morocco are monarchies, Bosnia and Albania had decades of communism, etc.

>implying it isnt

Spotted the Ruskie shill.

There is no such thing as an Arab Christian, only European Christians who never left after the crusades.

Learn to pay Jizya or go back to fucking France.

it isn't.

it's up for pirating tho

>Implying political realism isnt the truth

All against all m8

People aren't aware this is Cold war 2: proxy war #901.

>one of the most progressive middle eastern countries
secular, but military state, controlled by a dictatorship (basically a dynasty) with strict military/secret police/ war crimes etc.
>women have rights, gays are only jailed for 3 years for public acts
uses chemical weapons against his own people and commits other war crimes
>jews, christians and muslims live mostly peaceful together
literally one of the first thing modern syria did once it was created, was to attack Israel, trying to exterminate the Jews.
>sunni shitlords want Syria to be a stereotypical muzzie country where gays and jews are massacred and women have no rights
rather than having the country controlled by shiite minority ruled by religious mumbo jumbo?
>america helps them make syria a stereotypical muzzie country
syrian people revolt because of crackdowns on civil rights and the media. "its totally americas fault guys" Assad couldnt even defend his country from ISIS and now barely controls 1/5th of his country
The only reason modern middle eastern countries fail is due to the fact that the west has fucked them over throughout history, meddling in their affairs, from industrialization to creating/promoting secularism, essentially making it impossible to become a modern state

read a book you illiterate faggots

American foreign policy has a bizarre belief that all they have do is install democracy in a foreign country and they'll magically turn into an America-style state except with Arabs.

This game was unironically good. It reminded me of Sudden Strike games which were fuckigng amazing.

Fuck Gaben for pulling it off Steam.

Yeah nah your a cunt. The multipolar world was GOAT. A few wars here and there aren't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.

This sequel has been sucking so far.

>trying to exterminate the Jews
and this is a bad thing why?

ANONS ALREADY BTFO EVERY BULLET POINT YOU POSTED SO PLEASE or whatever the dumb little faghole you came from


What is the game play like? The UI makes it look like one of the Combat Mission sims.

you read too much of the propaganda you call "media"

>implying the cold war ended
The soviets were playing the ultra long game that is only now bearing fruit.


>It reminded me of Sudden Strike games
It's part of the Sudden Strike franchise in Russia.

Don't ask how it works, it just does.

I saw a few vidoes and it looked surprisingly good. I almost bought it.

Woah man you like fucking goat that much?


is the game fun or..? looks shit

fucking americunts, it's only ok when it's their propaganda

all those hours on Unity - WASTED!

Where do I find this game? I want to buy it

But these leaders promoting secularism were authoritarian as well. If someone like Nasser was around today, the media would be screeching about how he's an ebil dictator.

is there active pause ? neat

I had this on my wishlist. Was it any good?

Have you played Sudden Strike games? They were the shit back in the day and this game is very similar.

Yeah you can freeze time to issue orders if you've got units all over the map and it's difficult to micromanage them all at once