Anybody know what happened to Bootsy from AVGN/Cinemassacre...

Anybody know what happened to Bootsy from AVGN/Cinemassacre? I heard there was a falling out but I can't find any details about it online. I know sometimes you faggots have details that nobody else has.

Mike Matei posted on the official subreddit that Bootsy won't be appearing on any further videos like two weeks ago. He also instructed the admins to remove any further posts on the subject. Bootsy has been quiet about it on his own Twitter account ( too, but he said he's still making videos on his own channel.

Anybody know?

Other urls found in this thread:

The admin of the subreddit posted that Mike asked for posts on the subject to be deleted in a thread that I've linked below.

He probably fucked Mike's fish to death.
That or Mike fucked Bootsy's mom.

arguement over money. only thing i can think of

He punched Suzy.

Maybe fucked James' wife or Mike's girlfriend?

Sup Forums only knows about dicks and cuckolding, their two favourite words. Seriously though, that's all Sup Forums talks about, Mike's dick and stff.

Bootsy, being a poor musician, rightfully asked for money (appearance fee) on the videos he was in. Afterall Cinemassacre has gotten really popular. Mike & James didn't want to pay him. There was never a contract or anything so Bootsy really doesn't have any power.

Thats it really.

>James is married with a kid and doesn't give a fuck anymore
>Mike is a fag
>Ryan is even more of a fag
>Bootsy is gone

RIP Cinemassacre.

Why doesn't he creates his own channel an shills it here and in reddit?

He is pretty good playing games , he should do it.

Ah, is that correct? They didn't want to split the money with him so he went his own way? That's interesting to know, I figured it was something to do with that.

James is kind of a faggot if he doesn't pay out his friend at least a few bucks for helping him with his channel.

Who the fuck is Ryan and why is he showing up in videos now, I don't like him. They just started to mash him into things.

He should just go do his own videos. Ones that aren't associated with cinemassacre. It's. It like he doesn't have any fans. But then again they'd probably turn around and sue him for plagiarism or something.

His dick was last so it was the dinner, remember?

Ryan owns the network that has cinemassacre. Thats the only reason ryan is in any cinnemassacre vids

My bet would be on spotlight, bootsy was easily the better player and mike tries so hard its sad

I guess there was really a falling out because he's doing a new Bootsy Beats but uploading only to his channel and not Cinemassace.

Bootsy has his own channel?


Most of what's uploaded is older normie stuff and some of his music, since all of his gaming content was put on Cinemassacre. But I think he's going to be using it for his own gaming stuff now.

>that autistic ball of lard is probably richer than you, has a wife and kid(s)

holy shit, reality is indeed hell

Bootsy is gone but mike is still is hell for james

Fuck Mike. Bootsy is based.

What the fuck, he has a wife and kids? Who would marry that italian looking sleezeball.

Money, m'friend.

He admitted to Mike that he did not like building brown bricks in Minecrap.

Any source on this?


Don't forget Mike's a jealous asshole. All he does now is beat "hard" games which was Bootsy's shtick.

probably has something to do with James & Mike hanging around alt-right dipshits like Pat the NES Punk, JonTron and AlphaOmegaSin more and more. James doesn't even bother to do real videos anymore, he half-asses his reviews.

>making a face at a game's label is not a "review"

>Every James video since before December has been absolute garbage
>Mike is only good with Bootsy because they have good chemistry
>Mike and James chemistry is forced as fuck
>Bootsy Beats was fucking great

I'll sub him. He's chill as fuck and genuinely skilled.

ahhah no. Mike and ryan has great chemistry.

What's worse:

1. Toxic Crusaders
2. Astrobastards
3. Mike and Inspector Gadget


He's moderate.

to be honest, I dont mind it if he achieved it himself. but he's so babbyfaced (and not in a good way), and so autistic that I could really see it being a case of inheritance.

if he achieved it all by himself then colour me impressed , should bow to the man

Do you really need to ask?

Does he have a separate channel for himself?

