ITT Games only you've played


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posting the superior cover

GC > PC.


Wow, Horizon Zero Dawn looks amazing

not only have i played this game but i also own it

on GCN

Bought it hoping for a budget alternative to Ace Combat, it has some neat ideas but it ultimately falls to bullet sponge enemies and repetitive mission structure. Would not recommend over AH Legacy.

I played this when I was younger I never got far because of the part with the chicken

Is it good? I wanted to try this after playing Project X Zone.

I swear there was this and the Fellowship of the Ring game, no one believes me they existed and I thought I was losing my god damn mind
The FoR had a mechanic for Frodo that would kill you if you wore the ring around too much, none of the characters looked like the film adaption and were closer to the book

Thought it's Horizon lmao

I do, too. It's actually one of my all-time favourites on the Gamecube.
It's not special in any way but it does (almost) everything right. The only thing I don't like is the stealth section with the trolls in the second level but I get why they included it like that.

project x zone sucks in comparison
overworld graphics aged like milk tho

Cool. ProjectXzone made me want to kill myself but I did think the fighting mechanics were fun.

Did the sequel ever get translated? Finally bought a r4i Gold so I can play this and other rare DS games and games with fan translations


I played that FotR game too. Fuck that whole part from the forest to the barrows.

Its better compared your typical GBA-era JRPG with random encounters except with the change to fighting mechanics

I have no idea. I played just this game in the series ages ago on a r4i card as well. Probably? its most likely going to have fan translations regardless. I feel like going back now to pick up the entire series

The one thing I only really remember about the game was that the combat was really really good




True best version coming through


Lots of obscure 90s/early 00s PC shovelware games. Some of them don't even have GameFAQ articles, which sort of makes me sad, because they are becoming lost to time.

It was garbage are the only one who played it. I have absolutely no idea what this is. I swear, Mr. FBI

Based on the movie based on the book. Can't say I hated it.

I liked it.

I've also played it, fuck this game.

>original site is banned in your country

I recently bought a PS2 with 60 games off Craigslist (mostly Madden and wrastlin), but this game was in there. It seemed fun but there was a coin or something I couldn't jump to or get to right in the beginning and it pissed me off so bad I decided to try another game.

One day I might get back to it.

The Fellowship of the Ring game is a strange case because it was released at the same time as the film, but was based on the book and had no connection to the film. It makes the game rather interesting because it includes a lot of stuff the movie left out.

Unfortunately, the game itself is pretty terrible


The Worst shit I ever played

I played this game one time visiting my cousins back in 1988.

And I've had the first level song stuck in my head ever since.

You use the walking stick to long jump by holding L.


A dungeon delving game for sadomasochists long before dark souls was a thing.

I didn't think it was that obscure but I've also never seen it discussed on Sup Forums either.


>rented this game from the fucking library when I was a kid
>couldn't get it to run above 10fps
>still played it for hours

It was coo


this game fucking rocked my balls


I played this. Got to the last level then quit. Same as every other game in my adolescence.

Bad Day on the Midway
Minions of Mirth
40 Winks
Arthur Goes Camping

I've never seen anyone else ever mention this and I completely forgot it existed until I was looking through some old boxes a week ago


Dark souls got nothing on it


Just fuck that entire area, at least after that the only bad thing was Bombadil and the glade was pretty fun.

The end level I remember was an absolute cunt

Anyone? No? Ok.

It was kinda shit but I still liked it when I was a kid


Move over boys


Made my PS2 sound like a jet and heat up like a nuclear reactor but it was alright for shovelware.


>Splatter Master old nickname in college

Bernd and the mystery of Unteralterbach

Boku no German Loli Fucker


Man I'm getting old.


I actually played this when I was in my early teens, I spent a lot of time browsing Abandonia and checking out cool old games. Many games were awefully dated but it was totally worth it in the end otherwise I'd have never been introduced to gems like Blood or Waxworks.

Yeah this is the best cover. It was the same cover in the UK. I fucking loved this game.

why does he look like Ben from easyallies?

I fucking loved this one, i might replay it soon

Don't you mean Before the Echo, user?

is that a samurai cowboy?

I was gonna post this. Best game in the thread right there.


Is that Horizon Zero Dawn?

I played that on the Dreamcast. Not a fan of all the collectables.

is Sascha Trollbo traced off Willem Dafoe?

>tfw the Wii Motion Plus never took off for FPSs
Literally the best way to play them outside of kbm and even that's debatable

A samurai cowboy who is the last member of his clan and singlehandedly kills a whole enemy Yakuza-like group in a retro-but-not-retro wild west. And has sick-ass sword powers.

Are you kidding nigger


I post this every time.


I'd agree with you if it was more stable rather than needing calibration so often, also desu I don't see how KB+m is debatable as the best FPS control scheme. However I do agree it's miles ahead of double sticks when done right. This and Prime 3 were outstanding. Which is why I don't really get it when I see people complain about the wagglan.

>finish OG and OG2: The Inspectors
>buy the abomination

own it on ps1

Loved this game


>tfw this will never get a sequel
>tfw best shooter control scheme Motion Plus will never be seen again
It hurts...

The OG souls killler

just use tor as a quick VPN, it's how I get all my torrents in UK

Isn't that technically a Ghosts&Goblins game?

Speaking of Souls, have Fromdrones tried anything that isnt Souls like King's Quest or their one one-off games?

and return once you've killed jashiin


King's Field you mean. Ancient City is pretty good, the older ones are Wizardry tier bullshit.

Fucking forest maze.

Yeah this game was great.
Yeah was hard when you were young. spent many hours getting past the trolls and the wolves on the cliff.

what game is this you fucking spic

looks boring desu