>girl joins the guild
>guild disbands within a day
Girl joins the guild
You posted this yesterday.
Why would this happen? Are all of you afraid to talk to a girl? I don't get it
>tfw no qt goth/emo/scene gf
>person joins the guild
>i'm a girl! ^_^
>gets on voice
>deep voice that is clearly a man pretending to be a girl
>talks about their boyfriend and being MTF, etc
Fucking kill yourself you diseased fuck. Stay out of my guild.
>tfw no furry bf
>girl is in the server
>that one beta faggot that wont shut up and keeps saying cringy shit to her trying way too hard to be funny and cool
>be in a large raiding guild
>we have several women and a 16 year old Asian girl
>we all get along super well
>new members get rilled up when our resident Asian girl talks
>she sounds like a 12 year old boy
>we all get a good laugh
Don't know what shitty guild you were in, user.
I did and it sucked. Dark days, user. Dark days.
tfw missed my opportunity to legally face-fuck a scene teen
>Girl guild leader
>Made excuse about not wanting to play the game anymore
>Destroy guild
>See her in her BFFs guild after a few days
>tfw everytime you feel slightly attracted to a scene girl you automatically remind yourself of their inherent psychological issues
>you're in a party with the girl
>tell the kid to chill out and play
>pretending to be girl
>goes into voice chat
this is where he fucked up, you never go into voice if youre pretending to be someone else.
>girl in a voice chat
>asks what the line between chubby and fat is
>girl goes on a 6-month long twitter rant about unrealistic expectations and sexism within this specific community
Whenever I read these threads, I just come out of them thinking that the people in the guilds weren't very tight to begin with if all it took to break them up and have everyone throw each other under the bus was some stupid bitch coming in.
It's fucking terrible, I'm a pure desperate loser who for some reason had the "luck" to be cared by one, I decided to keep my damn virginity than stand her for another day.
>you feel slightly attracted to a scene girl
i've never had that problem.
Not sure how culture has shifted in the past ten years, but it was almost always considered a death knell once a leader or officer brought their girlfriend into the guild to participate in raids. The favoritism and corruption just skyrockets exponentially and the people who actually got shit done would just seek invitations to competing guilds before jumping ship. My sister even decided it was best to just pretend to be a fucking boy over VOIP because the gender politics were fucking cancerous.
This is why I stick to traps. They are a girl but with all the advantages of a guy.
>That pathetic beta who comes into these threads trying to defend the women
Lol. Women don't care that you type a page worth of text on Sup Forums kid.
Not all of them are crazy, believe it or not. I know some of them are pissed at psycho sjws ruining hair dye for them.
>don't talk about myself in game
>not pretending to be anyone else
>don't have a mic
>pick a male character
>refuse to go on voip
>being gay
They're also crazy and most of them are way too easy to piss off.
You're supposed to fuck them, not enter into a relationship with them.
More stories from me. Almost exclusively played mmorpgs for at least a decade so I have loads of stories.
>Get along with a "real girl"
>Jokes about how she's really a manly man in real life
>She said she's a real girl and as proof, told me to meet her in some place she is working at
>Goes to that place
>Sees she's 4/10
>Walk out the door
>made excuses like I never saw her
>she knew I was lying
>she quit guild, rarely play again
Had a bunch, they're nice for a month of so then they get so god damn annoying and whiney about everything
Girls simply cannot handle banter.
>be me
>be in guild
>girl out of nowhere joins in the game and in the guild and starts acting like a girl
>not even a minute every single members in the guild starts attacking her and calling her a disgusting attention whoring slut and death threatening her like there was no tomorrow
>she cries and disconnects
>the guild grew ten times stronger the next day
Who would have thought a guild full of muslim players would have a positive impact on the guild.
>join guild
>pretend to be girl
>get free stuff from thirsty gm
>leave guild
Muslims can be okay when they're not blowing up or fucking donkeys
>"because, like all smart people. They avoid social media."
