What are some video games that actually outfit females with practical armor and outfits for what they're doing?

What are some video games that actually outfit females with practical armor and outfits for what they're doing?

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Cooking Mama

Also, what video games allow me to take off armor and outfits completely?


Honey Select

skyrim without mods
skyrim with mods

That could easily be a barbarian type class. High damage low defense.

>wanting your female characters covered as much as possible

Fuck off with your boring self.

>Practical in combat
They shouldn't be doing anything in the first place

What games don't do this? CRPGs from 25 years ago?


the more skin is covered the more there is left for imagination... muslims got that figured out

It's fine if they're uncovered variants but there should be some non-sexualized variants.

Hi Sup Forums.

you are a hero

For Honor

Mount & Blade

And if you're that much of a stickler for verisimilitude, this


Etrain Odyssey most of the time pulls it off, there's still some retarded shit like the Imperial armor but most armors are nice imo.

Dark Souls

It's quite more mind boggling how an impractical female armor offers same protection with the impractical xbox huge male armor if it the same type of armor.

>guy is fully covered, gets whacked in the tummy he gets damaged
>gal is scantly clad, gets whacked in the exposed tummy she gets same amount of damage

Just how the fuck it happens?

It makes my weenus peanus hard

Post girls in armor, sexy, practical or anything in between.


fuck you, muslims have nothing in their culture except kebab, shit and goats
they can't even fucking joke

>magic universe

You what, mate?

Almost every modern game that isn't an MMO or fighter.

who and why

Good fantasy universes still have rules and limitations in place.

Handwaving away logic with magic is just bad writing


Actually, half of astronomy and math is arabic in origin. The numbers you're using are called "arabic" for a reason, you know.

Arabic countries may have gone to shit now, but they used to be a great and prosperous civilization far ahead of Europe in the middle ages.

b-but my god modding, your ultimate magic spell was easily no-selled by my incredible magic fortitude and i just made you disappear by the snap of my fingers and made sexy and cute anime girls appear all around me all naked and wanting my dick, how can you say this is bad writing?!

Until Mongol happens.

>muh realism

I want a high fantasy game where you are a shopkeeper and you spend most of your time calculating how much taxes you need to give to the king.

too soon...

Arabic numerals are meme they originated in India.
>copy shit from Levantine and Indians you conquered

Play Reccetear


But they're gone.
Let it go.
Let the muslim kill themselves and go!




>dudes with longer hair

Nice fetish homo

oh, so it's just animation shit, nevermind



Speed/attack > defense so video game logic is correct. Throughout history soldiers shifted from heavily armored units to light, fast ones. It became more important to be highly mobile, not highly defended

Religious fanatism gained importance during the fifties in the middle east. In the 40s there were women in universities, and a lot more than in america.


Look at Greece and see their glory days as an empire have uplifted them in people's eyes.


I can't imagine many of the outfits in games are generally that practical, for men and for women.

>some of her hair is showing

fucking slut


its a game.

For me to care about such shit would imply I play female characters.
Me playing female characters would imply I enjoy riding a 20 inch dragon dildo while I play video games.
Me riding a 20 inch dragon dildo would imply I'm a colossal fairy faggot.

There's no such thing as practical female armor, because it's not practical to have women fighting, period.

The same people bitching about unrealistic armor are the same ones who think it's "strong and empowering" to have little women like Scarlet Johansson flipping around beating multiple 300 lb dudes up all the time.

What game allows me to actually dress as OPs pic?


Korean MMOs.


Dwarf Fortress. If you're not properly clothed and armored, you will incur crippling damage.

*slashes her tights*

Hmph... nothin personel lady

I always thought a cool semi-handwave is some sort of appearance-alteration field (if sci-fi) or ward (if fantasy) that's attached to one's consciousness, so as you take damage and lose focus for a moment, your real armor that you're wearing fades/static-s its way in to show itself resisting the blow and, if you're killed/KO'd, the field/ward disappears completely, leaving you ragdolled in your full get-up.

Would that be a good way to go about it?

The artist has guro fetish doesn't he?

Of course!

You can never tell. Some of them just have a chip on their shoulder about bikini armour and want to be shocking about it.


doesn't seems so

It's an accurate rendition of bikini armor vs plate armor though.

Just don't get hit.

Well no shit. Nobody who designs bikini armour gives a shit about accuracy.







>Not wanting a diverse wardrobe for various social and combat situations
Fuck off with your boring self.


It's a hoplite. Their main protection is their shield and formation, they're no lone warriors.
Even so, he's got all his vital organs protected. No cleavage to thrust into. And how does abs and pecs guide spears?


I hope you are baiting, that warrior is outfitted perfectly for classical era formation fighting in the temperate mediterranean.

Okey i lost.

faggits like you and the white knights in this thread is why for honor has woman its a joke

Is that Erza?

I unironically think some female armors of skyrim looks alright. There's even a mod to remove the boobs in the armor if you want more realism, but I don't have a problem with it.

Yeh, I'm baiting. It's an old image that someone posted on a bikini armor or boobplate thread on /tg/.

It's just pretty much just parodying the realism crowd who love/hate bikini armor. If it's fantasy and the setting's internal consistency isn't based on realism, why raise a huge shitfit about it?

That's the most gruesome picture he has, which is curious, the other user made a point of driving the point home with shock, but it's so out of the usual for his content, besides if he was into guro he would probably have a completely different identity for it, like a lot of artists do when it comes to their porn.
But whatever, it doesn't really matter.

If you wanted real realism you would remove women as playable characters from the game since it is historically unfounded in the first place.

That's why I said I don't have a problem with it, skyrim is not supposed to be so realistic to begin with.

Did you read the description to that artwork? It's peculiar.


I think he has an axe to grind, or a fetish he's suppressing.



TERA has both kinds

for honor

That and Jap games. Aside from that, absolutely fucking nobody. It's a retarded outdated game cliche.

Even then, though Japs may do it, who the fuck are we to complain about the way they design their shit? Completely different culture.

Who gives a shit about protection? A good warrior wouldn't be getting hit in the first place so why not look good doing it. Fuck, people who wear heavy armor end up dying as well with their garbage mobility

God damn, fpbp

>women in armor

ANY high fantasy setting.


A lot of the boob armor that does exist from back in the day emphasises the breasts. They were for show, not battle.