You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now.

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No magical grill no buy

it looks like shit.

I'm playing medievil II instead

not available on GNU/Linux

SFV sucks, go play a better fighting game

Playing a fighting game against AI is retarded.
Playing a fighting game against other people is too variable, and I personally don't care if I win or lose against random anonymous shitheads online.

too busy poopyposting in fgg

I don't have a PSshit

1 For Honor
2 No Blanka
3 Don't want to spend 90% of my time practicing combo strings

Playing superior Ultra on PC

The servers are down. Kolin in an hour.

Because fighting games are for niggers and autists.

melee > sfv

usf4 is coo though

The servers are down for like another hour, dude.

servers are down and I need to suck a duck

literally not figuratively i am horny

It's shit, i don't have my copy anymore, even if i had it i probabpy wouldn't be playing it at the moment because it's shit, even if i somehow summoned enough will power to play it if i had the game i'd be stuck in training mode waiting for a match and would turn off my console after 3 matches because this game is so awful that it rots your brain and sucks the fun out of playing even other games

Long ass load time, optimal combos, and the crazy amount of hitstun on block really slowed down the game for me. I can handle a slow fighting game, but holy god if this is not the slowest 2-D fighting game out there right now. And that includes things outside the gameplay.

It's not as fun as Xrd.

Dont have it dont care.

Because I'm in bed right now

is Kolin cute

- shit netcode with lots of teleporting/impossible to hitconfirm
- f2p model for a game that i paid 60 bucks for
- cant look for opponents on my own, lobbies STILL broken
- artificial loading times
- tedious menues, cant simply change character right before match
- balancing lol
it just makes me both sad and sick, looking back at how they got most of it right with USF4. Hell, I'd prefer underwater-matches in case of lag over one-sided teleport-city any time.

ya kinda

well I'm sold on Season 2 then

Pretty pretty cute
i like the story outfit with the short hair

Well the servers are down so....What else can I possibly do with the game?

Will Birdie ever not be garbage

all fighting games are basically the same game.

Just like fifa.

All that changes is the skin and some new modes/graphics.

99% of Sup Forums absolutely sucks at fighting games

well yeah, they pretend PC is a relevant platform for them

it is for SFV at least

i can't press buttons good
i'll buy the game if i can get all the sexy grill outfits though

cause i dont wanna buy the fucking arcade stick

only because the PS4 keeps it alive

are the servers up yet

I don't own it.

Some of the best buttons in the game what are you getting on about?

i own it but dont feel like playing it, playing botw right now, and its also a shit game that im probably going to sell. sfv was my biggest disappointment of 2016 and i bought no mans sky

Kolin is pretty fun but i dont like that they made her flurry move QCF+Punch or button mash. shes also got really short range on almost all of her normals, and her ice ball attack doesnt land if you hit them with the initial punch - feels like they should link up, at least on the EX

gonna have fun with her fighting against friends but shes never gonna be one of my mains

casualized garbage

Necro isn't playable yet.

I'll probably play Kolin tomorrow though.

but i am


She has some cheeky setups at least, looking foward to what else people discover with her

At work faggot

those are cool, i didnt get much of a chance to practice her v-trigger.

i wonder if anyone major will take a liking to her? i cant really see her being a major threat at tournaments but you never know

Play Kolins game

Fightin gayms r dum

im in bed

>Have to spend 90 bucks just to get content that should have been on the game to begin with
>Even then the netcode isn't good

>Kolin's story is literally one fight
This is why this game is a failure, Capcom...

Gill and Urien are so fucking cool man

Even if Urien was the worst character in the game i'd main him

Agreed. If there's one thing at least to look forward to, is that all this is going to culminate with him as the final DLC release.

>Won't get any information on future characters until 2 weeks before their release.
>Season 1 would have been the same if it hadn't been leaked.
>Now Snk is doing it.
I never want to see a another silhouette teaser for a character ever again.

He better be a broken boss character. Gill should never be balanced.

No buttslap, cammy lesbian, I'm not gay.

No more fight money for Kolin, so no motivation. Maybe when I save up enough in a month.

It's just such a shitty system. Who'd pay 30 bucks for characters you'd don't even know an entire year in advance?

it's shit.

She's insanely dangerous with meter, holy shit

THat's cool

no honda no buy

Love her back walk. To lazy to gif it right now.

I want to but I'm shit. Bought a fight stick a while back and never learned.

if you actually cared, youd know that satsuki and abigail (from final fights) are 2 of the other characters, and the other 2 are brand new

medieval skeleton or medieval ii total war? either way you're a cool guy

Urien is unironically the best character in the series

>if you actually cared, you'd know that satsuki
I do care enough that I want official information, even just a name like season 1. Instead of having to guess for months. Maybe those two are getting in, but I'd like to know for sure.

SFV sucks.

He's up there.

It's by far the worst fighting game this gen.

I was playing it, dunno if I'm all that keen on Kolin

I'm playing For Honor instead right now

It's like KI but shittier and not free.

I'm bad

Like mega trash

Still no GOTY edition with all the DLC for $20.

MKX, Skullgirls, Killer Instinct and Injustice are actually bad

SFV's got flaws but they're greatly exaggerated. You people are so fucking deluded by memes that characters besides the big 5 aren't regarded as viable but rather "Secret Top tiers (Ibuki, Karin, Rashid, Ken)"

I don't like fighting games.

but user, im playing sfv

>capcom fucks up matchmaking

Injustice 2 and Tekken are coming out and they'll be better in every way

because SF has sucked since it became 3D and not sprite based. Simple as that

Bought Kolin, tried her out, back to KoF. See you in two more months.

>fucking neversoft of all devs figures out netcode
>capcom can't
Can't make this shit up

I don't own it.

>implying Ultra isn't the best game in the series
3suckers can fuck off

If only the transitioning screens would have such a tight time constraint.

Because I like fighting games with arcade modes in them.

wait, its out? i didnt think they finished the game yet

>no updated trial mode

IT's fucking not lol

Ultra was fun, but it sucked. Capcom never fixed their shitty system that needed plinks to work, the graphics were completely shitty and the game felt really sluggish

Because the last fighting game I've ever enjoyed was DoA2

What's happening today? I've played 2 frogs and they were clearly sandbagging and playing like retards, one of them straight up sent me a butthurt message.
Also, the level of Super Plats is absolutely horrid.

Can we just agree that the game was at its best with AE v. 2012?

This and people who complain about balance in SFV seem to have forgotten the musical chairs the characters played with the top tiers throughout SFIV's lifetime

SFV in Season 2 has about ten tourney-viable characters, up there with the last update of Ultra

Idk, All versions are fucking broken but at least Ultra has all characters.

I honestly just really wish third strike would be balanced, playing against any chun-li, makoto or yun is a fucking pain.

1. No swords
2. No skeletons

Why would ANYONE play this game?

I'm terrible at fighting games. How do I stop sucking at them?

By either playing a lot and getting better through it or simply dropping the genre all together.

It would be better if you did the later than the former.

Never played a SF game before, picked up SF2 and I'm having enough fun with that.

This is the best thing you can say about SFIV: It had a shit ton of characters

It did have clones though, something you can't really knock SFV for. Ken, Ryu and Akuma all play radically differently for the first time in SFV

>E. Ryu Vs. Yun Fighter IV

Ultra really was the "best," as shitty as that is in this context

No Guy, no buy