Find me a better PS4 game (that is not Horizon, Nioh, BB or Yakuza)

I'll wait



>find me a ps 4 game that isent one of the 5 ps 4 games

That's a very nice movie, can you post a game?

but thats a ps3 game.

Disgaea 5
Cyber Sleuth
Odin Sphere
DQ Builders
World of FF

Gravity Rush sucks.


>see thumbnail
>think its a fallout 3/NV thread

kek me too


GR2. GR1 is completely irrelevant now, seeing as GR2 brought in Hekseville AND the new shit.

>Gravity Rush sucks.

On the PS4 it is garbage because of the controls. Haven't played 2 yet because it hasnt came down in price yet.

Ps4 controls are much improved from the original

But this game is better than horizon.
By a long shot.

Defending your claim with a fucking outdated meme only proves to me that A. You're childish beyond belief and have no way of expressing yourself beyond candid reaction images. B. Not that passionate nor bothered about me calling you out, and putting up a front just to cause a scene. C. Unable to understand how a simple debate/discussion goes without lashing out agressively and defensively. D. Unable to grasp the concept of constructive reasoning. E. A man of incredibly poor taste. F. Lost in delusions that a thumbnail of a cartoon frog is somehow supposed to intimidate me. G. Asuming that anyone on this planet would intimidated by someone on the other side of a computer screen. H. Severely lacking in vitamin D and sunlight. I. Capitalizing a secondary title, where it doesn't require it. J. Greentexting a response but offering no rebutal or form of debate. K. Expecting me to actually respond to you as if you weren't an ironic troll expecting a giant paragraph response like the one yours truly just typed for you. Happy mister?

>swipe to evade


>Complains about sony

You're not even worthy of those used goods

>On the PS4 it is garbage because of the controls
>PS4 controls are literally improved in every way

the scum of society like yourself need to spend some time with me.

It'S on ps4 so it counts

>ports count

Not how it works guy. Games belong on the system they're initially made for and nothing else.

How poor are you ?

>Not using gamefly for $16 a month and just renting it

Your loss bro. Jan/feb was an awesome month for renting

>likes their products
>means you swing on the nuts of every game

Seems you are not worth talking to.

They are not improved. Swiping to evade is terrible and the camera is garbage.

Have enough money to have 2 PS4s and a modest collection of PS4 games. The first was garbage, why would I pay full price for the second?

>Swiping to evade is terrible and the camera is garbage.

It's a pretty easy game, don't have to evade half of the time because the game drops health candy in every fight. Camera is ass sometimes but it's not a problem most of the time. Pretty sure you can fix the view by hitting R3

Between these 2 and Nioh I've been playing a ton on my off time from work.


It doesn't matter if you don't have to or not half the time, it is a terrible way to perform the function. As far as camera goes R3 doesn't excuse it, just as resetting the camera in Type-0 is no excuse for that game.

Go to bed Greg

Now that you mention it im pretty sure you just have to hit R2 to dodge

You do

>R2 to dodge

TLOU would be a mediocre game on PC, on a console with terrible controls it's just bad.

I literally don't understand. The game parts are really simple and limited stealth at their most interesting, and environmental """""puzzles""""" at their worst. The movie part is somewhat decent for a western AAA game but as a movie it'd be an."I could've watched something better instead" tier regret. There is just nothing in this game that stands out as worthwhile to me, and I tend to like story focused games.

I'm just a nigger

I'd have to agree

It's not a game with replay value
It's worth only one playthrough.

It's just the way it is.

This, same goes for the Uncharted games. Be more assertive, your opinion is objectively correct.

It's praised by retards who think the pinnacles of videogame storytelling are Uncharted, Halo, and maybe Half-Life 2


Movies are rewatchable all the time, Last of us is exactly like that, a movie you'd rewatch jsut because.

guess that disqualifies 100% of the Switch library

Or I could rewatch Children of Men instead, which was a better movie.

>No voice acting
I bet he didn't enjoy Shadow of the Colossus for the same reason.

>swipe to evade

I said evade, not slide.

Deus Ex is a bad game.

Shut the fuck up already

And forgot my pic

Good movies are rewatchable. TLoU is a throwaway flick like The Core.


So then disqualify Gravity Rush, nigger.

>wahhhh stop talking shit on my bum waifu's game

Fixed thread.

>Retard with a fucking trip
>People still arguing with the fucker instead of filtering him
Oh, Sup Forums

NOONE plays this on pc eitherway

I never said GR was?

>I'm too retarded to try different buttons
You can do it

Not trying to destroy this thread but Vita > Switch
The best part is: doesn't cost 399 + tax

I was about to say that they both have no gaems but I can't argue with trips

Switch has no gam-

Horizon's worse

no games? nigga you best be trolling

the vita library consists of thousand of games including PS1, PSP titles that are only enhanced by texture smoothing, faster loading times and the ability to use dual analog sticks for some PSP games that made you use the dpad/buttons for the camera movement.

The vita is far superior than the 3DS and is in my opinion (as of the Switch launch) the better option to go with at the moment

>Find me a better game that isn't these games that are obviously better than it

I fucking hate these threads


The Last of Us Remastered if you haven't played it yet or Infamous Second Son (and First Light if you want to see some HD ass)

also get a PS4 Pro if you want the best of the best

pic related

horizon is shit

Odin Sphere
Ratchet & Clank
The Last Guardian
Rez Infinite

Gee that was easy

>Shovel Knight DLCs
>Stardew Valley
>Binding of Isaac
>Any of these first on switch
Waiter, this bait is too weak.

mgsv tpp

Neither of these is better than gravity rush though. Didn't play much of the last of us as
>movie game
But own SS and the dlc and they get stale fast

Haven't played any of the infamous games but judging by your suggestion of hot garbage I'm going to assume it's a stinker as well

The second one was good first was okay and rest are meh

Sup Forumscore

You can call it whatever you want it doesn't make Naughty Dog a game developer again.

>gravity slide and evade are the same