>The majority of social media members and Facebook games are women
They're annoying but always have the cutest feet
That's basically every gf
lmao loser
>girl joins the guild
>people slowly start getting stars (*) next to their name
>playing WoW in 2005
>Friends Mom was the one who first started and got her 2 kids involved
>Pays for their subs
>Buys a copy for me and pays for my sub for 6 months until I get a job and refuse to take her money any longer
>She can sense Women stirring up shit in the Guild before the guys do
>Is utterly ruthless and kicks them out without hesitation
>Crafts free stuff for all the lower levels without being asked to
>Mfw I'll never have another based GuildMom again
>cant find a GF that doesnt bore me within 2-3 months
Am I just a fucking retard or something? I date these women and after a while I just dread talking or hanging out with them because they can't hold a conversation outside of watching a TV show. Is it too much to ask for someone that can talk about something for more than 5 minutes? Fuck.
you wanted this when you were in high school
you don't want this now
>stars next to their name
What did he mean by this?
Exactly. I never got to experience it. And I'm not getting any younger.
Is he Anthony Hopkins reborn?
Girls can be shit, but moms are alright.
Hey if you like feet, very many furry webcomics have almost all characters barefoot(pawed?). My favorite, Jack, is a bit of an odd one because some characters wear shoes and others don't with no discernible pattern but is otherwise very good for foot fetishists.
>they avoid social media
no its you who avoids it and then you end up not talking to any of them and being ronery lmaooo
1st world normie problems.
Poor privileged, entitled you.
If you want that it's time to go gay.
>Somehow joined an all-girl guild
>One day invited me on that website with chat
>all are not girls but faggots that ERPs and share masturbation clips.
i just like to put graffiti on cute things
that's normal
Are you talking about girls or traps?
>Join a guild in FFXIV
>A few of the active members are girls
>They're among the more likable and helpful members
>Most drama is between guys over dumb bull
>It's usually solved in the same night
>We mostly use voice, it's always full of fun banter and chat
>Even have a crossdresser in there, and nobody ever minds that
It's nice to not be playing with thirsty teenagers and sluts
>the girl buys YOU games when you repeatedly tell her you don't want them
>have self proclaimed Trans member in Guild
>hasn't undergone any of the hormone treatment or surgery so he sounds like the man he is on voice chat
>goes into sperg rage if someone forgets and calls him "dude" or "guy"
Thanks, man.
All-girl anything on the internet is sure to attract loads of trannies.
>self-proclaimed trans
>things that never happened
But that was only a small part of the reason why I quit. The main reason was the disturbing new player-base. The game got bigger with every new expansion that was released, and as it got bigger, it brought in a vast amount of new players. I noticed that more and more “normal” people who had active and pleasurable social lives were starting to play the game, as the new changes catered to such a crowd. WoW no longer became a sanctuary where I could hide from the evils of the world, because the evils of the world had now followed me there. I saw people bragging online about their sexual experiences with girls... and they used the term “virgin” as an insult to people who were more immersed in the game than them. The insult stung, because it was true. Us virgins did tend to get more immersed in such things, because our real lives were lacking. I couldn’t stand to play WoW knowing that my enemies, the people I hate and envy so much for having sexual lives, were now playing the same game as me. There was no point anymore. I realized what a terrible mistake I made to turn my back on the world again. The world is brutal, and I need to fight for my place in it. My life was at a crucial turning point, and I couldn’t waste any more precious time.
Don't be that guy. Nobody cares about how much you love women.
They get very picky about the definitions.
A trap is a Man who knows he's a Man, doesn't think he's born in the wrong body etc, but dresses like a Woman with the intent of tricking a Man into believing hes a Woman.
Trans is the whole "I think I was born in the wrong body" etc.
Like your dad coming home with those cigs
>Girl joins guild
>Really nice
>Everything turned out better than expected
>She, me, and everyone quit the game after we realize MMORPGs are boring
WHAT IS A FUN MMO, Sup Forums?
But did you fuck her?
this thread makes me sad because I'll never have a qt scene gf that overuses emojis
It has literally never happened, though.
Prove me wrong.
True. I didn't even know why they invited me in the first place. Probably a misclick.