Ryan sucks the life out of any situation he's in. He's like that one friend who doesn't say anything for a while as everyone else chats, but then opens their mouth and the conversation flow immediately dies and there's an awkward pause.

All this Ryan hate. The ironic thing is the worst part of Cinemassacre has become James himself. Dude has no motivation anymore.

his movie stuff is still fun

Fuck off Ryan
You're the literally who of Cinemassacre

power rangers was good

Do we know if he does anything else for his income? Or is he just filthy rich now? You'd think he'd put some more effort into consistent video output if he was really relying on the videos as a job.

That said the Berenstain Bears episode was some fucking gold

Pat? Sauce?

Literally who?

fuck you

He doesn't make big bucks, and he worked like a dog to get where he is. He couldn't afford to pay for his daughter's arm paralysis treatment even, he had to rely on a charity hospital.

They should pay him when he's contributing good stuff like the Dream Phone song

I guess Board James is dead now

I agree, James now lives the life of the normalfag he always wanted to be. Fucking his wife and wasting his time with his child.



Why does he call it MINEYCRAFTA?

Oh, I didn't hear about this. I'm not too familiar with AVGN outside of what he tweets and puts in his main videos.

I hope his daughter's okay.

ow careful with that edge

Dream Phone is such a banger. Its catchy and it seems like it truly was a song in the commercial for the game. Minus the part about sharing a bed. Best bop.

For those unaware:

He never made a big deal about it, but he brings it up in his charity auction video because that's the charity he was donating to. It's hard to watch, you can see how upset he is even though he holds it together. He alludes to his wife not doing too good after the birth either, it was apparently a real fucking mess.

What if you just didn't care about e-celeb drama and played video games instead?

Bootsy is great, look forward to his solo channel. Cinemassacre's loss, for sure.

He sucks his own dick.

Yeah he nailed that shitty bubblegum pop 90s commercial style perfectly, that song is a real ear worm

I blame Mike. I don't see James having conflict with anyone.

Direct e-celeb drama here please:

Preferably reddit because underage are the only people who care about this shit.

Mods aren't active right now or else they'd ban that one suspiciously pedo honey pot thread on Sup Forums for fucks sake


Post Pat alt-right sauce please I need this

Ryan is the money man, he's likely the problem. Remember that Mike James and Bootsy were tight since college.

Maybe Ryan's in charge of the finances? I could see a greasy Italian like him refusing to give a cut to Bootsy.

>mfw they bring in that fat redneck Ryan as a replacement

Pat isn't alt right, he's just more conservative. Dude clearly had some business acumen.

Speaking of Pat, did Ian die or something? I stopped listening to thier podcast because Pat spouting absolute horseshit about things he was ill informed on every episode was wearing thin. Guy's great on stuff he knows, but when he's out of his depth he just chats nonsense .

He was nothing but bad luck.

Imagine how awkward that would be for Bootsy when all he asked his friends for was compensation for putting time into the channel and they tell him to fuck off

James and Mike are real pieces of shit, treating a supposed friend that way. Fucking kikes.

Someone explain in lame man's terms what happened between Bootsy and Cinemassacre.

i heard it was because bootsy was too political, where they try not to piss off anybody

Astrobastards gave us this.


Under rated post


James and Mike being faggots and treating a friend like dogshit

He wouldn't stfu about Trump

>genuinely skilled
I don't think you understand what that means. He is stubborn, artificially skilled. Genuine skill is winning without practice

Is Ryan's wife hot?

>artificial skill

When did he talk about Trump? Was it on Twitter or a video?

Put the pieces together. Mike streams a Punch Out walkthrough today. Bootsy claims he's been working on that himself afterwards. Mike fired Bootsy out of jealousy and he's stealing his ideas now that he's out of the picture. Sounds stupid, but knowing Mike's personality... I believe it.

>literally never seen that on here
>you bring it up

ok fag

Neither. It's a meme that Mike's been trying to push on here cause he knows he fucked up and now he's trying to get us to turn on Bootsy