Another story
>Joined a guild because they are known to be friendly
>Noticed there's only one girl on the guild
>She acts all girly all the time, most of guild goes along with it
>Suddenly realize these are all betas that give her real gifts. Gives paypal/etc
hahaha, this literally happened to me, except it was a ftm trans person
>playing dota 2 again with some people because its basically the only game they play together
>I think one of them is a girl for months
>she is secretly a guy guys!!! but i'm not on the teamspeak often enough to know this and his (xer?) voice sounded like a girls
>I end up letting some shitty trans joke loose one day (I admit it wasn't even that funny but jesus)
>he ends up getting really mad
>my best friend also ends up being in a relationship with him and gets mad at me too
>I have also found out, that day, that he is gay (or he is only gay for ftm transexuals)
that was an awkward night
If it helps you fap I'll just lie and say yes.
same thing happened to me also bonus pts for still being attracted to females
That's women, lad. Try to find the 1 in a million girl, or settle like 99% of everyone.
>game night
>friends bring their gfs that have zero interest in tabletop or vidya
>leave early every time
>outdoors and camping
>friends bring their gfs that have zero interest and just bitch about the weather or insects
>everything gets dragged down by their disinterest or boredom
>eventually we decide to make it guys only
>some of their gfs get mad since they're not allowed and start bitching
Camping improved drastically after the new rule.
>Play game
>There's a couple confirmed grills on Discord
>They're catty as fuck from every interaction I have with them
>Stay off discord
>pretend to have a broken mic
Maybe no one will know my terrible secret.
>join guild
>guild disbands shortly after
>get admin status and plunder the guild bank
>plays mercy
>has an anime girl voice changer and plays the role of one as well
>In a popular guild you love
>Friend creates guild and begs you to join
>You just know its going to be a failure
>Will probably take it personally when you tell him to get fucked
>Doesn't want to join the guild you're already in
>girl joins the fc
>she's fat
>and a furry
>plays a heterochromatic catgirl in slutglam
>she's probably the most competent player in the fc, plays all three roles and plays them well, and is the one who is constantly trying to arrange raid nights and other fc events
The fc fell apart later but surprisingly enough she had nothing to do with it, despite the fact that on paper she should be walking cancer incarnate. Sometimes life surprises you in pleasant ways.
>plays the role of an anime girl voice changer
what did he mean by this
I've never seen or experienced a positive about having women in the guild. Had clans with women that were fun but guilds no. Too many beta males that orbit her and end up ruining the guild.
>tfw all my girls have a no girls allowed rule.
>girl in guild
>she is the best player and carries the team every time
>everyone treats her like a queen in chat but its alright because she is literally the one who brings everyone to victory
>doesn't need or get gifts because she wins them all with the rest
Story as old as time.
>join guild
>a single girl in it
>somehow become closer buddies with her than the orbiters
>exhange info etc as we grow closer and eventually meet up
>turns out shes a massive fucking slut irl, like nymphomaniac tier and pretty hot too
>find out she fucked with several other guild members
>wants to be more than just friends because I was the only one who treated her normally etc.
>"let me think about it"
>cut all ties as I move away for college
>crazy bitch eventually tracks me down in 3rd semester and tries to ruin my social life
>manage to escape by studying abroad
Jesus fucking Christ, I shouldve just fucked her at first, she literally couldnt handle rejection.
>Dota/Dota 2
>enemy player announce she's a girl and to go easy on her
>Everyone goes beta because grill
>I obliterate her everytime I see her
>She complains
>even my allies complain why I am picking on her
>Tell her (much better in my language) to just wash clothes and just stay in the kitchen to cook
>everyone goes apeshit
>reports me
Just glad this is before harsher trash talking penalties
>that one autistic guy who feels the need to white knight her from the beta faggot
*nuzzles bulge*
maybe u can make an exception for me? ;)
>joining a guild
>she ends up sleeping with the white knight just BECAUSE someone said that
>five kids and a butt plug on the front counter in the family photo
Oh fuck I know this feeling.
>Hey join my guild that has three people in it. It'll be fun! We're gonna be like a band of rogues!
"Fuck off and rejoin the guild you left, we have the best raid picks of anyone else on the server"
>five kids and a butt plug
Pretty great band name.
>tfw every one of my bfs has been a furry
i've had this happen in many many guilds. the queen bee girls aren't bad, especially if they aren't dogshit.
i was the girl
AMA heee hee